Day 2

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Amelia and Gordon were together, trying to escape the blistering heat of midday. They had been picking berries in the shade when Gordon heard a rustle in the bushes.

     "I'll be a moment." He hissed to the girl, attempting to move silently through the trees. Leaving the girl behind, he wove between the tree trunks. The rustling was growing nearer, and Gordon tensed, ready to flee. Rounding a bush, he peeked out to see what it was...
        A squirrel. He had just snuck through the woods for a scrawny scrap of meat that wouldn't be enough food even if they had a weapon. Oh well.

       Then he heard a yelp.

       Gordon didn't bother with silence as he dashed back to his partner. Amelia looked... unharmed? No. A small drop of blood was on her finger.

      "Thorn?" He asked, moving towards her.
       "Yeah." She muttered, as if ashamed to have made a fuss.

        "Let me look at it." Gordon insisted, checking her finger. It looked fine, but then he noticed a black spot in the small puncture wound. He looked at the bushes that she had been picking from, and bit back a cry. Sorom Better known as Sleeping Beauty flower. A plant with poison on its thorns. "Are you... feeling ok?" He asked, his voice cracking.

       "Yeah, just a bit tired." She admitted. "Mind if I take a break?" She didn't wait for his agreement, but went and sat on a nearby rock. She was looking pale already, Gordon realized.

She slowly began to tip backwards, but managed to right herself. The boy rushed to her side as she fell back again, her eyes rolled back in her head.

       "Amelia? Amelia!" Gordon shrieked, forgetting about being quiet. The small tribute shook her shoulders, but she was motionless. He frantically checked her pulse. It was slow, but she was still alive.

       The pale boy tried to pick her up, but Amelia was much taller than him, and he could only stagger a few paces with her limp body. Falling to his knees, Gordon tried to arrange her in the most comfortable position he could.
       Grabbing a few nearby sticks and leaves, he slowly built a shelter around Amelia, trying to keep her warm. A drizzle began to fall, but he stayed next to her in the rain as the afternoon wore on.
      Dara had to admit, her plan had was not working.

She had hoped to stay near the center and get food nearby, but there was a slight complication that made her worry about her chances of survival.

Her monthly cycle had come, and she was in the woods without supplies. That in itself was a problem, but blood could be easily tracked. Being so close to the Career pack had its downsides, and her paranoia was a part of it. She had originally tried to use a large leaf, but burying it and finding a new one every half hour was taking up all her time.

Well then.

The field with the cornucopia was nearby, and she slowly began to make her way over. The sun was gleaming off the golden horn, and she was blinded for a moment. Squinting, she looked at the heaps of food and supplies.
That was when she saw it.

There was a small pack of tissues that had rolled away from the pile a bit. It wasn't much, but it would be lifesaving if she could get her hands on it.

Dara checked the clearing, but didn't see movement anywhere. Here goes nothing! She thought, sneaking furtively into the sunlight.
Grabbing the pack, she was about to sprint back into the woods when she heard a voice.

"Hurry! They're coming."

She whipped around to see the boy from Four. What had his name been? Niles, That was it.
"Keep going!" He hissed.
She wanted nothing more than to follow his advice, but before she could run, the Careers arrived.

It took a split second for Silk to throw his knife. It hit her with surprising accuracy, burying the blade low on her throat.

Her gasps lasted for another minute, but it was too late for the girl. She fell to her knees, the pack of tissues hanging limply in her hand.

The cannon finally sounded.
Cinnamon turned to Niles. "What. Was. That."
Her tone was as deadly as her angry stare. "You attempted to save her. You actually tried to get her to run." She seemed almost shocked. "I told Manny we couldn't trust you."

Vire winced at her tone. Please don't kill him. Please, please don't hurt him. She watched as the girl approached Niles, her steps slow and deliberate. She stepped with feline grace towards the still boy, her eyes blazing. She was close enough that her breath moved a lock of his messy hair away from his face.

That was when Niles made his move.

In the blink of an eye, Niles slipped under the girl's outstretched arm. Cinnamon tried to reach him, but he was already out of reach. He raced away while Silk fumbled for another knife.

This time, Silks arm was not as accurate. Niles made it to tree cover, where he immediately clambered into a nearby tree. Vire flinched as Silk, Cinnamon and Asriel races after him. Her feet felt frozen.

This is my fault.

Luckily, the Careers had left their bow with Quinn, who was out hunting. They surrounded the tree, but none of them were light enough to follow the small boy into the tree.

He was safe.

For now.

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