Chapter 9: Pleasure and Protection

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Chapter 9


A frustrated growl echoes throughout the empty bedroom as it's only occupant fumes in silence.

The absolute nerve of the man!

Lola cannot believe he would just do that! How dare he just pick her up and carry her into the bedroom like some...some beast. Or rather like she's some sort of child. At least, it's better than finding him actually in bed with her. Hopefully, similar to yesterday, he'll be gone for the day and she won't have to see him today. Maybe...not even tonight.

Lola stretches her limbs in front of the streaming sunlight. Such a beautiful day only causes her to smile...until she realises that she won't be able to enjoy it at all. Not stuck indoors. Shaking off the negativity, she throws her straggled hair up into a sloppy bun before making the bed and deciding to get some breakfast.

She hums to herself as she pours the chocolate cereal into the bowl and adds the milk. Her love for chocolate cereal is one of the few things that hasn't changed since childhood, but back then it may have been fuelled by the fact her father would only allow her to have it twice a week. Now however, although she can chose to have it whenever, she restricts herself to just Sundays. Beautiful, lazy, Sundays. Or at least it used to be. Now she's not sure what Sundays mean.

Either way, it will always mean cereal.

Lola's spooning another mouthful of the creamy treat into her mouth, when she starts choking.

In all fairness, she was not expecting that. She blinks twice. Nope. He's still there. Sat in loose t-shirt and sweatpants, Carlos is 'man-spread' across the couch, a bowl of his usual natural yoghurt and granola, as he watches TV.

"Good morning," he naturally grunts before turning his attention back to the cookery show that's playing.

Lola's mouth flounders as she tries to find her tongue and use it effectively in speech. She's not quite sure what to think at the moment.

"You're....You're here-"

"It's my home. Where else would I be?" he retorts causing her to shake her head of her shock.

"That's not what I meant. It's're usually not here during the day."

He simply shrugs as she takes a seat across from him, folding her legs into the couch as she passively stares at the TV.

"It's my day off."

"I didn't think evil ever rested," mutters Lola under her breath. Only when she feels his laser stare does she realise that she'd not said it quiet enough.

Taking the high ground, he chooses to ignore it and instead has his revenge by springing on her something worse.

"Don't get too comfortable. We have places to be," he states.

The word 'we' doesn't register for a minute to Lola and she simply shrugs before her head whips around and she gasps.

"Wait what do you mean 'we'?!" she cries, "what places? Where?"

"Well, first would be the gym," he states and at the mention of that horrific 3-letter word, her face twists into a pained expression.

Her whole body just rejects that word.

"I don't want to go to the gym! Why are we going to a gym?!" And then suddenly an offensive thought enters, "is this way of saying I'm getting fat?!"

He simply raises his eyebrows as this lips tilt in amusement.

"No, I have no opinion about your weight," he carelessly admits and for some reason that statement just instantly warms her heart.

God, if her make-believe boyfriend actually said that she would just die. Because that would no doubt be one of the sweetest things to say, especially considering Lola's very aware of her fluctuating curvy to borderline chubby body.

"If I did I would tell you directly."

And...he ruined it.

Oh but it gets better because he continues, "just as long as you're aware obesity is linked to Type II diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis-"

She rolls her eyes, "alright! I'm not going to let myself become Jabba the Hutt for Christ's sake, Carlos."

Immediately Lola can tell that reference has gone straight over his head. He may not be the most expressive person but that little twitch of his eyebrows drawing closer showcases it perfectly.

"Carlos....Please tell me you know what Star Wars is...." she slowly and deliberately begs, afraid of his answer.

He shrugs, "of course I know what Star Wars is and the general...gist of it but I've never seen them."

Now that just sounds like blasphemy to Lola. How can he not have seen Star Wars having grown up in America?! To her, Star Wars was childhood. They were part of the lazy Sunday movie marathons she'd have with her father, back when she was young enough not to have teachers breathing down her neck about deadlines and projects. They were Daddy-daughter time. They were happiness and innocence and....perfection.

"Oh my God! How can you never have seen it as a kid?!"

Carlos shrug, his father was a cliché in that he owned a lot of classic mob movies such as 'The Big Heat' and 'Casque D'or'. Plus anything remotely 'pansy' is one of those unwritten rules in his father's household. Carlos dreads to think what his father would have done if he'd turned out to be homosexual.

"Okay, okay, how about we make a deal?" she asks.

"I'm not a gambling man. Besides, you can offer me nothing I can't just take myself."

This old line again. Maybe she's becoming desensitised to it because now she simply doesn't bother to acknowledge it.

"Today, whatever ridiculous thing you have planned at the gym, I'll play nice. No whining, no bitching if we get to watch the first three classic Star Wars movies tonight."

He considers it for a moment before deciding 'what the hell', he has nothing to lose, "sure. But remember. No whining or bitching."

Lola wholeheartedly agrees. Besides, how bad can today be? 

He's taken her to the seediest gym ever and now gazing at the tired, old building, Lola's not too sure it really is a gym.

"Ugh...Carlos...Is this really a gym?" she asks timidly, her hands crossing the two sides of her hooded sweatshirt across her body and shifting the bag on her shoulders.

"Yes, now come on," he states with irritation glancing back at her.

She seems to take it all in with wide eyes. He's not surprised. Even though she doesn't come from a life of luxury, she's clearly never experienced borderline poverty.

"Carlos what about your car?" she asks glancing back at the sleek machine panther. Surely something so valuable shouldn't be left unguarded in a place like this.

Carlos shrugs at the question. He's not worried, people around here know better than to mess with the Castellano's and their business.

Approaching the rusted front door, he bangs thrice on the door before it's creaked open and a tall dark man covered in tattoos peeks through. His hostile expression softens at seeing Carlos and he steps back to allow them through.

"This her, CC?" he asks pointing towards Lola who's gazing around the dingy old school gym and noting it's emptiness.

Carlos simply nods turning to Lola and instructing her to make her way to the lockers at the back and place away her post-gym clothes and shower toiletries.

"Doesn't look like the fighter type," comments Jet.

Carlos tears his gaze away from Lola's retreating body before addressing his friend.

"She's not. That's why she needs this."

Jet nods in understanding. He's right. A tiny thing like her wouldn't survive in the scary Castellano world at all. Not without Carlos's help.

"My father and brother cannot know about this. Understand?" grits out Carlos.

"Yes...But why don't you train her yourself?"

Carlos may not be the largest man but what he lacks for in dense muscle, he makes up for in agility. Training with him would be far better for his girl than with Jet.

"No, that wouldn't work," he states shaking his head. If he were to training someone, he wouldn't give a crap about their feelings-he'd push them to their limits and more. And with Lola, he doesn't want to do that. On top of everything, if she associates him with that then living with her will be even worse than it is now.

"Well...Okay then," shrugs Jet.

As Lola approaches both men ceases their low murmured conversation to face her.

"Jet this is Leia," introduces Carlos and it takes effort for Lola not to frown and instead go with it.

"Leia, Jet will be training you in self defence and basic combat," he continues.

Lola's surprised to say the least. Why would he do that? Train her in something that she could use to potentially harm him. Either way, she's quite excited yet at the same time nervous. She's never hit anyone intentionally in her life. As for any type of fighting-she's never done it. Her friend had signed her up for a kickboxing class once but being the chicken she is, Lola had bailed.

Carlos takes a seat in the corner in one of the old creaky chairs to quietly observe.

Starting off, it isn't so bad. Jet shows her a few poses and basic manoeuvres like punches and kicks before he starts demonstrating self-defence moves. Her painful awareness of Carlos slowly dissolves, as she gets absorbed into the exercises.

Jet forces her to continue on despite her the ache of her muscles, the throbbing of her bruised knuckles and her trickling sweat.

"Oh my God....time out. Break....Stop," pants Lola her upper body collapsing as she rests her hands on her bent knees.

"Come on, give me a few more," encourages Jet holding up his blocking pads. With a disgruntled groan, Lola straightens herself up, steading her feet into the strong stance he'd taught her before throwing away the last of her energy in those final punches.

"One more," calls Jet clapping the pads together while dancing around her with them on.

Gritting her teeth Lola throws the last punch she possibly can before allowing herself to collapse again onto her knees. She can't do anymore. She just can't.

"That's enough for today. Go take a shower," states Carlos, finally piping up. All that time, he'd been silent just watching her technique and making mental notes of her weaknesses (of which there are many).

With a sigh of relief Lola manages to drag herself to the locker rooms for a well earned shower. Although she has to leave her hair wet it's a small price to pay for finally being clean after all that time drenched in her own sweat. Slipping into a pair of jeans and a clean shirt, she shoves the dirty clothes into the bag and tries her best to towel dry her hair.

The soreness of her body hasn't set in yet but she has no doubt that come tomorrow morning, she won't even be able to move without every muscle in her screaming in agony.

Either way, it has definitely been worth it and for that she's thankful to Carlos for giving her the opportunity although; she has no idea why he would do that.

As they exit the gym and enter the car, Lola decides she may as well ask him why he's having her do this.

"A precautionary," he replies, leaving Lola with more questions than an answer.

"For what? What are you having me do?"

She hopes it's not going to be some underground fighting ring because no amount of training would cause her to suck less at that.

"I am not having you do anything. This is a precautionary measure in case something were to happen in which you would have to defend yourself," he explains. Of course it wouldn't be very effective with some of the higher levels in the organisation such as his brother or father but at least it would give her a chance, should it ever come to that.

"Oh...Oh uh, well....thanks, I guess," she mumbles in response, embarrassed at assuming the worst.

She glances out the window, allowing them to fall into silence.

When they stop it's not outside the apartment building like she'd thought, instead a multi-storey car park. Just as she's about to ask where they are, he exits, leaving only her to follow. They exit the car park onto a boulevard lined with cute coffee shops and restaurants and in that moment, Lola's suddenly aware of her deep hunger.

"Carlos, when can we go back, I'm hungry," she softly whines.

"That's why we're here. To eat," he replies over his shoulder, once again surprising Lola.

He steers her into an adorable little café style restaurant, picking a window table in the corner.

"Have you been here before?" she questions gazing at the Mediterranean cuisine menu. Maybe it's because she's ravenous but it all sounds so delicious.

"Yes a few times. The seafood is delicious here," he comments.

Seafood? Ugh, Lola can't stand seafood, unless it's fish battered and fried. Or rather she can but her stomach can't.

When the waiter appears, Lola's still undecided, she wants to maintain the somewhat pleasant atmosphere between her and Carlos but at the same time, it's not worth the stomach cramps.

"Lola? What are you having?"

"Um...the caponata, please," she replies closing the menu shut and handing it back to the waiter. Vegetables. She can't go wrong with vegetables.

"It's just that seafood and I don't mix well," she explains to Carlos as the waiter leaves.

"It seems you don't mix well with a lot of things," he comments causing Lola to snort in outrage at his teasing.

Her cheeks blush red as she pouts unable to come up with a good retort.

"No, just you. You're like oil and I'm water."

And it's true. To Lola, Carlos is like oil; translucent and slippery, even living with him now, she only knows some aspects of his life while the rest he hides, just like his character. But Lola...Lola's water. She's knows she's transparent. She's never been one to put on a mask-her emotions are written all over her and she likes it that way. It's always been less drama but now she's not so sure it's a good thing.

Carlos's lips tilts at one corner as he responds, "yes but add enough heat and they react spectacularly."

She's stunned by his response for a minute, wondering if he truly meant it like he said it. Judging by the humour shining in his eyes, she's pretty sure he did.

Once again her cheeks flare and she clears her throat trying to divert the subject, " did you and Jet know each other?"

Carlos shrugs, rolling the boulders he calls shoulders and sitting back in his chair. Unable to resist, Lola's eyes soak in the sight of his lean physique, clad in a plain denim style shirt; it fits perfectly, gripping lightly at his firm pectorals and hinting at the equally rock hard abs below. The top two buttons are undone, showing more of that delicious deeply tanned skin and causing Lola to-


Lola mentally shakes her head, trying to snap out of it. What the hell is she doing trying to mentally undress him?! Jeez, she didn't think hunger for food could morph into other kinds of hunger.

Snapping out of it, she manages to catch the last part of Carlos's words about helping out Jet in return for his loyalty.

The food is brought out after and while Carlos has the mussels, she has the Sicilian vegetable dish.

It's absolutely delicious and just like that they fall into silence while they eat.

Scraping up the last few bits with ciabatta, Lola peeks across to Carlos yet again, wondering how such a beautiful man can be filled with so much darkness. Upbringing, it has to be his upbringing. She's a firm believer that no one is born evil and of course, having a father involved in illegal business would naturally lead the offspring to follow. But is it just him? Or does he have some sick, twisted sister or brother too?

"Do you have any siblings Carlos?"

"Yes-a younger brother."

Lola's eyebrows rise in surprise, "oh and what does he do?"

"...He's in the business too," responds Carlos causing an awkward silence to fall between them.

"Oh...And your mom?"

"My mother is the second daughter of a Cartel leader in Italy, suffice to say she knows the business well even if she doesn't participate fully in it."

She may be happier to take on a more submissive role against his father, but Carlos knows all too well that his mother is a true force to be reckoned with. She can be just as cruel and vengeful as his father-more in fact because while his father would hit a man directly, his mother would use anything and everything she can against the man-truly kicking down. Love is never overtly expressed in his household but growing up, neither was abuse. His traditional parents did spank when he and his brother were young but as they grew older there was a strict order that they both knew was to be maintained. Even now neither would directly oppose them, partly out of respect but mainly out of fear.

Lola doesn't know what to say to that. Is there not one normal one out of his family of crazies?!

"Now that's enough. Let's go," he states calling for the waiter.

As they pass the outskirts of town, Lola's curious as to where he's taking her now. Since they've somewhat established he's not planning on harming her, she's quite excited to see where they wind up. Turns out, it's a gun range.

And just like that her excitement deflates. It may be strange she's living in such a pro-gun country but Lola is firmly anti-gun. She's never held a real one before and she never wants to. No one should have such a dangerous weapon where one tiny mishap can be at the cost of an innocent life.

"Carlos...I don't want to do this," she admits.

He twists to face her, absorbing her wary expression.

"It's a safe place Lola, no one's getting hurt here. I need to know you can properly use a firearm, now let's go."

He offers no more explanation than that as he exits the car. She has no choice but to follow them through, her hands already shaking at the prospect of holding an actual gun.

The door chimes as they enter, Carlos striding up to the man at the front desk and speaking to him in low tones. Lola is left to observe the frankly terrifying sight before her of these large semi-automatic weapons mounted onto the walls. She can hardly believe that they are all real. Some are larger than her whole arm! How on Earth are normal civilians allowed these?!

"Lola, come sign this," calls Carlos sliding over some forms and a pen towards her.

Picking it up she hesitates. She really doesn't want to do this. What would he even do if she didn't sign this? Because surely they won't allow her to fire anything without the waver right?

Sensing her reluctance Carlos takes her by the elbow and pulls her back away from the counter for a private word.

"I'm not always going to be able to protect you Lola, it's important you learn these skills now to help yourself," he states.

" 'Protect me'? When have you protected me Carlos? Why would I need protection, all I am is your maid/bed companion, what danger am I in that would need me to use a gun?!"

"You can't know yet....Lola, piccola it's just a machine. You can do this, now let's get started."

He's right. It is just a machine. She can do this....She can do it.

"Okay...okay, fine. But only because I promised no whining," she reluctantly agrees.

Even after the extensive set of instructions, the weight of the real object feels foreign in Lola's hand. She can feel her heart pounding, her entire body seems to be shaking with the adrenaline flowing through her and her mind just can't focus on the target before her. She glances behind her to see Carlos stood there, with a similar set of soundproof headphones and goggles on that she has on too. Only he's completely calm about this all, whereas she's terrified. He nods at her, signalling her to fire. Spinning her gaze back in front of her, her hand clenches and unclenches the plastic but her finger just can't seem to pull the trigger.

She's faintly aware of the presence behind her and judging by his height and distinct aftershave, she knows it's Carlos.

His hands rest at her waist, his chest pressing against her back causing her heart to race for a completely different reason.

He shifts a corner of the earphone off one ear, his breath hot against her ear as his bristly facial hair brushes against her neck.

"Don't think so much piccola. Just shoot," he whispers replacing the earpiece and pushing himself back from her, giving her the space she needs to fire.

Okay. Okay, shoot. Just shoot, right? She can do this. She can do it.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Lola squeezes her middle finger, her body jolting at the slight recoil as she hears the faint echo of the bang. As the empty shell falls to the ground, Lola dares to peek up. She can't believe it! She actually got a portion of the outlined person. Sure it may only be their bicep rather than the chest or head but for a first timer, she's pretty proud. There's a certain rush from it too. A blast of adrenaline that cannot compare to anything else. Maybe it's the sound, maybe it's the feel of holding something so dangerous or maybe it's the control but it sure is exciting. And maybe that's one of the problems with it.

Still in this safe environment, Lola doesn't think about that. She glances back to see Carlos send her one of his rare smiles, which only causes Lola to grin wider as she readies herself to fire again.

They spend hours there, Carlos teaching Lola how to use different guns and helping her improve her technique. They don't progress onto a moving target and that's just as well, because Lola can feel her arms heavy with fatigue. After this morning and now this, she's sure her arms have doubled in size. Still, the thrill and rush remain of the shooting and because of that she's reluctant to leave. Plus, in all the time they've been there, Carlos has only assisted her-never fired one himself and in that, Lola finds a rare opportunity to tease him.

"Come on Carlos, if you're so good why don't you show me?"

"Lola," he warns patiently.

"What's the matter? Don't know how to hold one, Carlos? I could teach you," she grins cheekily, her smile broadens as she sees him raise his eyebrows.

"So this is you bragging huh? Don't forget who taught you, Lola," he retorts with a snort of laughter.

"Yeah well, the student has surpassed the master now," she shrugs.

"Oh really?" he asks stepping closer towards her.

Lola has to lean her head up to keep her eyes trained on his grey ones glazed with the same amusement reflected in hers.

"Yep," she pops.

"Then the student would not mind testing that out, would she?" he goads, playing along with her game.

Lola simply shrugs, "nope. What are the stakes?"

"Simple. One kiss. If I win you willingly kiss me. If I don't-you don't have to have your lips on me at all."

Lola gulps at that. There's just something so special about a kiss, especially when two people have the same amount of heat that her and Carlos do. That's something that try as she may, she can't deny. But each time, she could ignore it because Carlos had practically forced it upon her. This time though...if she loses, it will be willing and that means that she can't deny it at all. Guess, she'll just have to make sure she doesn't lose.

"Okay...Sure, but I'm still new at this."

"I distinctly remember you saying you'd surpassed me," he retorts throwing back her words but then decides that he may as well make it slightly fairer; even though she has no chance beating him at this.

"Fine, we'll make it slightly more even. You have three shots to hit anywhere in the 7 or under zone. If you miss even one, I win. I on the other hand will have three shots to hit the below 9 range, if I miss even one-you win."

"And if we both miss or don't?"

"Then, let's say you win," he shrugs. It doesn't matter because he won't miss, at least not at this range.

They both shake on it, Carlos allowing Lola to go first in an act of chivalry. Steading her hand she forces herself to try and forget Carlos is watching, focusing instead on the first red target at the outlined man's head. Pulling the trigger, she knows as soon as it's fired that although not straight on the X, she's definitely got within 7. As it turns out, she managed to pull an 8. With a grin, she lines up again, trying to find the same position as before and pulls. This time though, that first burst of confidence causes her to slip up. She doesn't land anywhere close to a 7. In fact, she barely makes a graze on the outlined man. Oh God...Biting her lip, she tries to reassure herself that it's okay. He could always miss and then she'd be fine. She just has to make the next shot. Refocusing, Lola fires again, hoping she hasn't missed. Much to her relief, she has indeed got it in the 7 range. Now she only hopes he misses a shot or too as well.

"Not bad, piccola," he congratulates, truly impressed by her improvement in the last few hours.

Adjusting his headgear and goggles, he takes the same gun from her. Ensuring the test is fair. And adopts his natural position. The semi-automatic is lighter to his preferred revolver but that's okay, he can handle both. Steadying his arm, he narrows his eyes onto the target X before firing three consecutive rounds. Each one blisters straight through their intended mark, leaving Lola gaping with amazement.

"Ready to go? Or would you like to place another bet?" he grins causing her to pout.

"No more bets," she sulks deciding gambling with him is definitely not a good idea.

Strangely enough, he doesn't collect on his winnings though, choosing instead to lead them out.

There's no more adventures thankfully. They arrive back at the apartment in time for dinner. Shamefully, it's nothing special but pizza for dinner because while it cooks in the oven, Lola and Carlos each grab a shower. Dressed in a pair of pj shorts and t-shirt, she grabs plates as Carlos emerges.

"Hey ready to have your mind blown?" she asks, handing him a plates as she grabs the pizza and places it onto the coffee table. She'd managed to find the movie online on the TV so now all that's left to do is eat and watch.

Too tired to argue, he slumps into the couch, an arm resting along the back as he takes a bite out of the heaven. Taking her own slices she rests beside him, careful not to let any part of their bodies touch. Thankfully as the movie starts playing, she finds herself relaxing, eating away all the hard work she did with Jet. Oh well. Finished she places her plate down, deciding to do the washing up later but as the movie goes on, her eyes start growing heavier, character dialog starts merging into babble and she's suddenly aware of the warmth radiating from beside her.

Carlos surprisingly gets into it. The plot isn't exactly complicated or difficult to understand and the special effects aren't stellar in comparison to modern age technology but it certainly does have an appeal to it that he can see. It's only as it ends, he's aware of sleeping beauty resting against him. Her head is snuggled back into his arm, her body tilted towards her and as he pulls her closer she makes no resistance. In fact her arm falls around his waist as her face snuggles into his chest.

After the day she's had, he's not surprised she's so tired. Shifting around, he swoops his arms under her thick thighs and another around her slim waist. How a woman who eats as carelessly as her manages to stay in such perfect shape is beyond him, but either way he doesn't care. Her eyes flutter lightly as he rises from the couch and starts carrying her into the bedroom.

"Carlos...your kiss," she whispers her voice husky from sleep.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Go back to sleep piccola," he replies soothingly but rather than entice her back into her perfect slumber, she blinks awake.

"But Carlos...." She starts those wide Bambi eyes, boring into him with such innocence, he truly does want to toss her on the bed and do as he wishes with her lithe curvy body.

"Lola, go to sleep," he grits out, holding onto the firm self-control he's perfected over so long.

He sets her down on her side, going around to slide into his side.

Inside of falling back asleep as he hopes, Lola twists around to face him her hand resting in the space between them.

"What Lola?" he asks too tired to play games now.

"I owe you a kiss," she whispers.

"Then pay me back later," he replies only to have her shake her head and shift closer.

"A deal is a deal and I pay my debts," she argues, palm resting against his slanted cheekbones, eyes lowering to those full lips. She nervously gulps before leaning in, gaze fixing completely on those lips rather than his confused yet fascinated stare.

As her softer mouth presses gently against his, an unexplainable spark connects them. The physical connection mirroring their other one-the spiritual, mental one. Her mouth parts as they move against each other in perfect synchronicity. In that moment, Lola is void of all thoughts except the feelings of desire he brings about in her. Oh how she wishes this was her first kiss rather than the sloppy one she had at 15 playing truth-or-dare.

He suddenly pulls back, leaving the sweet kiss as just that-a sweet innocent kiss. There's no tongue, no unleashing of passion and that just leaves Lola craving for more.

"There. All paid, now turn around and go to sleep, Lola," he commands, his voice gravelly and tone harsher than he means. But he can't help it. Her soft body so close to him, so willing and compliant is grinding down his steel nerves.

"W-what?" murmurs Lola, recoiling at the rejection.

But stung, she twists around and curls up needing to figure out a way to go to sleep still disgruntled. Jeez, men can be so complicated.

Carlos knows she's angry and most probably a little hurt by his retort and this time he just can't let it go. With an arm hooking around her waist, he drags her backwards into his body as she squeals and squirms in shock.

"Carlos!" she yelps.

His lips attack at her neck, sucking and kissing as he pushes down her t-shirt over her shoulder.

"This is what you wanted isn't it piccola? You knew that kiss would lead to this, didn't you?" he asks lowly, his questions causing Lola's cheeks to flare.

Okay, maybe deep down she really did want this. After all, the day they've had together has been amazing. No arguments, no anger, it was...dare she say it? Fun.

And so yes, perhaps in the protection of the night, her desires are going a little rampant. But she can hardly be blamed.

She can only whimper as his hand trails under her top, rising up and cupping over a bare breast. She squirms against him with heat rising uncomfortably in her body as he gently kneads the soft flesh.

"Carlos," she gasps when he takes one of her delicate nípples between his fingers and twirls.

His other palm, flattens down her stomach, delving under her shorts and underwear to the wet heat between her legs.

"How long have you been this wet, Lola?" he asks against her shoulder, rubbing slowly along her slit. His middle finger hooks out, gently stroking between her puffed lips.

Her grip latches onto his forearm, fingers digging in as she turns her head to face him.

"Please," she whimpers, tongue darting out to moisten her dry lips.

Carlos's heart is racing. This action of giving pleasure just for her, surprisingly brings out a strange sense of pleasure for him. He's hard against her lower back yet for now, he doesn't posses the urge to seek relief.

Done teasing her, he finally decides to give her some relief. His finger glides easily into her compliant entrance as she cries and arches pleasure.

"Is this what you want?" he asks, this time demanding an answer.

"Yes. Yes, please...more," she begs one of her legs shifting to rest over his, giving him easier access to glide in and hopefully scratch that itch she can't get to herself.

With those magic words his finger finally starts sliding in and out. Slowly and gently, causing Lola to go crazy with lust and her hips to roll in an attempt to speed it up. But the hand at her breast reaches down and steadies her hips, preventing her taking things back under her control. She's left only to writhe against him, begging and moaning for a faster pace.

Rather than speeding up, Carlos holds his thumb against her little pleasure button, her pearl orb of nerves being stimulated with the rough pad of his thumb rolling in circles.

She pants at the shock of gratification pulsing throughout her body. She's so close to that peak, she knows it but for how long is he going to leave her on the edge like this? Is this some sick tortured game? Because she'll do anything not to play.

Her eyes beg him. Imploring him not to continue this torment and the scariest part is he feels himself caving. His finger quickens its pace as her expression contorts into one of bliss. He could watch her forever like that; so thankful towards him, so happy.

"Better piccola?" he asks as she hisses in agreement.

Lola doesn't know how much more of this she can take. One of her hand clutches at the sheets, the other him. Her body presses as close as she can to him, her inner walls pulsate along his finger, trying to keep it in as long as possible.

Then all too suddenly, he hits the most wonderful spot inside her and it's her absolute undoing. Every inch of her flexes, her toes curling as her body freezes taken up by the purest pleasure imaginable.

She can only murmur unintelligibly as the high sweeps her in one blissful ride. It's one she really doesn't want to come off but eventually; she's swept off and left in a sleepy joyous state.

Her whole body relaxes as she feels every cell in her sink deeper into the soft comfort of the man behind her and the mattress below her. Carlos draws out of her, resting his hand against her bare stomach as he keeps her close to him.

"Now go to sleep, Lola," he softly whispers to which she gives a soft smile, turning her head so he rest his against her back.

"Thank you, baby," she murmurs in her half-asleep state, eyes drifting close and hand resting over his.

His body stills for a moment at the term of endearment before he forces himself to relax and enjoy it for the time being. Tomorrow, he'll think about the repercussions of his actions but for tonight, he just wants to enjoy the day and night he's had with the beautiful woman in his grasp. 

A/n Hope you all enjoyed this. I made it extra long, for the huge gap. This feels like one of my longest chapters. Yeah....Anyway, once again, I shall try and upload on Monday :) Perhaps not as long a chapter as this but I'll do my best xx

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