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Turns out that Dalton can make some pretty damn good mac 'n' cheese; I wouldn't admit it though. Mom and Becky on the other hand.......... "Dalton this is really good, I didn't know mac 'n' cheese could taste like this!" 

And that's all they could say, cause they kept going for more seconds. I however said something more like this, "Dalton why don't you make more food for us some time, since this is sooo amazing." He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm, which I did in return.

Dalton left after we cleaned up the dining room and kitchen. Then Mom, Becky and I headed upstairs to our rooms. I was a little nervous about going back in my room and by the looks of Becky's face she was too. But as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

I opened my eyes to see a bright blue sky. What the heck?  I sat up to get a better view of my surroundings, only to fall flat on my butt. What is going on here?! I stood up and made sure the ground wasn't about to disappear. When I was sure that it wouldn't I looked around, I was in a meadow.

 It was beautiful, surrounded by a forest with a small creek going through the middle. Even the animals were beautiful, the sun making their fur shimmer in it's light. 

When I took a step forward something brushed against my hand. I looked down and gasped at the sight, a long, flowing white dress. When did I get this? And where are my clothes?!  In a confused daze I walked over to the creek, when I saw my reflection I stood there like a fool.

My dirty blonde hair was in loose curls and there was a flower crown atop my head.. And not any flower either, my favorite flower. Violets. Out of new found curiosity, I lifted my dress to see what shoes I was wearing.  

I'm losing my mind. White, sparkly flats. That's what I was wearing. After the shock of my outfit being completely changed, I looked around for somewhere to sit. I spotted  five large rocks near the forest, so I walked over to them. 

I sat down and took in the whole scene of the meadow, it was so peaceful. On the edge of my vision I saw something move, I turned my body so I could get a better look. A wolf. A HUGE black wolf. It moved with such grace and beauty it was hard to focus on anything else. 

Wow. That's all I could think of. A sudden wind whipped up and blew my hair in my face. I tucked the stray strands behind my ears and looked back at the wolf. It was looking right at me. It growled softly, and looked behind it. 

I saw movement behind it, but before I could decipher what it was, everything went black. 

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