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Jungkook's POV

"What does she mean by that?!"I ask myself. My tears start to roll down to my cheeks. I pick her up bridal style and went to the hospital immediately. I told the nurse and the doctor aswell and I put her in the operation room.

I saw the doctor face seem so panic all of the sudden when they see that I brought her here. I waited and wait, but it seems that I wait for so long and it's an hour now so I went back to my home.

The next day has come as my ringtone played.*I NEED U-BTS* I suddenly woke up by this ringtone and I still have that sleepy face. I better check on her now! I was too depressed when she's not beside me. I was a in a hurry and went to the hospital. I wait again and sat at the chair next to her room.

After that, the doctor came out from the room.

"Is she okay?! Is there something wrong with her?!"I whisper-shout to him.

"She almost didn't make it as we tried to save her on our last move to operate her and we succed because she made it"the doctor explained it.

"Can I check her now?"I asked him as he nodded and let me in.

I look at her face and sit on the chair beside the bed and hold her hand tightly. I rub her hand with my thumb, a single tear came out from my eyes.

"This is all my fault from cheating her and broke her heart. SHIT!"I mumbled by myself.

I lean forward to her and trace her beautiful face. After that, I didn't realise that I was asleep while holding her hand and someone came in.

"Uh, Mr. You should head back home now and it is really late now, it's midnight"told the nurse.
I was startled a bit and rub my eyes and went back home. I always visit her all day in the morning till night and wait for her to wake up.

Your POV

When I open my eyes, the sight was all blurry and after a second the blur fade away quickly. The doctor standing beside me and  look at me worriedly.

"Where... Where am I?"I ask him.

"You're in the hospital, a guy just brought you here"he replied my question. And so back than, I suddenly asleep.

-After a week-

"(Y/N), You can go back home now because you already had recover your injuried"told the nurse to me.

I just nod and smile. I thank to the doctor as I went back home. I showered myself as change my clothes and eat. I went out to go shopping but I'm a bit weak so I just challange it.

Normal POV

"Oh Shit! I forgot to visit her today,what did I do last night. Oh yeah I was Drunk"Jungkook shout by himself and he got out the house as went to the hospital. He then went into your room but you were nowhere to be seen. He was shock that you weren't there and he ask the doctor like a bit rage.

"Where is (Y/N)?!"he ask him loudly, hold his collar up and everyone could hear it.

"S-She already went o-out because she a-already recover from her p-pain"the doctor replied in fear and Jungkook release it from him and went out to find you.

You walk to the mall to buy some stuff. The important things that girls always buy is CLOTHES! After 2 hours buying some stuff in the mall, you enter the coffee cafe and the smell of the coffee flow out before you enter. You took your favourite drink after you order it and sit at the empty seat. As you sit and took a sip from it, you play your mobile phone and someone was asking you.

"Can I sit here with you?"the voice asked politely.

"Yeah,sure"without looking at the person face and your eyes stayed on your mobile phone.

Then the person sit across from you as you took a sip again, you look at the person smiling at you and you look away slightly blush on your face. He is so damn CUTE! Do you really think of that to him? So, you just faking playing with phone and drink.

But sometimes you took a glance on him without he notice it. When you stare at him without you notice it that he was staring at you back as you slightly look away with a tint on your cheeks.

"Hey, my name is Park Jimin. Just call me Jimin"he introduce himself to you and lend out his hand.

"I-I'm Min (Y/N). Call me.."before you could finish your sentence, he cut you off.

"(Y/N)?"you nod and shook his hand. You felt that your head was burning hot and you think you could explode. Your heart was thumping rapidly and your mind goes crazy. You couldn't stop blushing while looking at his face.

Who likes Jimin? Please tell me. Sorry for any mistakes or any wrong grammar. Vote and comment.

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