Chapter 18

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Later that evening, the three of us were climbing into Kelly's car. It was around 6 o'clock and it was cooling off a bit so the weather was beautiful.

"So where are we going again?" I ask as I buckle into the passenger seat.

Cody climbs in behind me. "I told you it's a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see."

"Ugh, ok," I sigh. The car is silent as we back out of the campsite. We drive out of the camp and up the road about a quarter of a mile.

We pull up and park next to a big red barn. "What are we doing here?" I was honestly so confused.

Kelly is practically leaping out of her seat."do you remember when we were kids? That time when our parents took us horseback riding?"

"Oh my gosh! That's what we're doing?" That is pretty exciting. Kelly nods her head. I jump out of the car and run over to hug her. Cody joins us and takes my hand. We big in to walk up the slight hill to the stables.

"Wait. Why didn't jake come with us?" I ask. Why wouldn't he come? If this is supposed to be romantic, then he should be here too.

Kelly looks to the side. "Well, I asked him to come but he's kind of afraid of horses. Just mentioning it was enough to make him cry." She gasps and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh god! Don't tell him I said that!"

Cody breaks into laughter. "No way! Is he still freaked out about maverick?" Kelly and I give him questioning looks and he calms down. "For my 6th birthday party, I had a small horse named maverick. Jake jumped on and squeezed his heels like a cowboy and it took off in a gallop. About 200 yards later, It bucked him off. He was petrified. It was hilarious!"

I laugh a little and Kelly stares at him mortified. "My poor baby!"

Just then, we reached the stables and were greeted by one of the workers. He was tall, slightly thick, had brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles galore.

"Howdy y'all! My name is woody. I'll be leading you on the trail today. It should be good. The weather is beautiful. If we get a move on, well be at the top of the hill to watch the sunset, which is absolutely gorgeous if I do say so myself." Woody? My gosh, he really is like a cowboy. He even dresses like it. Cowboy hat and chaps. I try not to stare too long, but he's just super interesting.

He smiles at is and sets us each up with a horse. He puts Kelly on a brownish-red horse Named cinnamon. Cody hops on a black horse named shadow. I'm given a white horse with grey specks named sugar.

Once we're all situated, we take off. Woody hops on a brown horse named bullseye ( I'm not even making it up. I think he was actually proud of it. Either way, it suited him)

He leads is down the trail. Kelly behind him, me in the middle and Cody taking up the rear.

On the horses, we trek up through the woods up and down the sides of hills. I can tell woody is creating small chat with Kelly because I can her flirty laugh. I turn to Cody when there's enough distance between us. "Good thing jake's not here. He'd be so jealous, he'd get bullseye to buck him off and down the hill."

Cody laughs and nods his head. "Yea really. The poor guy doesn't even know she has a boyfriend. He'd never seeing it coming."

We head up all the way to the top of the hill. The fireflies are starting to come out and I smile at the memory from the other night. We stop at the top of the hill and wait for the sunset.

Woody was right. It was absolutely gorgeous. watching the sunset behind all the hills and trees.

"It's beautiful," I whisper to Cody.

He smiles back at me. "Not as beautiful as you." With that he leans in and kisses me. I think my cheeks turned pinker than the sky.

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