1-Chaotic Meetings: Sally Acorn

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●Sonic will be 5 years old●

A little blue hedgehog kid .. is living with his uncle that he's known as "MR.Charles" or as his nephew loves to call him "Uncle Chuck"

The lil blue kiddo loves to go outside and meet the animals, playing in the backyard, or planting flowers 

In one day the kid was a little upset .. uncle chuck went to see what's making him that upset .. and he asked:

U.Chuck: Hey there my nephew .. what's bothering you?

Sonic: Oh hey uncle chuck .. I'm just .. i want to play outside with someone..

U.Chuck: I guess you feel lonely then?

Sonic: you've been busy the past few days and you don't hangout much with me... *pouts*

U.Chuck: I apologize *rubbing his head softly* I didn't notice that since i got a lot of work recently ..

Sonic: *ears down*

U.Chuck: hey don't be sad! .. listen .. why don't we go to a place? I bet you'll love the kids there

Sonic: ok ...

Uncle Chuck carried sonic and both went to the kingdom of acorns were their the loyal family of whole Mobius (that's for the mobian animals only .. the humans doesn't count)

For the loyal parents "King Max" and "Queen Alicia" they are old friends of uncle chuck and also for sonics parents (sonic doesn't know about their existence yet)

Uncle chuck told his old friends about why not letting sonic and the little princess to meet each other .. and they responded:

K.Max: So you want "sonic" to meet my daughter?

U.Chuck: yes of course! He've been lonely lately and i can't spend time with him since i have a lot of work to do here and to help my brother and his wife in the war when it comes back 

Q.Alicia: but .. i remember that Bernadette told you about not letting sonic to know about their existence? And also she and her husband are in the changing room and they're preparing for the training before the war 

U.Check: I know that Alicia .. but could you two watch out for him for me? I just want to help everyone and to be with my brother and his wife to teach them about new abilities and technologies i had done them for them to try out..but I can't in the same time taking care of my nephew .. 

K.Max: alright alright .. it's ok charles i know how loyal you are but fine we'll take care for sonic and watch him from knowing about his parents existence until you get your self done and have free time for him 

U.Check: I can't thank you more enough .. thanks old friend 

K.Max: *smiles*

Uncle chuck told sonic that he's going to live for a temporary period in MR and MS acorns house and he'll meet a new friend as well 

King Max called for his daughter to come to him .. sonic was excited to meet a new and different friend outside the forest as he used to be friends with other animals but this time it's different..

Princess: Oh hey there! You .. you new here?

Sonic: HEY! And uhh .. I guess so..

Princess: my name is sally .. Sally acorn and I'm the daughter of king max and the princess of this kingdom *smiles*

Sonic: my name is sonic the hedgehog! And uhh .. i don't know if i have parents or not..

Sally: that's unexpected .. everyone should have parents right?

Sonic: I guess so but i don't know anything about them..

Sally: well .. it's ok i hope that you could see them soon!

Sonic: thank you.. *rubbing his head from the back*

Sally: hmm .. you're a little bit shorter than me 

Sonic: how old are you then?

Sally: I'm 7 years old .. you?

Sonic: oh .. I'm 5 ..

Sally: awww you're younger than me how cute *pats him*

Sonic: *blush a bit* ......

Sally: ok then .. wanna come with me to my room sonic?

Sonic: Ok!

The lil kids are having fun together while MR.Charles is with his brother and his wife to help them in their training .. 

Day by day .. sonic and Sally became friends .. more than friends they loved each other , playing with each other , fighting the bad guys together and both had a dream about becoming heroes and fight for good ..

After a couple of months passed .. Charles finished his job and trained his brother and his wife to prepare for the next phase of the war... he went to take sonic from his old friends and he thanked them for taking care of him while he was busy ..

Now .. sonic is living again with his uncle but everyday he comes to the kingdom of acorn to play with sally .. or sally can come to him in his home to play together ...

Sonic & sally grew up together and became more like siblings .. also heroes .. when sonic became 10 and sally 12 .. he had a crush on her .. he can't say to her his feelings because he's too shy to admit it .. but sally is very smart to notice that sonic loves her .. it's also from his awkward actions .. and stuttering in front of her... but she still loves him .. as a friend..

after a while .. they became famous for being heroes and defending mobius .. they also have a group of friends who are heroes as well and they are : Tails , Amy , Bunnie , Antoine , Rotor , and Nicole .. they all used to be the heroes of mobius and the old "team freedom" group... after 2 years... they managed to get rid of eggman for good ... and soon as everyone got to see their parents and family ... except for the blue little kid ... he was so upset because he's seeing everyone is happy with their families ... 

Sonic became 12 and sally 14 ... and something strange happened ... the two were playing around in freedom forest ... as soon as sonic bumped into a van .. a weird black van that has the letter (G) and written in red ... it was the government ... Sally went quietly to grab sonic and run away ... because if there's a van of the government ... and they are humans .. then the two are going to be in trouble ... 

Soon as they went to hide .. there was a group soldiers who were searching for exotic animals to hunt them and do experiments on their powers ... sonic and sally were warned before sally's mother of coming to this cursed forest ... 

Sally hold sonic's hand .. he blushed a bit .. she said that they need to be very quiet and don't make any sound.. the two walked in a quiet steps .. and going slowly.. sonic stepped on a little broken wood and it makes a sound... the soldiers knew that there are some animals who are not far from them...

They started to chase the kids ... one of the soldiers shoot a needle to sonic's legs .. making him unable to run .. he fall down and can't control his legs or feet .. they grabbed him and tied him up ... and for sally she managed to escape from them .. but before she exit the forest .. she looked at sonic ...

Sonic: p .. please ... don't go!! I'm begging you! 

Sally: i .. I'm sorry .. but I'm too scared to encounter them ... 

Sonic: then get help!!

Sally: ... *she looked at him and didn't say anything*

Sonic: ...n-no ... don't you dare do it!! ... don't leave me with them!!! SALLY!! I'm begging you!!!

Sally: ...........

Sally exited the forest ... she didn't say anything to sonic ... or if she's going to get help... she only looked at his eyes like it's goodbye to him...

Sally went back to her parents ... but .. she's hesitated to tell them about what happened... if she tells them .. she might get grounded and not going to see her friends again ... but if she doesn't ... she'll stay with her friends and won't be grounded and do princess stuff ...

In the other hand ... no one was asking about sonic or were he went ... even his uncle noticed that sonic got disappeared for a while and he's trying to search for him and to get any small information that could lead him to him ... he even asked sally's parents ... and they asked sally and she deny about sonic ... she said she didn't see him in the past few days ... although none of Charles or the royal parents knew that the kids sneaked since the midnight ...

Sally did something to sonic that he won't forget for the rest of his life ... he knew that she betrayed him ... because she didn't return in the next day for help .. and he also knows how she's afraid of her parents in they knew that their daughter is breaking the kingdoms rules...

Sonic took a promise to himself that he will never ever going to forgive sally when he sees her again...


End of chapter one...


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