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I woke up to howling. It wasn't even three yet, but I was awake and listening. I've always loved wolves, so if one or the whole pack howled I'd listen. It was just so magical and out of this world.

But I still liked my sleep, I've been listening to them for almost two hours. I just couldn't believe how long they could continue like that. Soon their howls faded and allowed me to sleep a little longer.

Something was nudging my leg. I opened my eyes only to see icy blue ones right in front of me. Screaming, I scrambled into a sitting position and scooted away from it. I looked around and spotted the clearing with the large boulder. Thankfully there were no bodies. I also spotted two wolves sitting behind the one with blue eyes.

They were beautiful.

The blue eyed one was black with white patches. There was a golden wolf with one white paw, it had fern green eyes. The third one was dark brown with a white tipped tail and muzzle, it had dark brown eyes.

I shot a glance down and found the white dress that I've worn both times before. They watched me as I stood up slowly. As soon as I stood the black wolf walked in front of me and looked back. The other two stood up and walked over to me. I backed up and they stopped, but then they walked slowly closer until they were on either side of me.

The black wolf started walking towards the forest past the boulder. The brown wolf nudged my side and started walking, as did the golden one. Suspecting they wanted me to follow them, I did. As we passed the boulder my thoughts went back to the brutal fight and the seven wolves who didn't fight. These are three of them. So where are the other four?

The black wolf growled, I froze and looked around. Four wolves appeared out of the low brush. They were the same size as the three "escorting" me. But one was a little bigger. My guess is he is the alpha.

He was almost completely white with a little brown on his back and head. The three wolves lowered their heads and the black one whined. Probably asking for an apology. The alpha walked closer until he was right in front of me. These wolves were so large. The alpha stood almost up to my shoulders.

He turned his attention to the three wolves as they growled softly. He just growled back and walked away with the wolves he came with.

"Lacey, you up yet?" They shook my shoulder gently.


"Want to go down to the beach?"

I stretched out and yawned, "Sure. What time is it?"


I sat up and looked around the room, Becky was sitting next to me and Diablo was lying by the door. The walls were still their powder pink from when I was little, pictures of wolves and cuddly kittens hung on the walls.

"Everyone else up?" Throwing the blankets off, I get out of bed.

Becky stood up, "Yeah. Your mom is outside with Dalton."

"Are you already ready."

She laughed and pulled up her tank top to reaveal her dark blue bikini top. "Yup, just waiting on you chica."

Shaking my head, I shoed her out of the room with Diablo following close behind. I closed the door and went through my bag until I found my black bikini, that Becky insisted I bring. I changed quickly and threw on a long tank top that went down to my thighs.

"Are you ready yet? By the time you're done it'll be graduation day. For us."

Throwing open the door, I smiled. "You know Becks. That would be a really good excuse to miss this and next years semesters. And magicaly be able to graduate."

She laughed and pulled me down the stairs, "That would be soo awesome. Now only if we could convince them to let us graduate...."

We walked out the patio doors and followed an old path down to the lake. The first thing we see of the lake are the sparkles, then it was the golden sand. There aren't many people on the beach today.

"Wow. Just wow." Becky was looking around with her mouth hanging open.

"Better shut your mouth before a fly makes a landing."

She closed her mouth and pulled me closer to the water. Before we could go into the water, a man walked up to us and said hi. "Can we help you?"

He was wearing black and blue swim trunks that were soaked, his jagged haircut left his hair plastered to his forehead. The sun casted shadows across his face, but it was easy to distinguish his features. He smiled, "Maybe you can. Did you just come down from the Moon's cabin?" I watched him hesitantly before nodding. "That's not you're cabin, it's the Moon's. I suggest you pack up and leave."

Becky shot me a glance that I knew too well. Shits about to fly. "Excuse me. What makes you think that you have the right to tell us to leave. We came here to relax and we definitely could use some. Do you even know what we've went through just on the ride here?! Of course you don't. Because A. you don't know us and B. You can just leave."

At the end of her little speech, she was up close and personal with the man. He just stood there, unmoving like a statue. "Well. Just so you know. No one goes there anymore and you're right. I don't know you ladies. But I could easily ask my father."

Becky was about to retort when I stopped her, I looked at the man in front of us. "Danny? It's me, Lacey."

His eyes lit up in recognization and a small smile plastered his lips. The next thing I knew was being pulled into one of his hugs, this time a wet one. "We've missed you so much Lace. We have you been? Anything new?"

I laughed and pulled back from his damp body, "I've missed you guys too. We've stayed in town since dad, you know. Oh. This is Rebeccah, she's my best friend."

Becky's cheeks were flushed as she waved, "Hi and it's Becky."

They looked at me awkwardly. "Oh! Right. Uh this is Danny. His father is the ranger for the park.l and we've known each other since we were pratically born."

He slung one arm over my shoulder, "And we dated in.... What grade was it?"


Becky smiled and clapped excitedly, "You never mentioned that! Any who. Would you mind letting her go so we can swim. That's kinda the whole reason why we came down here in the first place."

"Of course. Catch ya later?"

I smiled, "Sure." He smiled back and jogged down the beach.

Water splashed my face, "Ha. You like him." Becky was in the lake up to her knees and smirking.

"Shut up."

"You liike him. You think he's cuute. You wanna kiiss him."

I walked into the lake towards Becky, "I think you think that he's cute."

"Shut up." We looked at each other and laughed.

"Excuse me?"

We slowly stopped laughing and turned towards the shore, where three guys were standing. Whoa, what are they doing here?

Becky beat me to the question that was bouncing around in my head. "Cole? What are you guys doing here?"

Welcome to Wal-Mart. May I take you're order. Hope this chapter wasn't to boring (I know it was). I just couldn't think what to do exactly. But it's here. It's posted. Yippee!!!

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