7 Minnie

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June 11th, Minnie Williams

"Um, hi." Stammered the girl in the doorway, shyly waving at us. No one spoke for a moment before Chelsea, our councilor, gave her a warm and inviting smile, showing off two rows of crooked teeth.

She kinda ditched braces when she was younger.

"Hi, you must be Erica!" She said and walked over to the blonde. Chelsea glanced down at her clipboard, her long brown ponytail swinging to the side. "Or maybe..." she murmured, trailing off. Erica gave her a shaky smile.

"Yeah. I'm Erica." She said and glanced around the room, scanning for an empty bunk.

"You can have this one." I said as I swung my feet over the side of the bunk and motioned to the unoccupied bed below me.

"Believe me, this bunk has the best AC." I said with a smile. Erica returned it and outstretched her hand.

"I'm Erica." She said.

"Minnie." I replied, regarding her cooly with my honey-colored eyes. Erica nodded and swung her duffel with a large thunk.

"What's in that, your mom?" Asked a girl, and everyone snickered. Because of my viewpoint, I couldn't tell Erica's reaction. I rolled my eyes and jumped of the bed, striking the landing.

Not that I expected otherwise.

Bouncing the lime-green tennis ball in my hand, I walked over to Erica who seemed a little lost at where to put all her clothes.

"When you enter, there's a cubby room to your first left. The other door leads to the first aid closet." I said.

"Thanks." Erica replied. I nodded and helped her pick up her duffel, surprised at the weight of it.

"Wow, this really is heavy." I said. Erica laughed nervously.

"Yeah, well I wasn't sure how many bags you were supposed to bring so I just put all of it in one bag." She replied.

"Huh," I grunted. We crossed the entrance room that held the bunk bed for the cabin councilors, rarely getting over one despite the numerous applications we receive per year, as Mom always sits down and goes through them every winter, occasionally swearing and always getting up to refill her Best Mom coffee mug. Also the fact that most cabins only have five campers per cabin, as there are over thirty cabins.

"So, Erica, first year at Camp Williams?" I asked as she sorted through her clothes and rather shocking amount of books into the empty shelves.

"Yeah. Won the raffle. What about you?" She asked. I snorted.

"My mom started bringing me here when I was a year old and paraded my around. I practically became a camper since the time I could first toddle around."

"Seriously?" Erica said, her blue eyes wide with amazement. I shrugged and kept tossing the ball into the air, and catching it. Naturally. "Is your mom a councilor here?" She asked and I made a face.

"Literally all the councilors are under the age of thirty here. No, you're thinking of the volunteers. They do meal stuff, first aid, organize things, stuff like that. We get a lot of them because this camp was voted first in the the state and is in the top five for the U.S., and you get free camp intuition for your kids." I said. "And no, my mom isn't a summer volunteer. She's kinda the boss of this place." I said. "Pretty soon, this camp will pass down to her oldest. And since I'm kind of her only kid, pretty soon this place will be mine." I said. Wow, I couldn't wait until that happened. Mom never married, so she always kept her surname. She also never had a long-term boyfriend, so I have no idea who my dad would be.

"Kind of?" Erica smiled.

"Well, my cousin lives with us whenever my aunt and uncle are away, which is practically the whole year." I said and Erica nodded sympathetically.

"So, what stuff is there to do at Camp Williams?" She asked and I smiled. Boy, was she in for it.

"Well, we have the campfire tonight. All the cabins will gather around the campfire and basically sing songs and roast marshmallows. Oh, and then we do the sing-off. Don't worry, we'll win that. There'll also be ice cream for us, the winner." I said, thinking back to when the truck of Breyer's ice cream came full of every flavor in existence. "Then there's the Camp Williams games, which is at the end of camp and every cabin competes against one another to win the Camp Cup. Then there's the sailing trips, camp outs, sport games, and a load of other stuff." I smiled just thinking about how I'm—we—are going to win that Camp Cup.

"What do you do during the day?" Erica pressed.

"Well you're assigned a schedule, kind of like school. In the morning, we all gather around the flag and sing the anthem and the there is all the news that Mo—uh, Lacey, will announce. After that we go to the activities. For example, I have Arts and Crafts first and then tennis. We all have lunch and free time during the day as well." I explained. Erica nodded slowly.

A thought suddenly shout through my head as I remembered what Jason had told me last night. I poked my head into the bunk room and waved to Chelsea, who was busy trying to separate a girl who had a death grip on her phone. Putting on my Camp Williams baseball cap, I practically skipped out of the cabin, testing the damage done on my ankle from the day before.

"JA-SON!" I singsonged when I neared Cabin 14, the boys version of Cabin 15. I huffed when he didn't reply and angrily slammed open the door, nearly running over a boy who nearly jumped out of his own skin as I entered. The cabin, despite being cleaned yesterday by yours truly, already smelled horrendous.

"Jason!" I screeched as I slammed open the door leading to the bunk room, a mirrored version of our own cabin.

"Minnie!" Jason screamed as I stormed into the room. "What the—uh, heck," he said with a spare look at his angry looking councilor, "are you doing here!" He demanded. I smiled at him, a big, happy-go-lucky one that stretched across my face.

"This your girlfriend, Jason?" Asked a guy who looked about a year older then me asked, a smirk written across his face.

"Depends, do you date your cousin? What, did your tongue disappear?" I said as the guy went speechless. Jason laughed.

"She gotcha there, Ben!" He said between laughs. I frowned at him.

"Don't get started or else I'll get you there." I hissed. Feeling the tennis ball's presence in my hand, I smiled and thought back to when I first entered that lovely Cabin 15 yesterday.

I threw the tennis ball at his gut and grinned as he let out a started oomph.

"Never, ever threaten my cabin again, unless you want to be hobbling around on one leg for the rest of the summer." I growled and Ben laughed.

"Anger issues, much?" He said. I glared at him.

"More like don't ever threaten my cabin and reputation otherwise you're in for it, Benny." I simply stated and went off to find Nic, the seventeen-year-old councilor in charge of all Camp Oakland activities. He and I had to have a little talk.

"See you at campfire tonight!" Jason called and I smiled. Let the games begin.

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