Day 4

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I'm back! I know it's been forever, but I'll be trying to update more in the next few weeks. Please comment as you read, I love to know your reactions!

The wave had not reached the corner of the forest. A small shelter made of twigs and sticks was still standing, Amelia inside. She had woken up once in the night, and Gordon had immediately raced to her side. She was delirious, and barely swallowed the water he held to her lips.

Gordon had moved from his spot only twice since Amelia had fallen ill, and his already slim body had become frail with hunger. He didn't dare leave her for more than a few moments, just enough time to race to the steam and drink. The few berries they had collected were gone, and he didn't know what to do.

As the amount of tributes in the arena went down, sponsee supplies were becoming more expensive. Gordon hadn't been expecting any help, but he had hoped Amelia's sponsors would be generous. The odds truly were not in their favor today.

That's when the trumpet sounded.


"Tributes. You have competed valiantly for the first three days, but you each need something now. Something that will keep you alive, or give you an edge."

A feast. Jared needed that like a hole in his head. He was pretty proud of how well he had done on the mountain. With his small knife, he had managed to kill a goat-like mutt, and there were only a few ways up and down the mountain.

"As soon as the dead tributes are announced tonight, the feast will begin."

Another trumpet sounded. What do I need? Jared wondered. He didn't want much, but whatever he didn't get, another tribute would have a chance at.


Vire knee what she needed, but it wouldn't be in the backpack. She needed a break, she needed the ocean, she needed Manny to die in some awful way, and she needed to get home.

Preferably in that order.

But for now, Vire focused on surviving. Manny was out for her guts, and the other Careers would pick the side they thought would win. She highly doubted it would be her.

"We need a plan."

Silk had risen to his feet, Quinn at his heels. "If we all go in at once, we might hurt each other, but if only one goes in we might not get all the packs."

Manny rose, and Vire winced at the edge in his voice. "Let's send Vire in. She's small, and she can prove to us that she's loyal by bring back all the backpacks." The other careers didn't seem sure, but nobody spoke up.

Manny had them wrapped around his finger, Vire realized. Cinnamon was clearly into him, Quinn would follow anyone she thought she could kill the most with, and Silk was smart enough to bow to the top dog. They would kill her now if she backed out.

Then again, it seemed like they would kill her regardless. Maybe it would be better to die in the feast than in her sleep. The Capitol truly didn't understand what it felt like to be in the arena, a game of chess you couldn't win.

Or maybe she could.

Niles was gone, Manny planned to kill her the first chance he got, and her chances of going home were somewhere between zero and nothing. The Capitol only cared that her death was bloody and violent.

Slowly picking up a knife, Vire edged closer to Manny. Her heart was racing so fast she swore the other tributes could see it, but only Cinnamon seemed to notice her. Vire froze, but the older career girl just gave her the smallest of nods.

This was all the urging Vire needed.

In one motion, she slammed the knife up to its hilt in Manny's throat. Without waiting for a response, she turned the knife on herself, feeling a burn in her chest as it pieced her heart.

As she fell, she heard the ocean.

Two cannon shots boomed into the day.

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