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The following words, names, events and incidents are simply fictions of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

P. S: You copy my story, I'll kill you or haunt you in your dreams. Depends on my mood.

You may continue....

Caeli: Prologue.

Thalassophobia: Fear of sea or sea travel

"Chaos, there's no better word to describe it.

It went in slow motion.

The screams, cries and every other thing this great destruction brought. Children were forcefully taken away from their parents, like plucking leaves from a three and thick dark smoke covered the night sky making the once bright moonlight all dark and blurry. A whole bunch of ravens were scattered in the night sky, muttering incoherent chants repeatedly, almost like a form of witchcraft or something. Like the one in movies, exactly like the ones in movies. Their eyes red and glowing like jewels but beneath them was evil, I could just feel it. They moved in circles, all of them in one rhythm. Like they were programmed.

There was blood scattered on the ground. Little houses had been knocked over and destroyed. Bloody remains of bodies were mushed into the ground, making the ground dark red in colour. The people were loud and uncoordinated, squeezing into each other to save their lives. There was no time to waste. Just a second behind and they had to kiss their lives goodbye. Some searched for their family, some selfishly left all behind while others lay lifeless in a pool of blood. One could sense the stranded souls running and screaming for help, not to sound stupid or anything but literally I could feel it.

Trouble increased as corpses emerged from the ground, I swear, they were like zombies. Their rotten bodies slowly crawled their way out, forming a new army against the people. They had bulging eyes with hundreds of razor sharp teeth. Dressed in tattered dirty clothes, their bones peeked out of their skin with black blood dripping out, like something you would expect from zombies, right?

The time was near and there was this lady, I could feel her heart almost tear out of her chest. Beads of sweat dripped slowly from her forehead. Her hood covered her face protectively but that didn't stop her from being noticed. It's easy to spot a crown when you see it, you know, just like how kids would spot a celebrity these days. Carrying two baskets, she moved through the people with ease. For a reason, her powers were not affected like the rest.

She had blue blood flowing through her veins.

The mother constantly stopped to check on her children, making sure they were safe in her hands. She knew the day had come and if anyone escaped the doom, it wouldn't be her. She was born for it and she couldn't escape her own fate or at least that's what I think it is, that's what it felt like.

Damp hair plastered on her forehead, she stopped at the sea shore. Somehow, no one decided it was a good idea to run here. Smart, right? The things people do in panic. Anyways, the place was calm and neat, unlike every other part of their world. Though the distant noises could be heard but it was at least safe from the chaos.

The ravens were directly above her, still chanting Incoherent words rhythmically. To her, they were as good as harmless. Just some weak birds under a spell.

With shivering hands, she dropped the baskets slowly on the ground. The oldest peeked her head out of the basket. Her eyes glowed dazzling green with silvery specks in them. Her birthmarks covered her cheek bones with a little one printed on her chest. Let me tell you, it's one of the most beautiful kids I've ever seen.

The three year old slowly brought her little hands up to her mother's face, wiping away the tears. This only made the mom cry more, seeing how warm her little girl could be. She brought her lips to her forehead and placed a little kiss on it.

"Mommy" she whispered in her mother's ear and the mom went all "Shhhh" shushing the little girl before she could utter another word.

"My spirit will always be with you. Remember to come back when the time comes" she whispered to the girl even when she knew she wouldn't understand her, didn't even look like she did to be honest.

She pulled the sheets over when a very familiar shadow loomed over them. She placed her hands on her children and closed her eyes and boom, they disappeared like a live magic show. Literally, they disappeared into thin air.

It felt safe for them though.

Behind her, this other lady laughed and from what it looks like, she's like mastermind of the whole thing, like the villain in the story.

"Any last words?"


"No pep talk about how you think I shouldn't do this?"

"I can't change fate" she said, her back still facing the villain lady. "Do as you wish"

She chuckled behind her and brought her gaze down to the handwoven basket. Slowly, it started to crumble like something burning but a million times faster, paranormal stuff, you know. Within seconds, there were ashes on the ground and smoke in the air and those kinda stuff.

"Where are they?" She asked and let me tell you, the villain lady was looking so pissed, like she was about to pulp any second. "You imbecile, do you really think I will never find them?"

"You'll do nothing to them"

"Believe me, even if you took them to the pit of hell, I'll find them"

And the good lady literally fell and died.

Which brings me to the question, do you understand my dream?"

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to explain my dreams and problems to a drunk guy at the end of a bar but desperate times call for desperate decisions. I just needed anything to make me feel sane and he was up for a conversation, who am I to lose such an opportunity?

"You're crazy"

"Uh" I huffed "Well my boyfriend broke up with me today, you're up for that story?"

"Spill the tea"

Author's note.

Thanks for deciding to read this story and for some of you that do not understand this part, you'll get it in the next four to five chapters. If you're here from Thorne Academy, or you've read it before, Hey!

It's not like you have to read it first, it's just the same setting and all.

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Instagram: sophie.kenke

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