Chapter 2: Reintroduction

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Chapter 2: Reintroduction


Lola shoots the abomination of a man across from her an angry glare. He doesn’t even hold the right to be called human. No, he’s a monster. A downright asshole. She refuses to speak to him. Not that he cares.

Oh no, because a stupid phone holds him attention far more than her. Whatever.

“Where are you taking me?” she grits out, breaking her own vow of silence. His stormy eyes hold her gaze for a moment before he breaks away-bored.
“Wherever I please-”
Fury bursts through Lola and in an irrational burst of energy, she snaps off her seatbelt before attacking the door handle. Only it rattles in vain causing her captor to break into snickers.
Turning back, her cheeks stain red as she furrows her eyebrows in rage and embarrassment.  

“I predicted you would be unpredictable, so that side-your side-has child locks fitted, meaningit can only be opened from the outside,” he explains.
“I am not a child,” she hisses in retort.
He raises his scared eyebrow again-the very frequent motion causing yet another irrational burst of anger in Lola.
“Yet you behave like one.”
“Oh? Then tell me, how exactly am I meant to behave, Mr Castellano, when someone blackmails me and kidnaps me?”
He responds with a moment of silence before finally stating, “it would be in your best interest to comply, Miss Beaumont.”

Another icy glare is her only response.

They finally stop. And judging by the intimidating skyscrapers surrounding them she knows they’re on the far northern part of the city. It’s a far cry from the smaller, village-like southern side, which she grew up in. What the hell are they doing here in this alien seeming planet?
Her eyes snap back as all the men step out of the car before her own door opens. One of the goons (the one who’d tossed her over his shoulder) offers his hand but she refuses it. She’s not a goddamn child.

Stepping out she naturally follows the distancing back of Carlos. Giving a nod to the doorman who graciously keeps the door open for her, she finds herself in one of the grandest foyers, she’s ever seen.
He strides into the elevator, awaiting for her company. With no other choice, Lola steps into the confided space, trying to ignore the imposing men crowding her space. Glancing to the side, she notes with surprise that they’re headed to the top floor. She wonders what’s on the top floor. An apartment? That’s the only thing that makes sense. But why is he taking her to an apartment building? Is it to…take her to meet his guests? Or maybe it’s to toss her off the top. That sure would be a spectacle, wouldn’t it?

“Rico, Marco, thank you.”
Lola’s head whips around as the elevator doors open and Carlos bids his bodyguards a farewell. She suppresses a shudder at the notion of being alone with Carlos.
Her upper arm is suddenly clamped tightly and she gasps in shock as he drags her forwards.
“You don’t have to drag me, you know! It’s not like I can do a runner!” she hisses as he urges her towards the apartment door and unlocks it.
She stumbles inside from his forceful push and regaining her balance she assess the room with confusion. It looks just like an apartment building-alabeit a fancy, furnished one but still just a building.
Where are the imposing drug lords? Where are the hookers? Where’s the booze and the gambling and the…
There’s a thump behind her, signalling the dropping of her bag of things they stole from her room. Spinning around, she takes a defensive stance, wearily wondering what now.

His steel grey’s rake her top to bottom, making her feel extremely self-conscious but that feeling soon dissipates when he cocks his finger to draw her to him. Planting her feet into the ground she shakes her head. She’s going nowhere near him than she needs to be.
Except Carlos Castelllano doesn’t take no for an answer.

He pulls her forwards, turning her around and roughly entrapping her between the closed front door and his brooding body.

“What now, piccola? These walls are soundproofed, the glass hardened and we’re 300 feet up in the air and no-one is coming for you. You are at my complete mercy, so tell me, what are you going to do now?” he taunts her in his deep, baritone voice.

His words are like ice for the hot flare of arousal Lola feels from the looming of his body and the husky tone of his voice. She evenly holds his gaze for a moment before turning her cheek to him and gazing to the side. He wants her to be angry, she realises. He wants to see her reaction to him because he knows it will be brimming with hostility and what is she to him but a sick game. An experiment really. And so, if she-as the test subject-refuses to react then surely he will lose interest in her at some point.

“Are you quite finished? Because it’s nearly lunchtime and I’m hungry…”she sighs before reverting her gaze to him and continuing, “unless you plan on starving me?”

His hand curls around her waist, yanking her against his hard body as his mouth descends fiercely onto hers. Her hands automatically curl into fists, pumping against his chest however as his tongue spars with hers she feels them unfurling. They rest against the silk of his shift, relishing in the thick coils of muscle beneath the material as her sanity slows slip from her with his demanding mouth. She can all but yield to him as her body succumbs to his will.
His other hand strokes at the slither of skin at her hips, exposed from the rising of her top. It dances along her hips to the button of her jeans where it slips under the denim. There, Lola gasps at the feeling of his thick digits gliding down her freshly waxed skin, beneath her underwear to the pulsing nub begging for his attention.
His mouth tears away from her, latching onto the supple skin at the throat. There he can feel the hammering her heart from her throbbing hot pulse.
Carlos,” she groans her head rolling against his shoulder and as he feels her about to pull herself into clarity, his hand cups over her pssy, noting with no surprise that she’s wet.

Softly teasing the sensitive folds he finally slides his middle finger effortless into her taut, hot channel.
Lola cries in relief and pleasure at the welcome intrusion. Her breath quickly turns shallow and ragged as he pulses that finger in and out of her begging cnt.
“Oh…God!” she groans as he thrusts another finger into her.
She can feel her blunt fingernails digging into Carlos’s solid bicep but it’s all she can do to stop herself falling. That and entrusting him to hold her up.

Carlos’s thrusts deepen, harder and harder he pounds into her sweet pssy, shooting currents of intense pleasure through her.
“More…please,” she begs.
His fingers curl, scratching delightfully against her walls and tipping her over the edge.

In a flurry of colour, Lola falls off the edge, her body shuddering at the overwhelming pleasure flooding through her. Each nerve end ignites on fire, shooting sparks throughout every cell in her. Unable to comprehend the intense ecstasy bathing her senses, her vision blurs while her legs buckle beneath her.
Holy shit

Carlos holds her up, allowing her back to rest against the door while she gains her breath.

“I am more than willing to satisfy your hunger, bambina so long as you earn it,” he whispers in her ear as clarity slows seeps back into her.
Dear God, how can he do this to her when no one else can? How does he make every orgasm she has with him, better than any she’s ever had before? What the hell is wrong with her?
“What? What was..that for?” she breathlessly retorts. What has she done to earn this?
“This was a reminder.”
Of course it was. Of course, the bastard would remind her just what she wants to forget. That she’s pure putty in his skilful hands. But just how many can those hands do that to?   
“You directly disobeyed me, and next time I won’t be so lenient,” he warns and it takes Lola a few moments to realise what he meant but then it clicks.

“You can’t seriously expect me to not wear underwear!” she cries back indignantly. What a preposterous request! She’d thought he was just saying to try prove some kind of point.

He pushes away from her leaving her without a real answer. Spinning around, she sees him stride away somewhere further into the apartment.
“Carlos!” she calls, indignant that he’s just walking away. Yet he does. He continues and before she knows it, Lola hears the shutting of a door.


A/n Thanks for reading! I don't know when next update will be but hopefully 2-3 weeks. Updates on other stuff will vary! So yeah, have a good weekend everyone :) 

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