11 | Trust

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NYLA HAD GONE  through her entire closet at least twice now. The place was looking like a mess. Clothes were scattered everywhere, and shoes had been flung across the room. Despite all her valiant efforts, she still couldn't find the boots she needed for her trip. Her flight was leaving in about six hours and for the third time, she mentally cussed out herself for not packing earlier.

In her defense, she'd been busy the last few days. Although the contract was signed between her and Darius, there were plenty of other things that remained unsolved and thus she'd been traveling between Renne and G Health headquarters quite often.

She needed the damn boots because she couldn't show up to a construction site in heels. That would just look stupid and it wouldn't earn her the respect of the contractors or the architectural firm she was working with.

Sighing, Nyla knew she had no choice but to go and buy boots. Glancing at the time, she winced. It didn't look like she had time to change out of her clothes or put on some makeup if she wanted to make it on time for her flight.

Grabbing her wallet and phone, she exited her penthouse. She'd called her doorman to order a taxi while she was exiting so when Nyla stepped out, the yellow cab was waiting for her.

"Where to Miss?"

"Salvatore Ferragamo, fifth avenue."

The driver nodded and took off, well as much as he could in New York City traffic. Nyla anxiously tapped her foot in the back, glancing at the time on her phone every couple of minutes. She could not afford to miss her flight. The firm had already been kind enough to push her visit after she couldn't come in last week but if she wasn't there tonight, it would really destroy the company—and her reputation.

"Can't you go faster?"

The driver pointed to the long line of cars in front of them traffic. "You see that woman? What do you expect me to do, fly over it?"

Nyla frowned at his tone.

"How far to you think 655 fifth avenue is from here?"

The driver was thoughtful. "Probably a block."

Nyla made her decision. She opened the door to hear honks all around her.

"Hey!" The driver shouted. "Where are you going? You haven't paid the fare yet."

Nyla opened her wallet and threw some cash into the cab. She knew she'd overpaid him, but it didn't matter right now. She started sprinting towards the stores, glad that she'd worn a pair of ratty sneakers over her stylish heels.

She vaguely knew where the shop was and although it would have been smarter to ask the people on the streets, she also knew this was New York, a place where people didn't even have seconds to give to someone else. She sighed in relief when she saw the familiar white building with the bold cursive letters.

There was a young lady at the door or cocked one straight eyebrow after seeing Nyla. "Are you sure you're not lost?"

Nyla smiled at her tightly. She was really regretting not wearing her fancy clothes in that moment because she knew that the sales associate was judging her—hard. She thought Nyla was some nobody who merely came into the store to window shop, but boy was she wrong. It sucked that appearance affected the way people treated one another but that was just reality.

"I'm looking for the Gancini Boots size eight?"

The employee looked momentarily confused before she pointed to another associate. "If you ask her, I'm sure she'll be able to help me."

Nyla didn't bother thanking her before she walked towards the other employee.

"Hi, how may I help me?"

Nyla requested the same boots as before. The women nodded and said she'd be back in a moment. Nyla sat down on the fancy white couch and took out her phone. She double checked her flight time, and the traffic in order to ensure that she'd be able to arrive at the airport on time.

"I got a few sizes for you Miss."

The women returned with a couple of beautifully decorated boxes. Nyla reached for size eight and tried it on. The leather on the outside was smooth and shiny while the inside was lined enough to keep her legs warm. Nyla frowned as her toes wiggled in the boot. It was too big. Normally, she was a size eight in most shoes.

"Do you have a size smaller?" she asked.

The associate pointed towards the other box and Nyla tried it on. She walked around the store, aware that most of the employees were staring at her and her unconventional ratty sneakers she'd just taken off. She ignored the stares and went to the mirror. She liked the look of them, they were classical and elegant.

"I'll take them." she said with more flourish than usual.

The assistant nodded and rang up her purchase. Nyla handed her the golden American Express card before accepting the bag.

As she was leaving the store, she shot the women who let her in a wink. "Have a nice day."

The women looked away promptly and Nyla smiled as she exited the store.

Her smile soon turned into a frown as she realized that she would need another cab in order to get back to her condo. She began walking down fifth street, knowing that there would not be many cabs around the area. People in this district tended to visit with their private drivers. Nyla really wished she'd given Anthony a call today, he would have made her life much easier.

As she was walking down the street, she did a double take. The light brown hair, and frame looked just like Darius but not quite. Nyla realized her mistake as the man turned around. It was Vincent, Darius' brother.

"Hey!" she called out waving her hand.

Vincent look quite startled to see her. He was dressed in more casually clothing with a sweater and joggers.

"It's Nyla, right?"

Nyla laughed. "I think you should know that by now based on the huge contract I've signed with your company."

Vincent gave her a small smile. "I think you meant my brother's company."

Nyla took a good look at him. Something didn't seem right. Although she'd seen him almost a month ago, it looked like he'd lost quite a bit of weight.

"Are you alright?"

Vincent immediately became defensive. "Of course, I'm perfectly peachy."

Nyla wanted to say more but refrained from doing so.

"What brings you to fifth avenue?"

Nyla held up the bag. "I was just doing a bit of last-minute shopping."

"Ah, females and their shopping. I swear women can have closets full of clothes and still say its not enough."

"Well, in most cases it isn't." Nyla retorted. She glanced at her watch. "Shit, I'm going to be late."

"Where do you need to go?"

"My condo." Nyla replied. "I need to pick up my luggage and head to the airport. I have a flight to catch. I can't seem to find a cab though—"

Vincent looked uncomfortable for a few moments. He was playing with end of his sweater. "I have a car, if you want, I could drop you home."

Nyla looked around to see if there were other options, but she couldn't spot a single cab. "If you don't really mind, yes I'd be very grateful."


Nyla walked through the airport with her luggage in tow. Vincent had been grateful enough to drop her off to her condo although the car ride had been pretty awkward. They didn't really exchange any words and so Nyla focused on answering a few emails in the mean time. They didn't have much in common and he just seemed so different from Darius. She was grateful to him though.

As soon as Nyla arrived at her apartment, she'd finished her packing and made sure that everything was clean. She liked coming to a clean home, it just made her feel much better. Although a housekeeper did come once a week to clean up, Nyla knew the mess that would accumulate in a week.

She'd call Anthony to pick her up and he'd driven her straight to the airport where she was now, waiting in the check in line patiently. After what seemed like forever, Nyla's approached the counter.

"Hi, I have a flight on WestJet for three o'clock." She passed her ticket and passport over the counter.

The man behind the counter peered at her identity closely. "Cutting it quite close, aren't you?"

Nyla gave him a quick smile. "Just ran a bit late."

The man hmphed before turning back to his computer. Every action he seemed to be taking was extremely slow. Nyla gritted her teeth but didn't say anything. She knew she'd be stopped by security as well which is why she needed to hurry up at the check-in counter.

He weighed her luggage. "It's 0.2kg higher than our requirement. I'm going to have to charge you Miss."

Nyla was outraged but she kept her cool. "Sir, I'm sure that a weight of 0.2kg will have no impact. But if you insist, I'll open the bag and wear one of the jackets in order to lower the weight." Nyla pointed to the people behind her. "I'm sure that those lovely people will not be inconvenienced at all." she said sweetly.

The man peered behind his glasses to the crowd behind her. Nyla could almost see the wheels turning in his head. If he argued with her, there would be more angry customers to deal with. It was just better to let it go. The man gave her back her passport and boarding pass.

"Have a nice day." he said with a fake smile.

"You too." Nyla replied sincerely. She knew customer service could get extremely annoying and even though the man had been very strict towards her, she didn't want him to have a terrible day. People could be really mean sometimes.

The overhead speakers in the airport blared and Nyla's flight was called. She sighed. It was time to go through security, her favourite action.

Tugging her hand carry in one hand and her purse in the other, she made it towards the line. She placed her things on the conveyer belt and waited for the moment.

"Miss, you've been randomly selected for extra screening." One of the TSA officers told her.

Nyla rolled her eyes. She didn't believe the screening was random for a second. She was used to being flagged down more times than she could every count. The only time she didn't have issues was when she charted a private jet but it was foolish expense to incur when her flight was only two states over.

She followed the agent to a more private booth. A female agent patted her down.

"Where are you heading Miss?"


"For what?"

"A business trip," Nyla replied.

The women didn't look convinced "What company do you work for?"

"Renne cosmetics."

The women's eyes lit up. "I loved their new organic line they just came out with. It's done wonders for my skin."

Nyla smiled grimly. "Thanks, I'll let management know."

She was asked a few more questions about her birthplace, where she lived, who she would be staying with (obviously a hotel), where her family lived, what was their occupation and if she loved America. Nyla was exhausted with the extensive questioning, but she answered all the questions she was asked. Finally, she was cleared through security, although her mood was much darker than it had been previously.

As she made her way to the gate, she heard the speakers saying that her flight was boarding. Sighing, Nyla ran towards annoyed that she'd been late only because of the TSA agents and man behind the counter. She couldn't change anything about that, but she could run—and that's what she did.


"What do you mean the site had already been purchased by someone else?" Nyla tapped her boots impatiently. "We spoke over the phone a couple of weeks ago. I was just flying in to see the site and sign the contract!"

The man behind the desk shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. Boss is gone on vacation and all I know, that I have someone else's name signed on the papers." He waved around the document.

Nyla snatched it from his hands before he had time to react.

"Hey, give that back, it's confidential information."

Nyla ignored him as her eyes quickly scanned the document. It was real, and the signature at the bottom had been signed only twenty-four hours ago. Frustrated, she handed back the document.

Her whole trip had been a waste. The only reason she'd flow here was to see the damn site!

"We have other sites available for viewing." The man said.

Nyla mentally counted to ten in her head. She took a deep breath. "I want to talk to your boss, and now. I don't care if he's on some sunny beach in the Bahamas, we had an agreement and until I talk to him, I'm not leaving."

She parked herself right by the door. People in the hallway stared at her but Nyla ignored them. She knew she was acting crazy, but she was so mad about this contract. The site was something she'd also promised Darius in their agreement.

The man, who's name Nyla hadn't bothered to learn still sat at the desk watching her. After realizing she was completely serious, he sighed and dialed the landline. Nyla watched him from the corner of her eye, a scowl still in place.

"Hey boss, I have some chick named Nyla—"

"It's Ms. Malhotra to you." Nyla said icily.

The man was quick to correct himself. "—Ms. Malhotra and she's refusing to leave before she talks to you."

There were a few head nods before the man passed Nyla the phone.

She took his from his hands. "What the hell is this Jimmy?"

There was a sigh on the other line. "I'm sorry Nyla, but we received a better offer."

"Bullshit. I would've doubled that offer if you just told me!"

"Listen, there are still other sites that you can view." Jimmy said from the other line. "My man will take you to see them, I'm sure you'll find them satisfactory."

Nyla's blood was fuming. "No thank you." She said coldly. "I don't want to do business with someone who can't keep their damn word."

She slammed the phone on the receiver before walking out of the office. She felt the glare of the other employees on her, but she ignored them all as well. Boots clacking, she made her grand exit—without looking back once. 


So what do you think about Nyla's grand exit? Was she right to leave ?  Also, comment below if you've ever gone shopping and felt that everyone in the store was judging you. (I lowkey feel it often when I step into Sephora without makeup.)

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