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"What took you guys so long?"Eric shouted when the two figure finally showed up in the living room.

Dongju who sat right next to him, sip on his hot tea as Youngjo sat across from them with Jacob beside him.

"Shut up Eric. It's only 5 minutes late"Chanhee replied, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"But it's feels like hours!"the boy whined loudly, only to get his cheeks got pinch by Chanhee as he purposely stretching it out to make him in pain.

"That's enough Chanhee"Youngjo butt in, crossing his arms over his chest and lean his back against the sofa."Let's begin the meeting shall we?"

Everyone nodded and their leader started talking while Eric keep on rubbing his cheeks with his hands as if the pain will go away.

As usual, Sunwoo don't have a clue what the meeting is about and just eat his sandwich quietly beside his boyfriend. He blushed a bit when the thought of him as his boyfriend now.

He never thought he would catch feelings for him yet it was his first time having a relationship so it kinda feel different but at the same time happy.

Suddenly, he can feel the warm sensation on his right hand making him to stop eating as he looked down and recognise who's hand does it belongs to. Of course it's Chanhee.

The blonde boy gave him a smile which he replied the smile back to him with his mouth still full with sandwich and few crumbs around his lips.

Chanhee noticed that as he attempted to wipe the crumbs away from his handsome face and lick it, making his face flushed red.

"This is no time for flirting Choi Chanhee. We're still in a meeting here"Youngjo spoke, pushing them two from each other.

"Yeah... We get it that you guys love each other but can't you guys show some respect for the singles here?"Dongju shook his head unamused.

"It was cute tho"Eric giggled as Youngjo smack him on the head."Don't encourage them!"

Chanhee just heave a sigh as a respond and pout his lips like a kid as if his parents got mad at him. Sunwoo couldn't help to form a small smile on his lips while continuing to chew on his food.

"Ahem! As I was saying, the chief have given us a mission to take out all the vampires that are lurking around the certain areas"he said, explaining it and cross one leg to another.

"And why is that?"Chanhee questions it, somehow softly glare at the man.

"That's because they have been murdering a lot of innocent humans. We can't just let them be plus we need to protect the city"

Sunwoo can feel the air becoming heavy and everyone's face seem so tense too as if the topic was quite sensitive to them that made them feel uncomfortable.

"I know you guys don't want that but it's for the sake of people's safety"Youngjo proceed, a sigh can be heard from him."We'll be leaving in the afternoon"

With that said, he stood up and left the room to somewhere for him to be alone as Jacob followed him from behind. Probably going to the bar, drinking beer to relief his stress.

The black haired boy can't utter a word to break the heavy atmosphere but instead one by one left the room, leaving him and Chanhee alone.

He saw him clench his fist on the sofa with his head already hung down. He wants to ask but didn't dare to say a word about it.

"um... I don't know what's going on but all I can say is don't worry about it too much. I'm sure it'll go as planned"he placed down his hand on top of his head, trying to comfort and reassure him.

Sucking his cheek from the inside, he change his gaze towards the man he love and beam him a smile, a painful smile that plastered on his face.

"Thank you Sunwoo"

"Mhm"was the only thing he can respond before Chanhee hide his face into Sunwoo's chest, hugging him out of nowhere.

It was already in the afternoon, everyone gathered first in the bar, discussing some few things about these vampires lurking around outside that they need to be careful.

"Reinforcements will be out there soon to back us up so don't worry about being killed"Youngjo told, tighten the holster that wrapped around his chest where he can put a gun and wear a pair of glove.

Everyone are busy preparing some stuff like putting some weapons in their clothes to stay hidden and he noticed Dongju shove a few of tiny jar filled with blood into his pocket while Chanhee approaches his boyfriend.

"You stay here okay? I don't want you to get hurt"he said calmly, grabbing his hands into his.

"But who's gonna protect and save you? I don't want you to get hurt either"the latter sent him a sad looking pout, gaining a soft chuckle from the blonde boy.

"Don't worry. The others like us will be there too so please stay safe"he shifted his gaze over his shoulder which is now looking at Jacob."If anything ever happen here, please protect him alright?"

"I will try"smiled Jacob with a low bow.

Sunwoo doesn't really want to let him go. He wants him to stay here and not get hurt outside. It's a pain to even let him go while he stay here doing nothing and being useless.

If he's going, he shud be staying by his side but at the same time, he doesn't want to be such a burden to him such as protecting him from the danger or maybe getting in their way.

He prayed for his and the others safety and wishes them to come back home safely. Unconsciously squeezing Chanhee's hand and put on a sad look, the older peck his nose.

"Don't give me that look Sun. It's not suited for your cute face"he chuckled and playfully send him a wink before releasing his hand and went back to Youngjo.

The warmth of his hands still lingers as he just watched him from the back who is now stepping outside the building. He wave his hand to him before the door closed shut.

Sunwoo waved at him back with a small smile even tho he can't see it and hung his head down again.

"Why don't you sit down first and have a drink?"Jacob suggested and he did what he told, ordering a drink that is not strong.

He's not a fan of alcohol but he somewhat needs it, maybe if it's help to ease his mind or something.

He just realized about the Chanhee's keychain the other day. He forgot to give it back to him. Looking down at his trouser, he fished it out from his pocket and let it lay on his palm.

This really remind me of him

"What's that you got there?"bartender Jacob asked after he finished making the drink and place it in front of him.

"A keychain. Chanhee's keychain"he replied without even giving the older a single glance and thanked him for the drink.

"He told me that he's been looking for it. How did you got it?"

"It's a long story short. He accidentally left it at my place so I kept it to myself and keep forgetting to give it back to him"

Nodding his head up and down, he spoke."I see... Has he been going to your place often?"

"Yeah..."he briefly answered, closing his hand where the keychain was and put it back.

He grab the glass, swirling the liquid around and drink it, letting the liquid flowed down through his throat, heating him up a bit.

"Hey Jacob..."he called as the older tear his gaze away from somewhere to him."Can I ask you something?"

"They're too many of them!"

Eric spoke through the speaker of his earbud while aiming his gun towards the vampires who are now creeping up close to him.

"Dammit!"a voice of Chanhee can be heard from the other line."I don't think I can keep up with them"

"Concentrate! The reinforcement will be here any minute now!"Youngjo shouted, pulling the trigger from his pistol but it wasn't enough to slow them down.

Dongju gritted his teeth and throw a punch across their faces."You already said that few minutes ago! Fuck these bitches"

Each one of them are in a different areas so that's why they are having a hard time knocking the vampires out. They keep on fighting until the reinforcement finally showed up.

It took them long enough and they told them some vampires hold them up when they are on the way here plus a lot of innocent people are getting killed too.

Balled his hands into fist, he initiate the first move to attack the vampires. Punching, kicking, slamming and scratch them yet they stand still on their feet.

"How am I gonna kill these bastards?"mumbled Chanhee, glaring every one of them and click his tongue in annoyance.

They're so strong compare to before

He was about to make a move to attack but someone no other than Dongju came flying down from jumping off the nearby building.

Blood already splattered and smudged on his clothes and face as he wipes the blood that's trickled down from the corner of his lips.

"Why are you here?"Chanhee asked, tilting his head a bit.

"To help you of course"the latter jokingly winked at him."Plus you seem like you're struggling to fight them alone and I know just the way to end them more faster"


Did you hear that?

It's the sound of this book about to end :')

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