JungKook x EunHa

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Her beautiful eyes

Her soft hair

Her laugh

Her smooth looking skin

JungKook always watch this girl name Jung Eunbi or slighty people call her EunHa everyday.

Looking at her feature is JungKook's habit eversince EunHa transfer to his school.

"Yerin-unnie!I'm going to go to my locker,I think I left my handkerchief there!"EunHa said happily to her group of friends

EunHa stand up and walked away from her sit going to her locker.

Meanwhile there's JungKook,he didnt even eat a single thing on his plate but watching EunHa everysingle second.


"Earth to JungKook!"Jimin yelled at his bestfriend who seemed to focus 'stalking' EunHa from far.

"Yes hyung?"He asked quickly looking at his hyungs

"Who's the lucky girl?"NamJoon ask resting slinging his arm on SeokJin's shoulder (#NamJin😹#NamJim)

"Please not infront of the kids!"SeokJin said slapping NamJoon's hands away

"Eww I'm disgusted!"Hoseok said doing a meme

"Woah woah woah.Slow down what do you mean hyung?what girl?"JungKook asked innocently,as if he's innocent

"Come on JungKook just tell us, eversince that girl name EunHa transfer here you always look at her and observe everything she do"TaeHyung said after sipping his Milk

"Perhaps our Baby fall in love with EunHa"He continued eyeing JungKook

By hearing that JungKook's ear turn red because of his shyness

Yes,thats true JungKook himself already think that he already fall for EunHa's personality

Corrections,weird but cute personality

"Hyung,shhhhh"JungKook said to his hyungs who tease him non-stop

When the sound of the teasing became louder Yoongi woke up with his sleepy face on and looking at his group of friends

"Mwo,what happened?what are you guys talking about?nevermind.Swag!"Yoongi said and continue to sleep

"You better confess to her before she's taken,I heard one of our senior already like her"Hoseok said making him nervous


"Yah!Yah!I need to go now bye Hyung!"With that JungKook ran to his class,he dont want to be late for his English Lesson


"Mr.Jeon,you are 3 minutes late"Mrs.Jung said looking at the boy who just enter the classroom breathing hard

"I'm sorry Mrs.Jung,it wont happen again"JungKook said

"You can have a seat next to Jung EunBi"Mrs.Jung said

By hearing that JungKook eyes widen

Wait what?Since when did she have English Lesson with me?

Many thoughts ran up to JungKook's mind but he shrugged it off despite that he's already lucky to sit with his crush

"As I was saying Eunbi -"Mrs.Jung was about to continue when JinHye or known as the class-talker cuz she always like to talk

"Mrs.Jung EunHa wants us to call her EunBi!"

"Aiyaaaa just shushh it!"

"As I was saying EunHa is going to be in our English class for the rest of the year"

"Why Mrs.Jung?"YoonMin asked(see what I did there?;) )

"Ughh because the other class was too noisy for her and she cant focus on studying,so no more question after this!"Mrs.Jung said and students laugh at her silly act

when the class was studying JungKook always took a small look on EunHa

And when EunHa caught him looking at her she will always smile at him sweetly that melts JungKook's heart

"Hey.."EunHa voice echoed JungKook's ear

"M-me?"JungKook asked pointing himself acting dumb but on EunHa's eyes he looked cute.

"Yes,you"EunHa said

"H-hey"JungKook shutter which made EunHa's laugh cutely


"Class dismiss but not for you JungKook.JungKook and EunHa I want to talk to you after this"Mrs.Jung said after 2 hours straight of EungLish class

"What do you want to tell us Mrs.Jung?"JungKook asked with EunHa beside him

While theu were standing next to each other,JungKook started to panic because of how close they are

"Aigoo JungKook aah,I'm sorry but I'm disappointed at you.On our previous test you score 30 which means you got F.And F means Fail."

This made the classroom gone silent,JungKook was embarrassed infront of his crush

'Now that EunHa know I failed English she might think I'm bit smart yaishhh ughhh why Mrs.Jung you little skfinaowuwid'JungKook thought

"And thats why I'm giving you a tutor.EunHa said she's happy to help you with your EngLish so on our next test I dont want to see F again.Arraso?"

"I'll trust you EunHa,so dont disappoint me okay?"

"Yes Mrs.Kim"EunHa said to her teacher smilling like an idiot with her bunny teeth

JungKook and EunHa both stepped out of the classroom together,walking their way towards the exit

"So where do you want me to tutor you?"EunHa asked breaking the silence

"How about at my house?I can give you the address later"JungKook said

"But how can you give me your address when you dont have my number"EunHa smirk teasing him as his ears began to redden

"Just kidding,here is my number just text me later okay?"She said taking out a piece of paper before chuckling

When EunHa walked away JungKook is still standing there standing like a stone

"I...I got her number"

"Shietzzzz I got her number,ohh yessss!!!!"JungKook shout while dancing like an idiot

The security heard the sound that's JungKook making,so out of curiosity he peep out his head through the window and shake his head looking at the boy who's jumping up and down holding a piece of paper.

"Kids with their puppy love"The security said


From unknown
Hey EunHa its Jungkook,you can come to my house at 7 later,*insert an address

EunHa squeak as she receive the message from her crush

"Oh mahh gawddd"She fangirl and fan herself with her hand

Okay I'll be there around 7

After she hit the send button she got a text from JungKook

From Kookie
Okay :)

"This is so...geez my heart cant handle this.Even with a single text can make my heart explode"EunHa said before punching her pillow

"I guess I'm going to use my casual clothes then"She whispere taking out a pink-white sweater with short jeans out of her cabinet


"Eomma I'm going to go out tutoring my friend!"EunHa shout from her room to her mother

"Yah!Before you go can I braid you hair?Your hair look messy!"EunHa's mother shout from the other room

"Eomma!Did you forget?I cut my hair short already!"She shout back

"Opps,just go and fly like the wind EunHa,go to where you're going"Her mother shout back changing the topic making EunHa rolling her eyes



JungKook open the door and just being greeted by the most cutest girl she ever seen

"Wow...."JungKook accidently say without him noticing

"Pardon?"EunHa asked

"A-ani come in"He said gesturing the girl to come inside


After 3 straight hours of EunHa explaining the lesson to JungKook,JungKook improve a lot

"So where are your parents?"EunHa asked munching on her chips

"Overseas,working and beat the hell out of it"JungKook said remembering the last time he saw his parent

"Owhh,well same as my dad.Except for my mom,she stay at home with me cause you know she's well you can say she's over protective"She said

JungKook eyes glue to her face and smile watching her

"Yah,why are you staring at me?you look creepy!"She said playfully

"Mwo?I'm looking at you.You look pretty than you're usually are"He said

"So thats mean,you're saying I look ugly before?"She asked furrowing her left eyebrow

"What?!No!I'm saying you look beautiful everyday"He said cupping his face trying to look cute

Without thinking twice EunHa said

"Are you indirectly confessing to me?"

"*cough *cough can you take that as a yes?"He asked looking away

"Well in that case,I like you too Jeon JungKook"EunHa said happily


Dont forget to like and comment :)

{Please dont send any hate to JungKook or EunHa,I only do this for the people who ship BTS and GFRIEND}

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