Chapter 1

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Hope that you will enjoy my first chapter, and, if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please point them out so that I can change them immediately. 

Cadence paused, sighing as she grabbed her bag and keys, heading for the front door. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, illuminating the living room of her apartment, making the place feel empty and sad. It was as if the place had not been used for years although Cadence had been living there for three months now. She turned eighteen September seventh, the day school started up again.

She had been going to school, though no one really talked to her. She was ignored and isolated. But she was fine with that. To her, that was comfortable; being in silence was her paradise and comfort.

She turned and locked her door behind her, checking her watch. And then she cursed. She had five minutes to get to school and the walk usually took eight. And with that, she began to run.

She ran down the hall of the apartment, and shot down the stairs. She thanked God for being on the second floor. And, as she ran down the last flight of stairs, she tripped, like the usual idiotic person she is. 

She hit the floor with a thud, caught off guard as the wind was knocked out of her. Feet appeared in front of her vision as she attempted to get up, noticing that she now had a major headache, she had bit the inside of her cheek and it was now bleeding, and that she skinned her elbow. 

"Great," she muttered to herself as she saw a hand in front of her face, offering her a hand up.

She grabbed on, pulling herself up, looking at the person that helped her up. All she saw was green eyes before she walked around them, muttering a quick, "Thanks."

The person decided to follow her.

"Don't I get a proper 'Thank you', or is that too much to ask for?" they asked. Their voice was gruff, definitely male. It was also smooth, like water running over glass slowly, or like the flames of a fire in slow motion--like it was meant to be, and was precise and calming.

Cadence turned around, her dyed-blue hair flipping over her shoulder as she looked at the man that helped her. Once she saw him, she gasped inaudibly.

It was Elliot, the school's most popular jock. Cadence knew that he was in football, just not what position.

He had dirty-blond hair and bright, deep green eyes, with blue and gold mixed around inside them, stirring in an emotion that seemed close to amusement to her. He wore a P!ATD shirt with jeans and converse, similar to Cadence's denim jacket over a MCR shirt and white jeans with her converse. Converse had to be one of the most popular shoe brands. 

"Thank you," Cadence said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Don't you have school? It starts in like five minutes."

"No," he said, looking at her weirdly. He continued, "It's Saturday, obviously."

Cadence froze. Was it? She pulled her phone out of her back pocket, pulling up the calendar. He was right. It was Saturday. 

"I'm an idiot." Cadence sighed. 

Elliot laughed, deep and rich, like he was enjoying her mistake. "How about this," he said once he stopped giggling to himself, "I'll take you out to get some breakfast since it's eight in the morning and you got up so early and got dressed."

"Uh," she stuttered. "Okay, but you're paying." What? How could she say no to food?

Elliot smiled. "Great. By the way, I'm Elliot Bluet," he said, sticking his hand out for her to shake. 

"I know." She rolled her eyes again. "We go to the same school. I'm Cadence Sitley."

"How have I not seen you at school if you go there too?" Elliot asked, his brow crinkling. "I'm pretty sure it's not hard to miss a girl with blue hair."

"Well, most people don't see me, and tend to block me out. Though, I'm kinda used to it, so, after you give me food, then you can go back to being your jock-iness." Cadence looked him in the eye. "Hope you can afford pancakes and coffee for me."

Elliot looked at her strangely. "Okay," he said apprehensively. "Let's go."

He led her out of the apartment building, heading towards a black truck. "Can you handle some Brendon Urie?" he asked as he unlocked the vehicle, climbing into the driver's seat, while Cadence had a bit more difficulty struggling to get into the passenger's side seat. 

"Duh. I love his music," she said honestly.

As soon as Elliot put his key in the ignition, music began to blast through the truck, scaring Cadence who immediately jumped and hit her head on the roof. Just great.

"Hope you can handle it!" Elliot yelled before beginning to back out of the parking space, making Cadence regret her decision.

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