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Caelum's Factbook


Geography: Verelum is the second largest and northernmost isle with a temperate climate everywhere except the isle's southern tip which is tropical. The isle is full of evergreen forests, especially in the north which is full of mountains while jungles populate the south. There is a countless number of lakes, rivers, and waterfalls covering the land. The most famous natural feature is Lotus Lake which is the largest body of water in all of Caelum.

People: Inspired by East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander cultures.

Pokémon: Water, Ice, Rock, Fairy, Grass

Government: Constitutional monarchy. King Dingxiang and Queen Leilani are the current rulers. The capital is Primrose City. Meganium is the royal Pokémon.

Military/Security: Verelum has the second largest navy and by far the largest number of town guards.

Issue(s): Verelum is suffering from non-stop flooding and mudslides.


Geography: Rubrelum is the largest and westernmost isle with a semi-arid climate in the western half of the isle and a desert climate in the eastern half. The western half of the isle is full of hilly, fertile land while the eastern half is made up of savannahs. The most famous natural feature is the Red Desert which splits the isle in half.

People: Inspired by African, Australian, and Mediterranean cultures.

Pokémon: Fighting, Bug, Fire, Ground, Dark, Dragon

Government: Absolute monarchy. Queen Zeya is the current ruler. The capital is Scarlet. Haxorus is the royal Pokémon.

Military/Security: Rubrelum has by far the largest navy in the world and the second largest number of town guards.

Issue(s): Rubrelum is suffering from a terrible drought, wildfires, and dust storms.


Geography: Verelum is the smallest and easternmost isle with a temperate climate. The land is mostly made up of vast, neverending plains with rolling hills and farmland. The most famous natural feature is the Far Plains located in the south due to its abundance of resources.

People: Inspired by Norse and Anglo-Saxon cultures.

Pokémon: Normal, Flying, Psychic, Electric, Steel, Ghost

Government: Absolute monarchy. King Benton and Queen Margery are the current rulers. The capital is Orden. Escavalier is the royal Pokémon.

Military/Security: Tranquelum has by far the smallest navy and number of town guards.

Issue(s): Tranquelum is facing civil disputes as citizens are worried about the threat of war.

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