Chapter 2

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     Santiago pushed the sliding door open, whilst trying to make as least noise as it were possible. It was currently three o' clock in the morning, and another dawning was made present to his eyes. The sky was still dark, and a few bats, coquí, and crickets were forming a nocturnal melody with their cries, these only increasing when getting closer to the rails of the balcony, where nature dominated the area. The man's balcony was covered in thick trees and bushes, these providing with a pleasant shade whenever the sun shone over it. 

     "Morning." A scruffy voice called out, making him snap his head towards its direction.

     Pablo was standing behind the edge of his own balcony, with one hand resting lazily over the rails, and the other maintaining a cigarette between his lips. He blew a large cloud of smoke towards the opposite direction from where Santiago was standing at, as a smile made itself present on his dark features, when seeing the man walk closer to him.

     "Y'know, I'm starting to see a pattern here." He began, as he leaned in closer to Santiago's balcony, and pointed at him with his cigarette. "You're getting up earlier each day, and drinking more coffee after that. Don't you think this has to do with the caffeine you're adding to your system?"

      "I'm not drinking that much."

      "You're holding one right now, and it's already empty."

      "Yeah, but I'm not going to drink any more after this."

      "You and I both know that's a lie."

      Pablo chuckled lowly, as he began to rummage his back pocket. After a few seconds of wait, he took out a wallet, from which he recovered a crumpled up, five dollar bill.

      "Bet you five bucks you'll drink another cup before sunrise."

      Santiago smiled daringly at his neighbour's comment, searching for his own wallet, and taking out a dollar of the same amount afterwards. With unreserved confidence, he placed the bill down on the surface of the rails, with Pablo mimicking his actions. 

     "And I bet five more you'll smoke another cig before the same hour."

     With firm nod of their heads, they both began the bet. Pablo finished the final inch of his cigarette, savouring it until the last moment, while Santiago placed the coffee cup down on the floor. They both stared at one another in silence, not breaking contact with each other's gaze. The short man's eyes showed he wasn't planning to lose the bet, whereas the taller man hid the smugness he felt surging within him.

     "Lovely night, ain't it?" Pablo inquired, making Santiago turn his head towards the nature-covered surroundings. 

      "Sure is." He replied, with a small laugh, as he returned his focus on the man standing close by. "It's almost as lovely as you."

      "But not as much as you are." The  man countered, whilst winking at Santiago in a rather mischievous manner.

      Santiago shook his head lightly, with an amused smile tugging on his lips. Realizing there was still a long time before sunrise, he decided to continue on with their small talk by directing a question at Pablo.

      "How are things with your job?"

      "I'd say it's the same as usual. Just working to keep on living." Pablo took a brief halt, wanting to ask something himself. "How's your family doing?"

      "They're doing good." Santiago spoke, looking back to his own door, almost as if he expected his aunt to come out from behind it. "Tía finally scored a job at that restaurant she's always talking about."

      "As a cook?"

      "An assistant cook."

      "Nice to see she's getting there."

      A short period of quietude made itself audible over the two men's balconies, causing for Santiago to give a glance at his neighbour to view his facial expression. Pablo seemed to be deep into his thoughts, as his fingers were tapping the cement rails in a slow, yet consistent pace. After a while, he shook his head, with his eyes landing back on Santiago.

      "Now that I think about it. . . I'm always seeing you around with your family, but I've never introduced you to any of my own." He let out a thoughtful sigh, with another thought making its appearance over his mind. "And we've never really met outside our balconies either." 

      "It sounds pretty odd now that you say it." Santiago chortled. "It's almost like we're ghosts to each other's worlds."

     "Why don't we meet up sometime?" Pablo offered, whereas his neighbour straightened up his posture, and faced him in what appeared to be interest. "Summer's just around the corner, and my family's pretty much open to inviting everyone I know."

      "That sounds nice, but. . ." The tall man trailed off, not knowing how to continue on with his words. "I'm still pretty new to them. . . Wouldn't I be out of place if I tag along?"

      "Everyone's pretty cool." The shorter one assured, with his tone hinting sympathy. "As long as you're not a 'jodón'— as they call it, then you'll be fine."

      Santiago chuckled, remembering how he'd heard a similar insult last evening. "Didn't your own godmother call you that yesterday?"

      "That's 'cause I couldn't find the shirt she'd told me to look for."

      "Ah. . . That makes sense— I guess." Pausing, he broke his observation from the trees and the approaching sun, wanting to add something more to their current topic. "Just how many times does your family visit you anyway? Your house never looks dead from what I've seen."

      "We're a pretty big bunch— 'specially when summer comes around."

      A fond smile was painted over Santiago's features, with his brain picturing what his neighbour's family was like. "I'm looking forward to meet with them, then."

      Looking towards the man's balcony, Pablo's face brightened when seeing his smile. "I'm sure they'll do too."

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Jodón= A Spanish word meaning 'annoying' or 'pain in the neck'.

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