Helpful Tips!/Place To Draw Online!

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Here are some Helpful tips to keep in mind when drawing!

Body Proportions:

LINES & SHAPES This part of the drawing depends on most (unless your a god somehow and draw like a boss)the skeleton... I draw skeletons then choose shapes according to the body part. I choose rectangles for the chest/arms/legs. Circles for joints/appendages. And various shapes such as triangles/trapezoids/rhombuses and others for other pieces. From there I shave off or draw my line to make the body shape and to make a proportion.

Facial Proportions: To Be Added


It's Best to keep in mind when drawing that the colors you choose will say a lot about your art!

Here's an example panel I found-

When I draw I tend to keep in mind these colors. If you noticed in my art book, I've been doing Blues and Greens lately! You can clearly tell my mood since I follow this chart a lot XD DX...

But that said coloring the figure can be easy or hard, the figures colors define the mood! (Also the face and body but that's besides the point!) So look up a color you think would go good with each other. The color wheel is your friend!~

Here's a way to choose complementary colors~...

Color Schemes: When Choosing a Color Scheme, think back to Coloring, did you pick out your colors? I tend to think of Monochromatic selections as it really makes the picture pop... Example would be plain old' Black, White and Greys. Choosing a color scheme will help you portray your art how you want it.


Coloring Techniques:TO BE ADDED


Skeletons can very depending on what type of line of action you use! An example of which is this-

Skeletons give the character a shape and also posture. Without it we'd all be piles of jelly on the ground unless we were like sharks and mainly made out of cartilage.

Anyway! People don't need to draw a Literal skeleton in art, more or less line work an circles and shapes, along with the line of action! That's what help gives the character it's movement!

Digital V.S. Hand:TO BE ADDED

Female V.S. Male:TO BE ADDED


Bases V.S. Originals:

A lot of people don't like admitting they use bases, I'm just here like,

"I use bases... They help me improve, creds to the original artists!"

Bases really help people learn how to draw. Admit it, at least once in your life you've used a base. So bases are a stepping stone for artists. No worry's, but that said we would prefer original art here so do your best ok?

Now onto originals. Yes you know what I'm talking about. The original artwork you're crying at... Yah oh yes that kind XD. All I can say is use references not bases. References are ok but bases only help so much.


I freaking HATE drawing the human body... Still have not even tried XD My art work is like amazing somehow but I plan on making a art dump book and let me tell you now... GOD HAVE MERCY ON MY OLD ART.

Anyway drawing the humans anatomy helps you learn proportions and learn details that define the average human being. Example drawing a piece of Guro Art may seem simple enough, but what If you want to draw the organs being spilled out everywhere?

(Sorry but seriously) where is the heart located? The liver? Kidneys? How about the stomach or small and large intestines? You feel me? Or wait what's this? Oh a magical organ diagram to help! XD.

But for reals here's a good example to help!


Clothing... An artist greatest ally, and greatest weakness. Drawing clothing may seem simple enough, but let's be honest most people have to look at bases in order to draw anything remotely similar to a piece of clothing.

(My cloths look like trash so...XD)

Folds in the clothing and shading for it is where the art takes to life or dies DX XD ok maybe not dies but makes you question lol XD. So here are some helpful pictures to guide you on your quest XD.


Small details such as that small bag with a cute charm, or a piece of food, or even the expression the character has can make all the difference in the art. It pulls in the viewer and make a them go, wow look at that! It makes the picture cuter/scarier/shocking ect.

When you look at the art it could be background free so every detail counts on your character! Be sure to try and wow whoever your drawing for!


Draw flowers to make the art feel more beautiful ~

Draw Blood to make it seem creepy!

Types of Style:

Everyone has their own type of style, even you. So don't get down when you see your art turn out no quite how you expected. Get pumped! Say to yourself,

"Wow this is not at all what I wanted, but I can get better!" 눈_눈

Ok more like your going to say to yourself,

"This looks like utter trash, I'm a piece of garbage..." But don't give up hope! I love art even if it's trashy because it has that weird trashy cute appeal XD.

Anyway back to the topic at hand Art styles very, I draw about 30 different types of styles myself but I do have one defiant signature when it comes to my art. It's my faces. "Normally" Now note I said normally- My chins have a heavier looking line work.

Have you ever stopped to look at your art and notice what your defining trait is? Maybe you should take a break and find out!

Ex. (MY ART) As you can clearly see I'm no master But I'm working hard!

Animal V.S. Humans:TO BE ADDED

Hands and Feet:TO BE ADDED


There are Thousands of ways to draw eyes, and since eyes are the gate way to the soul they tend to hold a lot of emotions! From now one try finding a eye style that fits tour characters personality or age! Let's say you have a younger character. Make that character have large eyes that make them feel innocent (unless your going for a different feel) and make the adults have more narrow/slender eyes so that they give off a more grown and aged look. Also glasses or no glasses can affect the characters personality along with characters whose eyes are open most of the time vs characters whose eyes are closed the rest of the time!

Expressions:TO BE ADDED


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