Jhope X Sinb

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I found the pic is really cute..dont you?
Cred:to the right owner of the picture

Eunbi POV

I separate my way from my friend as I walked straightly to my locker.Then when I open my locker a pink envelope just fell.

I continuously look to my left and right finding a suspicious person.Great theres no one.

But this guy he keep on smilling at me,when I look at him my heart almost fell.


The school dance king just looked at me STRAIGHT IN THE EYE

I just made an eye contact with him.

Dduk dduk

Dduk dduk

Dduk dduk

No!Wake up Eunbi

He's way more popular than you,theres no way he would like you.

But since I'm kinda popular at this school maybe there's a tini-tiny chance that he might like me


But I'm sure the chance is like 0.01%

I sigh and pick up the letter.

I open it and read it.

Hi Sinb!
I wonder how was your day ofcourse it will be great right?after all your the school dancer.The top 3 in class!Wow Im so surprised that not you can dance great but your brain is also smart hehehehe

If I tell you that I like you,will you go on a date with me?


Wait!who the heck is Jhope?what kind of name is that?

Why is he leaving me clueless?aigoo.......this admirer ahhh

I put the letter inside my notebook and immediately rush to my classroom since the bell already ring 5 minutes ago.

After 15 minutes of running (lmao)


My butt met the floor as I bump into a guy who's carrying a handful of papers and ofcourse the paper fell to the ground.

I groan as I help him picking up the paper.

"Omo,omo I'm so sorry..it was an accident I was in a rush so I wasnt looking where I was goi-"I said in a hurry but the guy cut me

"Its okay I know your in a rush...."His husky voice said which give chill down to my spine

After picking half of the paper,there's one left infront the both of us

My hands quickly grab the paper and without me knowing he did the same too.

His smooth hand touch mine as we slowly look at each other.

Jung Hoseok.....

I bump into you.

We were having an eye contact that lasted for 6 minutes.I dont know why but just staring at his eyes just give me butterfly on my stomach.

We were so lost in a words until,

"Mrs.Jung and Mrs.Huang,detention this instance!"The school discipline teacher shout while holding her long-ass ruler.


In the detention room,I sit beside the window as Hoseok sit beside me.

Umm duhhh since the detention room only have 2 table and 2 chair where do you expect him to sit,On the floor?

"Im sorry for getting you in trouble.."Hoseok said breaking the ice as he scratch his neck

"Its okay,not bad for the first time right?"I said sheepishly

He suddenly stand up and smack the table

"This was your first time getting into detention?!"He asked loudly.

"Hahaha yes...its not really that bad to have detention with you.."I said and blush afterwards

We talk from our 1st period until the 4th period.

"Next time dont be slow like a turtle.You dont want to miss your 1st period right?!Your dismissed!!!!"The discipline teacher said loudly to us thinking that we are deaf.

Why cant she talk nicely to us?ughh

Hoseok and I walked out of the detention class side by side.

"Sinb yah!Lets go buy our food the line getting longer and longer"Yewon said running to me and drag me away from Hoseok.

Hoseok wave at me before he disappear from my sight.

"Yah!Why did you drag me?"I asked Yewon and pinch her nonstoply as we sit down at one of the table

"Its not like you like like like him right?"She said while munching her food

I instantly blush and became soft after hearing her saying like

"Daebak!Dont tell me you like him..."She said surprised

"So what if I do?"I said and afterward shaking the table aggressively

I know I have a weird habits.

While Yewon and I are still eating students were crowding at one of the canteen's table which are very un-usual.

"Listen guys!My friend Hoseok got an announcement to say!"Jungkook shout standing on a table with Hoseok beside him who looks kinda nervous

Yewon and I quickly turn our heads to them as Students started to record them.

"He wants to make a special announcement for a special girl!"

"And the girl is you Hwang Eunbi!"

My fork fell onto the top of my salad as students were busy turning their heads at me.

Wow I never felt embarrassed in my entire life

"What are you doing?go get your man!"I heard Yuju the vocal president shout as I lowkey glare at her.

I gritted my teeth as I stand up infront of my table standing shyly.

Hoseok jump from the table he was standing on and walk towards me.

Every step he take makes my heart pounding so hard.

My hands started to sweat as my leg feel numb.

"Eunbi,look at me..."He said holding my hands caressing them gently

I slowly look at him as he move his head closely to mine.

I was melted by his movement.

"Hey,its to close!"I laugh while slapping his back as students laugh at my childish attitude.

"What do you want to say?"I asked holding his hands back

"Hwang Eunbi"

"For the first time I lay my eyes on you I knew it that your the one for me,every time I watch you dancing I knew it that we can make the best team.When you eat I cant help myself but to stare you look so cute.I also love it when your flustered reading my letter this morning I found it cute."

"So lets keep the whole thing skip here..."

"Will you be my yeochin?"

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