9. A Wolf far from the Pack

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9. A Wolf far from the Pack

Trying to ease down his nerves, Levine walked to the farthest and darkest alley in town. Being isolated calms him down together with darkness and silence. It's a weird way to calm down, but growing alone in the Underground really makes you like this.

"Is it really possible?" Levine muttered in disbelief. Not just that Kenny is dead, but also because of the fact that Levi knows him and the possibility that maybe... "Can I be... by any chance.... be Levi's brother?"

Standing alone in the alley, not even Yami bothered to visit, Levine's head is bursting with questions about his identity and the mystery of his past. Tons of questions sunk into his thoughts, confusing him even more, but one question is being repeated, several times.

'Who am I?'


Levine woke up due to the high pitched scream he heard. He suddenly jolted from his short slumber and heard hoarse laughter from the distance. He instinctively ran to the brighter part of his alley and there he saw three men harassing a woman and a young boy.

One man with a blade holds the boy in his hands by his collar as the child struggled. The woman who is fairly young and has an attracting appearance is kneeling on the ground, crying and begging for her son to be freed.

"Heh! Too bad you're not a virgin anymore! You could be in a higher price if we sell you," another man said and tugged the woman's hair, painfully. The boy's eyes are starting to form tears and tried kicking the man.

"Don't hurt Okaa-san! I'm gonna beat you up if you do!" The boy bravely said, but he only earned laughter from the three men.

"This boy has spirits. We could sell him to that pedophile b*tch in the neighboring village. I'm sure she'll give us a huge amount of money for this kid," the third man said and the woman's eyes widened and screamed.

"No! Please! Spare my so--uugh!" the second man tugged her hair even tighter, lifting her by it and breathe in her scent. He started making perverted comments about her, scaring the woman and child even more. Although, the boy kept the brave face on.

As Levine stood and watch, he saw the torture the two victims are experiencing, but neither of them would sacrifice the other to save themselves and for Levine who only lived and think of himself for all his life, this seems weird.

However, Levine knows this is not right so as a witness, he decided to take action.

"Oi, you filthy pigs," Levine called, catching the group's attention. He glared and showed his emotionless face that sent chills into the three men's spine, "Stop what you are doing this instance."

"Hmph! And who are you to order us to do that, huh kid?" The man who is holding the boy said with a grin on his face. That smug look reminded Levine of the numerous thug he fought for the past years and he was disgusted.

"None of your business and f*ck you, I'm not a kid anymore! I'm 19!" Just as he said that, he charged to the man who is holding the boy and sweep off his legs, making him loss his balance. He caught the boy right after.

"Are you alright?" He asked in an emotionless voice and the boy nodded. He put him down in a safe distance and face the three men again, "Drop the woman or you'll get it."

"Pssh! Like we're gonna be--" before he could even finish his sentence, Levine already had his throat in his hands and slammed him into the wall, making a huge crack.

"Tch, do not try to anger me, bastard," he hissed and tightened his grip as the man squirmed. His hitched breathing indicates the he needs air and in a few moments he might die.

"W-Who are you?!" The man holding a blade said. The one holding the woman let her go out of fear after realizing who their opponent is.

"T-Those piercing grey eyes and d-dark as the night hair! Immense strenght and freezing cold voice! Y-You're the infamous t-thug in the Underground. The man of a h-hundred men, the Lone Wolf!" He exclaimed and Levine averted his gaze towards the two of them.

"Hmm...interesting. I don't know I'm that famous to get my name up in the surface," he said and go of the man. He turns to the woman and saw her holding her chest and that her breathing is shaken.

'Could this woman have an illness in the lungs or in the heart?' Levine thought and turned to the other two men. If what he thinks is true, then he have to finish this quickly.

"You've been missing for a month and half and the thugs underground have been looking for you, even the Police. They even thought you were dead!"  The man holding a blade said and trembled in fear, enough to make him let go of his blade.

"I'm in a good shape, thank you very much," he said and pick up the blade, "Now. As I was saying. Leave these two alone and don't ever bother anyone else ever again."

"Y-Yes, sir!" They said and left with their other comrade.

"And before I forgot," he said, putting the three in a stop, "Don't ever tell anyone of my location. If you do, I'll be on the hunt for you," the three nodded and ran away from them in fear like cowering dogs.

He made sure they are away before dropping the blade and kneeling down to the woman.

"Okaa-san!" The boy exclaimed as the woman breathe heavily and started to turn pale.

"Oi, brat! Does your mother have some kind of sickness?" Levine asked the boy and the boy nodded with a worried expression.

"Her heart is very weak, that's why a shock is bad for Okaa-san," the boy informed Levine and he did not hesitate to carry the woman.

"But she can still be save, right?" He asked and the boy nodded.

"There's a man who always treat her. I'll lead you to him," he said and started running. Levine followed the boy and run through the thick crowds. He would skillfully dodge each one and make sure to keep the woman have her air.

Meanwhile, in a distance, Eren an the others noticed the commotion ad their attention were shifted from their lunch to the sound of hasty running.

"Move out, will you?! Someone freaking dying here!" They gasped at the voice and suddenly stood up. Jean, who is the tallest among them tried to take a peek of the situation and saw that Levine is running with a woman in his arms.

"What the-- Where did Levine go for the past two hours?" Jean asked and Armin and Eren followed the commotion. The others have no choice but to follow, but not without Sasha ordering a take out.


The boy stopped in front of a health center and knocked hastily. The door opened, revealing a man with grey hair and pair of rectangular glasses. He took notice of the young boy with a worried face and them to Levine with a woman in his arms. His eyes aided an rantowards the woman.

"Joanna!" The man exclaimed as he inspect the woman's temperature, "Felix! What happened?!"

"We were attacked by the traffickers and mom was in shock! Her heart might've not take it!" The boy said and the man shook his head in disagreement, "Onii-chan here save us."

"Thank you, but can you please take her in and place her on a bed?" Levine ndednd did what was asked. The boy sat on a chair and watch with a worried expression.

Levine who was watching the scene before him, remembered something. Although, he doesn't know if it was a memory or just another fragment of his dreams?

'Mom! Please hold on! We'll make in through with my brother or sister!!'

'Oh, my dear. I won't ever let go. I'll always be here...'

Clicking his tongue, he turned his heels and tried walki g out of t building before the boy grabbed his sleeve, preventing him to leave.

"Onii-chan... Thank you for saving us earlier. You're a good person," the boy said, looking up at him with red puffy eyes. His innocence makes Levine uncomfortable, especially his naiveness. How could he call someone like himself a good person.

"Look, kid. I'm no good person. I'm one of the worst person you could ever think of," Levin said and pushed the boy's hand away, "You'll meet a lot more people like me if your future."

"Not a good person? But didn't you just defeat the bad guys?" The boy asked, innocently and Levine glared.

"Whatever, brat. I'm outta here," he said and left. Just as he left, the 104th squad arrived just in time. He looked at them with a blank expression and walk pass t group.

"Oi, Levine. What was that?" Connie asked as he started following the older male.

"It's none your business," he coldly replied and they looked at each other. What they saw earlier confused them and made them curious at the same time. The self-centered Levine just ran carrying a woman to a health center.

"Come on, Levine. What really happened?" Eren asked and Levine clicked his tongue.

"I just helped a woman and a kid. Why do you brats make it a big deal?" Levine asked, annoyed. Historia, who is still with them, stared at Levine. For some reason, he reminds her of Ymir.

"I think it's a big deal," Historia said, earning the other's attention, including Levine.

"Oh? Why is that?" Levine asked with a skeptical look. She smiled at him and put her hands together.

"That just say that you are a good person and not a self-centered one," Historia said making Levine's eyes wide.

"I'm not good person," Levine declared and clutched his hands into fist, "So don't categorize me with people like that."

He said and finally left them once again, finding another place to be isolated to. Another place where the wolf can be far away from his pack.


Yehet! Book two's out already! Hope you guys like the first 9 chapters. And if I have time, I'll make the 10th one right after.

(If there are readers out there who haven't read the book 1, please do read it.)

For those who've read Levi's Secret, thank you for your support, reads and votes, minna! I know it's not much of a big deal, but 1K reads really surprised me and I hope it'll increase together with this book.

P.S. that image above is a young Levi, but in this story, that's Levine. Credits to the owner!!

So that's all. Ja'ne!

~RSE out

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