Chapter 15

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"You told me this when we were about to escape from the asylum and I didn't reply cause I was thinking about the escape. Now's the time I tell you the truth, I think you're mistaken" I sat up "It's not me"

"God" Ignis rubbed his temples "How are we going to explain this?"

"Look here Caeli, you need to believe this. Why would we go through all that stress of leaving the asylum and bringing you here if we're not sure about who you are?"

"I don't know. I don't think I have the strength or courage to go against someone that destroyed a whole place in a matter of hours"

"You're not meant to think you have the strength to." Lux said "I understand that. You weren't brought up here and you don't know our ways so I don't expect you to think you're more than you are."

"I'm just a girl from an asylum. Nothing more. Fine, I have a horrible past but it doesn't mean it made me stronger or whatever you think I am"

"Deep down, you know we're right. Even if it's just a little feeling inside." Ignis said and scooted closer to me. He lied down beside me and rested his head on shoulder. "Wait a moment, I know what would make this better." He stood up and sprinted out of the room.

"I really thought you believed it when I told you in the asylum" Lux said seconds after Ignis left.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I don't know, i'm just confused. The only reason I came here with you at the beginning is because I have no where to go. I'm pretty popular in my hometown as a demonic child and I wouldn't last seconds there before I get arrested again a_"

"Exactly" He cut me off "They didn't bring you to the asylum because you killed someone and they definitely didn't put you in stage five because they think you're a young girl that murdered her family. They only kept you there because days after your arrest, the seven cops that handled your case died a day after you were taken to the asylum. They died the same way your parents did, their throats were slit open"

To say I was surprised would be a complete understatement.

Whether he was right or wrong, his conclusion made perfect sense. Stage four was for the highly insane with tendencies to murder, if it happened the way I thought it did then I would've been kept in stage four.

How did it happen that i'd never thought of it before he said it?

But still, I couldn't be who he thought I was. I wasn't half as strong as an average human being not to talk of the queen of seven tribes of a world as strong as theirs. I didn't have their powers, I wasn't a god and I definitely couldn't kill anyone.

"It could've been anything"

"No it can't. It would've been more believable if they died separately."

"I don't know what to say Lux, I'm confused"

"You should be but believe me when I say this, it's all planned. Xelexia is the smartest being in Anel. She has a plan for everything. She's behind all of this. She killed your parents because she knew it would be hard to take you in their presence. Not because she couldn't barge in and take you but because it's against the laws and in Anel, everyone follows the laws. That's just how it is" He paused "She wanted to get you in a separate confined place so it would be easy to say you escaped. That explains why she killed those policemen so it would be just you in stage five"

"But why would she do that? I didn't do anything to her"

"You haven't but you would. You're the only one that has the powers superior to hers and that makes you the only one that is capable to end her and all of this, to bring back peace."

"I'm sorry but the person you're looking for is not me"

"You know it's you. You just don't want to admit it to yourself. You're not as weak as you think you are. Trust me, when we're done, you'll be a million times stronger"

"Let's make something clear. My name is Mary Wilson and I'm the daughter of a pope_"

"And the church's head female worker and wife of the Pope. On the sixteenth October 2003, you reduced the way you attend the church for God know what and preferred to stay at home. The church's Pope died and your father took the position immediately after the burial which also took your mother to a higher position. About a year or two after, the news went out that you were possessed and your father couldn't cope with it so he had you locked up in your room for safety reasons and to reduce the embarrassment and gossips. Three exorcists which included a nun and two other church workers tried to cast out the demon from you but because there was no demon, it didn't work as they planned. The news got out that the demon in you was strong and nine years after, your parents were found dead with bloody slits in their necks."

"How did you know that?"

"Because we've known you since you left Anel. We tracked you down and we've been following you since then. Isn't that enough to show you you're not the wrong person"

"Nope, that's just weird and it kinda makes you guys look like stalkers"

"Oh my God" He sighed. "Whether you believe this or not, I'm always gonna be here alright?" He said and placed his hand on mine. For the first time, his hand felt normal. It wasn't as hot as usual. Instead, his hand felt warm and smooth.

For that short moment, i felt safe.

"Oh my God" Ignis barged in "Did you guys just kiss?!"

I'm very sorry for the late update and more sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to update as soon as I could but I didn't really feel like writing so that explains why the chapter is kinda stupid.

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Instagram: sophia_shodimu

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