11. Questions Answered

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111. Questions answered

Curiosity kills the cat and Levine knows it, but no one says you have to ignore it and Levine might regret this decision later.

He walked over to Erwin's office and knocked for three times before getting permission from Erwin to enter. He turned the knob and pushed the door open and entered the room, closing it behind him. He saluted in front of Erwin once he laid his eyes on him and his appearance surprised the latter.

His right arm is gone. He haven't noticed it before until now and it filled Levine with bewilderment, but he tried composing himself in front of the commander.

"What is it that you have business with me, Levine?" Erwin asked as he stood up and wear his jacket. That's right, Levine never noticed because of his jacket and and it's his first time seeing Erwin without it.

He lowered his fist and ignored Erwin's disability and speak out his needs and wants.

"I need to know Levi's backgrounds. Before he got into the Survey Corps and while he was underground. I know you have data about that, don't you?" Levine asked and the Commander eyed him in peculiarity.

"How odd. Levi asked the same thing about you," Erwin said which made Levine's eyes wide, "But do not worry. I did not gave him your informations. On the other hand, I will give you his."

Erwin pointed to the parchments on his table and Levine slowly walked towards it and inspect it, seeing Levi's name on top.

Levi Ackerman...

"Why did you give it to me when you did not gave mine to him?" Levine asked and Erwin smiled at him in a sinister way, which gave Levine a feeling something is going to happened and he is about to find out.

Erwin did not answer the lad as Levine skim the biography of Levi where informations he know and don't know is written on it. And one thing surprised him. He was the one who killed Kenny and Kenny's real name is Kenny Ackerman.

This surprised Levine, but he kept on skimming the text and came up with some details that support his curiosity and answer his questions. After skimming it, he took a deep breath and put it down on the desk.

"So that is how it is," Levine muttered and Erwin faced him.

"Now you know," he said as Levine clicked his tongue and glared at him. He put out his blade, pointing it towards Erwin.

"You planned this, didn't you, demon? You knew it from the start that's why...that's why you took me here and never told me nor Levi! You're toying with us!" Levine said with rage in his voice, but he kept a composed expression in front of him.

"I only out the pieces of the puzzle together a few weeks ago, but yes. I already have guesses. I planned it and now, it's up to you two to choose," Erwin said as he walk around his desk and towards Levine who still points the blade at Erwin. The blonde walked closer and closer until the blade touch his chest and small amount blood comes running out.

"You're a monster. I don't know why Levi and those brats trust you. You're just treating us as toys you can play with. I don't even know if the lives you sacrificed in those expeditions are worth it," Levine said with a cold harsh tone and put away his blade. He twirled the blade and stabbed his desk right through the boards and pulled it out.

"Remember this mark as my disappointment," Levine said before saluting and leaving the room with no other words from Erwin.


Levine is on top of a tree, deep in the night as he watch the stars twinkle as the moon shines bright. He skipped dinner that is still being held in the mess hall and he guess, his fellow squad members are looking for him. He just don't have that appetite.

"You're such a loner, aren't you?" Someone asked from below and there he saw Hange and Hazel, with their arms crossed. Hazel is now wearing a dress due to her pregnancy and she often complains how much she hates wearing dresses.

"Tch, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the other superiors?" Levine asked, looking away from them. As much as possible, he prefers to be alone and these two are hindrance for him.

"Levi told me to get you and Hazel tagged along too," Hange said, staring at Hazel as the blonde cross her arms across her chest.

"Tch, I'm not letting a member of my squad skip a meal, even if it's only supper," Hazel said and Levine clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"What do you care if I skip? I survived underground, not eating five straight meals so shut up," Levine said, annoying Hazel, which he doesn't mean too.

"That's enough sass, brat! If you don't come down here, then I'll make you!"

"Woah! Woah! Hazel! What're you planning on doing?" Hange asked, barracading the tree from Hazel before she ever do something incredibly...stupid. (Why did I suddenly remembered Jack Sparrow?)

"Getting that brat off that tree."

"You're gonna climb it, aren't you?"

"Tch, move over!"

"No!That's bad for the baby! We can find another way!" Hange argued and Hazel growled and left for a while. Levine was relieved and proceed on leaning on the trunk of the tree until something bumped into it, almost making it fall.

"What the f*ck?!" Levine peered down the tree and there he saw a black horse, kicking the tree with its hind legs.

"Going down? Or going down? Your choice," Hazel said and Levine clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I'll choose or!" He said before jumping down the tree, but before Hange and Hazel could ever catch him, he instinctively dashed to the other side, avoiding the female clutches of the two.

"Tch, girls," he muttered and run but didn't pay attention where he was going, which lead to him being face planted on the dirt.

Growling, Levine glared and wiped his face off from dirt and looked up, glaring to whomever or watever he bumped into and his eyes widened. Levi stood in front of him with a glare and look of disgust due to the dirt on Levine's clothes from the ground.

"Tch," the two reacted as Levine stood up and walk pass Levi.

"Oi, brat. Who told you you're dismissed? Everyone's in mess hall, eating while you are skipping it," Levi said and Levine grunted in annoyance.

"I can survive two days without eating. That's no big deal to scold me about," said Levine and tried to proceed on his tracks, but Levi grabbed his arm and twists it a little, earning a low growl from the latter.

"I don't care about that. What I care about is your attitude. That is not suited for a soldier who is addressing to his superior," Levi said and Hange reacted by whispering to Hazel.

"I kinda miss that line. Does he still say that to you?" She asked as Hazel blushed a little.

"Tch, I don't care about that cadet-superior thing. Don't you remember? I'm a rogue. A lowly peasant thug from the underground brought here to serve and die for reasons I don't even know. At the same time, become one of the toys that stupid Commander Eyebrow can play with," Levine said, bluntly and yanked his hand away from Levi before turning around and glaring at him.

"I don't know why you trusts him, but I warn you, Levi," Levine said and for the fist time, the latter called Levi by his name not some nickname, "He's been playing with us...all."

Even though Levine had his answers, he still don't know if he can tell that to Levi or not. Or maybe, he wants Levi to notice it.

"You dare to accuse Erwin of something absurd, Levine," Levi said.

"Accuse?! You just don't know it yet--"

"How did Levine not going to dinner get to this?"

"Shut up, Hange!" Both Levine and Levi said, shushing Hange.

"You want to know why I am accusing Erwin? Well, let me give you a headstart," Levine said and composed himself and wears his usual expression which makes him look more like an exact clone of Levi, "Know my real name and you'll know the answers."

And with that, Levine ran away from the thee superior soldiers, going up to him room and locking himself inside for the whole night and morning.


So, I've thinking of someone to pair Levine with and my friends are so messing with me, saying that I have to pair Levine and Eren together, so I'll be like: "Screw you, guys," and "How do I even became friends with you?"

And thankfully, I have at least one sane friend who suggested to pair Levine with Krista/Historia. I've been thinking about it since Chapter 8 when she made an appearance there. How 'bout that, guys? Pair them up? (I'm a big Yumikuri shipper so, this is kinda hard)

~RSE out

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