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"You need to date that girl!"My father said..."Hey Im dating her"I said..."You guys need to get married soon or my company will loose thousands of dollars"He said..."Dad,I have feelings for her but I dont know if she have one for me...If Im going to purpose to her...I need to make her as my girlfriend first then after a few months I will ask her to marry me"I said..."Son u have a year thats all"He said and went to work

My dad is  * _ *

its 3pm...now Im infront of ChengLi house


"YanAn what brings u here?"Xiao open and stared at me intensely she's creepy with her big round eyes

"Im taking EunMi to the theater"I said..."Dating huh?"She smirk and yell "EunMi YanAn is outside!" "What the?!did u tell where I live?"She yell back..."Noo.Be quick!he's waiting for u"Xiao yell back

"Come inside"She said and I sat on the couch its so comfortable >_<

"Ok ok Im done ughh"EunMi walk to me with her hair down...she was wearing a sweater,short jeans and her jacket stick down(?)..."Ughh lets go"I said

"Sooo what movie do u want to watch?"She asked me.."I dont know u choose"I said..."Lets watch this horror movie"She said smirking...."Lets bet...who scream first they loose"She stick her tongue out at me..."Uhhh sure"I said...

"Hey your popcorn"I said giving her,her popcorn..."Thanks"she said

"The movie is about to start"I said ... "Lets see who scream first"She said .... "I am not going to scream first"I said and laugh

Since Im pretty rich...I book a theater thats for the both of us only



It was the beginning of the movie...the kid runs at his house and hide at the basement it was all dark then he heard a womens laughing...he was scared..."M-mommy?"He asked shuttering ... "Pstt"He turn to his left and saw

A giant tarantulla bleeding!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"YanAn scream like a girl...my left drum ear must be broken now

"The hell YanAn"I said..."Its creepy!"He shout while hugging my left arm..."Oh come on be manly"I said..."Its eating him!"He shout again...I bet the worker must be laughing insanely watching us through the CCTV

Pink Cafe~

"Lets not watch horror movie again"He said...after orderring 2 chocolate milkshake

"What a pussy"I said..."Pussy is only for girls"He smirk..."Byuntae huh"I said looking at my phone..."Yah lets take a selca"he said I nod and pose a ✌

"Yahh ChengLi u look so cute"YanAn pinch my right cheeks..."Should I thank u or what?"I chuckle

TaeYong POV

I was walking pass Pink Cafe and saw YanAn laughing with a girl...I was curious who's that girl is..so I walk again while looking at them no way

Its EunMi?!

Da hell?

Im calling him


Pervet TaeYong

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"What do u want?"I ask in a cold tone..."May I join u guys?"he asked..."Wait what?"I asked surprise I look to the left and saw TaeYong holding his phone while smirking at me

"I dont know...does EunMi want to see u?"I asked..."Im coming in"He said and hang up



Wait a minute theres a guy who's walking to us he looks familiar

isnt that TaeYong😱😲

"Hi guys whatcha doin here?"He ask sitting next to me..."Dude you have eyes we are here drinking ofcourse this is a cafe"I said Im pissed with him.."Oh baby girl why ar-"He was about to say something but YanAn stop him...

"Why are you calling my girlfriend baby girl?"He asked..."She's not a part of u"He said..."Im a part of him...u dont know anything about us"I said while holding YanAn hand.."Keep on lying EunMi"TaeYong said laughing..."You really want me to punch you dont you?"YanAn said holding his anger.."I can handle this"I said smirking to both of them..."TaeYong little u did not know that u r a freaking asshole"I said outloud....people around us were looking at us weirdly...."Why are you being brave this past few day?"He asked me..."Lets leave"YanAn said holding my hand and we left TaeYong at the back with a confuse look


"Today was fun thanks" I said and kiss his cheek and ran inside..."Unnie,Unnie?"I asked searching Xiao

"Ughh running is making me thirsty even more"I said and grab a drink then I saw a post it note sticking to the refrigerator

I took it and read it

EunMi Im going to practice I might be back late later make sure to lock the door...I cant text you because Exy my leader,hide my phone so I can practice -_-


Wow great just me in this apartment.....its somehow creepy


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