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"You end up shouting loud as fuck just because the cat put his paws on you?" The girl stare at Seoyeon that is completely in 'trauma'. Sometimes she even wonder if Seoyeon knows what is the meaning of trauma.

"I-It's scary you know! You leave me alone! T-That matters to me!" Seoyeon a little bit shouting as her friend just stare at her with I-don't-give-a-fuck face.

"Meh. You know that you should spread some love for cats all over the world cause they're felines that spread cuteness---"

"You talk like you're giving a speech. Damn it. You never describe me like that." Seoyeon start to pout as she turn against the girl.

"H-Hey don't sulk. You know I'm not good when it comes to sulking." The girl start to worry as she's not good when Seoyeon sulks.

"Promise me that you'll never take me to cat cafe again! You know that I am phobia of cats!"

"Whatever...By the way , I , Eunmi promised to never took you , Im Seoyeon to any cat cafe again." Eunmi , a.k.a the girl promised as Seoyeon turns around and hug her.

"Don't hug me , idiot. It's embarassing as fuck." Eunmi said so , but she doesn't refuse the hug. She stay still and waits till Seoyeon let her go.

"I know you love hugs. I KNOW IT HAHAG" Seoyeon laughs like crazy as Eunmi blushes and ran away , entering the cat cafe to pay the price.


Im Seoyeon's POV

I just stare Eunmi walk in the cafe while blushing. I laughed a little bit before I flash my memories with her.

Yes , I recover little by little from social anxiety disorder and schizoid personality disorder. Just a little time and I'll be okay.

After the murder of the doctor , I'm fully depressed because I thought it was my fault that he died on spot. I blame myself , try to commit suicide until one day I decided to jump from the top of the hospital building (I stay at the mental department of hospital because I'm too depressed that it could damage my life).

Then she shouted from a far , on a wheelchair. She stops me. That's her , Eunmi. She nags me a lot , like she's my mother or anything similar.

She is a tsundere. She seems cold and tough but actually soft hearted and caring. Her appearance that seems a lot like the doctor make me love her more.

See? She even has a deep , similar voice like the doctor.

Then we end up spending most of the time together. Even after we got discharged , we still contacted and hang out together. I'm happy that I met her. I'm comfortable to share all secret with her.

Except one.


"Seoyeon-ah..." the voice make me shook. I turn around and I saw the doctor smiling at me.

I ran to him and he give me a piece of paper. I read it and...

"I know you want to know my name and phone number." He smiled as I tear up and hug him. I don't know , he make my feelings all mixed up. He make me shed my tears.

"T-Thanks..For taking care of me..For staying with me in the ward....For trying to cure me...For saving my life...Thanks..." I cried as I whispered it to him. He just smiles. He wipes my tears.

And then he closes his eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook..." I pronounce his name as I ran in the building.


Till today , I message his number , although I know he will not reply. Even Eunmi don't know about this. I don't want to be labeled as 'crazy'. Not by my own best friend.

I open my phone and clicked on my message to his number.

Jeon Jungkook 💜


Today , I went to the cat cafe with Eunmi.

I hate cats. How about you?

The single greytick always hurt my heart. Realizing that I'm in love with someone's dead. Realizing that I'm texting someone's gone. Realizing that...

I'm still hurt.

"Seoyeon-ah , are you crying?" Eunmi's question made me wipe my eyes , automatically hide my phone and then she suddenly laugh as loud as she can.

"Hey! I'm just joking! Let's go , we want to go to the KPOP shop right?" Eunmi hold my hand as we ran.

Nailed it. I'm happy as long as I'm with her.

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