Seungyoun (2): Let Us Rewind

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Nahyun wished she could turn back time to prevent Seungyoun from taking that internship. Whatever had happened in that horrid company, it changed Seungyoun. The moment Nahyun had seen him again, it was like she was looking at a different person. That brightness that always radiated from him, was gone. That goofy, toothy smile she loved so much wasn't the same. It didn't reach his eyes when they usually did.

And after that, Nahyun had been cut out from his life. Not just her, everyone. No one from his department knew what was going on; neither did Jinhyuk. It was one shock after another. Nahyun wasn't sure what to do.

Then came the next worst thing.

Seungyoun decided to take a break the following semester.

That was five whole months. Seungyoun had fallen off the face of the planet. Before anyone knew it, he had quit his job at the Heart's Cafe, left duties behind as a club member of the music club, and left school. No one saw a trace of him the moment the spring semester began. And after multiple visits to his apartment, it wouldn't be a surprise if he had left Korea overall.

The only reassurance Nahyun got from him?

A simple text message that read, "I will be back some day."

It drove her insane. As days, soon months, droned on; she felt like she was suffocating from all the worry. She couldn't even bother with school, even though she desperately needs to as graduation was inching closer and closer. But her mind could only be filled with that boy, and she could only hope that he was doing okay. That he found a way to heal himself and be okay to himself. That was all she could ask for.

"Nahyun..." The very girl peered up at the sound of her name being called. There stood Jinhyuk in his work uniform, towering over her. In his slender hands, he held a mug of coffee. And judging from the steam she could see coming from it, it was a recently brewed cup. He had set it down on the table in front of her and grabbed the one she had bought... which she didn't take a sip of yet. "You let it go cold, so I got you a new one."

Nahyun blinked at him. She just realized how long she had been sitting in the Heart's Cafe, just thinking of different things. A whole hour had passed since she came in, and she didn't do any studying like she told herself she would. She frowned at him, "Ah, Jinhyuk, you didn't have to do that."

"Don't worry, it's on the house." As he bit down on his lip, Jinhyuk scanned the area, possibly for any customers. Making up his mind, he took the empty chair next to her. All he did was give a simple look to her face before muttering out, "You miss him, don't you?"

It had been three months since Seungyoun's disappearance.

Nahyun was barely getting a grasp of reality. Class after class, she was only doing the bare minimum. She was fine with it, she just wished she could just go back to her dorm and sleep away. But she had been sleeping in way too much lately. She should force herself out and get some kind of sunshine, right?

But, what was the point when she barely moves outside?

Memories of Seungyoun swam in Nahyun's mind. Their precious few years together. She didn't know that boy as long as she did with others, but he left such an impact on her. And the image of him not being his usual bright self made her heart ache. Her eyes pricked with upcoming tears.

"Isn't he being too mean?" Nahyun huffed out. "How could he not contact us in months? I just want something, anything to tell me that he's fine."

Jinhyuk frowned. "I know. But we know him. He should be fine."

But she's not fine. "I... I'm just so concerned. It's driving me nuts."

"Hey." Nahyun glanced up at her best friend. Jinhyuk bared a small smile, before suggesting, "How about we do something fun tonight? Just you and me, like we used to. We've both been so busy lately and we need to destress."

The brunette lass wasn't really up for anything right now. She honestly wanted to go back home, but she could see Jinhyuk's efforts for this. She knew he was doing that for her well-being. "What do you have in mind?"

"There's... this one bar that Wooseok told me about that was nice. It has a very cool and modern feel to it and there's usually live music late at night."

Nahyun narrowed her eyes at him. "You don't drink, Jinhyuk. Why would we go there?"

"Because I know you like those kinds of places. Are you really going to turn me down if I'm going to pay for you?"

"Seriously?" Suspicions arised the longer she stared at him. "You will? Would you buy all the drinks I get?"

There was a moment's hesitation, but eventually he replied, "Yeah. All on me."

Nahyun had to scoff. He was going to regret saying those words. "Alright then, when should we go to this fantastic bar you speak of?"

"At eight. I'll swing by your place and we could go. Deal?"

There was something about this that was odd. Jinhyuk didn't look completely comfortable with this too, even though it was his idea to do it. But maybe Nahyun needed such a night. She doesn't want to deal with the heaviness in her chest anymore. Maybe she needed to move on from Seungyoun, once and for all, since he clearly didn't like her back enough to give her any peace of mind.


Nahyun was surprised by the bar Jinhyuk brought her to. When he mentioned there was a young look to it, he wasn't lying. A lot of neon lights lit the whole bar. The chairs and tables were funky and of varying shades of pink and blue. A lot of the people had to be within their 20s or 30s, no one above that besides a couple staff members. Despite the amount of younger people bustling about, she didn't see much people from their college.

Then again, this bar was a goddamn 30 minute subway ride over.

How she was able to follow after Jinhyuk for that ungodly amount of time? She wasn't sure. However, now that she was inside the building, she can see its charm. She liked it.

Although, they could've walked to a bar five minutes away from campus.

Nahyun trailed behind Jinhyuk as he found a booth to sit in. Just as a male server came by to ask for what they wanted to order, Nahyun took initiative. "Give us beer and soju please!" She chimed with a innocent smile.

The server gave an interested look, while Jinhyuk gave a glare over to her. Nahyun continued her smile. "And a water for my friend."

"And maybe some food," Jinhyuk interjected. He added some actual food items to their order and ushered for the server to leave before Nahyun could say anything else. She just frowned at him. "Jesus, Nahyun. You better slow it down. I don't want to deal with your drunk ass at the end of the night."

"Yeah, but, you said I can get what I want."

"I regret what I said then."

And slowly, but surely, the two childhood friends spent a good couple hours in the bar. They exchanged stories that they haven't talked about yet, as well as old, yet dumb memories they shared from their youth. It was a lively place that was full of excited chatter and upbeat live music. Nahyun did feel a bit better spending quality time with her closest friend... although, that could be the alcohol in her system. By the time she was feeling dizzy from the drinks, Nahyun knew she had reached her limit.

"Jinhyuk-ah, I think we should go," she slurred out, trying to hold on her head. Her other hand sadly held onto her empty glass. "My soju is all gone!" The boy in front of her had been glancing at his phone periodically. Nahyun huffed at him, her hand smacked down to the table. "Yah, what's with you? You haven't said anything, and I know this isn't your kind of place."

"Yeah, uh, well. Why don't we stick around just a little longer? You can sober up a bit before we can go," Jinhyuk replied.

He was acting weirder than usual.

She pouted, "Why? All I want to do is just collapse in my bed right now."

"Ah, c'mon, let's stick around. The music here is pretty nice, no?" Nahyun's eyes drifted over to the set-up stage at the back of the bar. There was currently a band on stage with a decent crowd gathered around. She'll admit, the female singer with the red guitar was charismatic, but at this point, she didn't care much. Her brain was already melting into mush.

"Ugh, fine, you listen to the music. I'll just swing by the restroom really quick to splash water on my face." She stepped down from the booth and teetered over to where she believed the bathroom would be. Just as she entered it, she was taken aback by the blinding white light.

The girl wished it was darker because good god, she barely tried on her appearance.

All she did was throw her puffy hair into a ponytail, which was now falling to the side. She tried to put some makeup, but she could still see the dark circles under her eyes. Along with the oversized hoodie (borrowed graciously from her brother) and the comfy ripped jeans she wore; she might as well be homeless.

Nahyun sighed, leaning over the sink.

Her mind was so damn jumbled.

She tried so hard to forget about him this whole night, but she couldn't.

Everything reminded her of him.

The simple nights out to the bar and drinking without a care in the world, those were usually with Seungyoun. The dumb jokes, the goofy expressions; those memories replayed over and over like a broken record. Nahyun slipped out her phone from her sweater pocket. As if automatically, her phone unlocked to the message thread with him.

She sent so much messages.

How are you?

Are you okay?

I miss you.

None of which were read.

"Get your head together, Kim Nahyun. You're acting like you went through a breakup but you never dated the guy," she mumbled out under her breath. With the running sink, she splashed the cool water to her reddened face. She let out a sigh. She already felt more sober than minutes before.

After drying her face with some paper towels, Nahyun went back out to the dim, yet loud room. For some reason, it was louder than before, but the girl didn't mind it too much and she took her time to go back to the booth.

But suddenly, she slowed down her walk to a stop. She blinked in surprise and continued to listen to the music. Her heart was immediately struck with realization.

That voice. One she heard way too many times during trips to the karaoke.

Was this a cruel dream? Or did she finally drink so much alcohol that she died and was in some kind of purgatory?

Nahyun snapped up her head, gaze fixated on the stage. So much more people surrounded the stage, she could barely see whoever was performing. The singer had already changed, a man was now in the spotlight. He had on loose-fit clothing, and his face was completely shadowed with the white cap.

Even though she couldn't see him, she could feel him.

"Nahyun." She darted her eyes to the side and saw Jinhyuk walking up to her.

It was then she realized this was all planned.

"You piece of shit," she hissed out to him. Jinhyuk reached her side, an unreadable expression on his face. She turned away, her focus back to the performer. "How? I-I thought..."

"I've been able to talk to him for a month or so."

Ouch. And yet, he didn't answer a damn message from her?

Their kiss really meant nothing.

She must mean nothing.

"He told me about this place and how he had been performing here so I thought I can bring you here and you can be less concerned, you know," Jinhyuk said, his voice only getting softer with each word. At this point, Nahyun couldn't hear him. All she could hear was his singing.

And before they knew it, the song was finished. The bar's walls echoed with the people's applause. It was so loud.

Nahyun couldn't think right now.

"I didn't tell him you were here, Nahyun, but you needed to see him."

"Yeah, and thank you for opening my eyes. I saw what I needed to see," Nahyun scoffed.

She turned her heel and stormed out.

She had spent these last few months worried sick for this guy. But he was just spending his free time singing at bars and living so carefree? Why did she waste that time crying over him?

She didn't dare listen to Jinhyuk's calls after her. Nahyun was done. The last thing she wanted to do was to be in the same place as that guy.

Once she called down a taxi, she was gone. And she finally let the tears fall.

•  •  •

It had been a week since that day. Nahyun had changed. She was more indifferent than before, she forced herself to sway her views.

She made sure to delete Seungyeon's number from her phone and delete all the pictures saved. At that point, she pushed him out of existence. If he was going to act like she was nothing, then she could do the exact same.

Nahyun went to her classes, did her school work, did her jobs; but everyone could tell that she had no soul. She walked around campus like a zombie, just going place to place with nothing else in mind. And, eventually, her usual visits to the Heart's Cafe were close to none, because that place only reminded her of him.

However, she was seriously craving a cup of coffee. As her tastebuds were as stubborn as she was, she wanted the Heart's Cafe brew. No Starbucks or any other local cafes gave her the homey warmth she enjoyed from Heart's. Or was it that she liked the people that worked there? After all, just the other day, her brother's friend, Hangyul, had started working there. Nahyun didn't give him a proper welcome like she promised she would.

Alright. One quick visit should suffice. She could just get her desired coffee... and finally tell herself that it isn't as good as she remembers it.



Oh right, she was still mad at Jinhyuk too. Her glare was as intense as ever as she approached the empty counter. The tall barista winced as he felt the ominous aura radiating from her; and yet he showed a smile.

"Nahyun-ah, I'm—"

"I just want a cup of coffee and I'm here to see Hangyul, not you."

"Um. Wow, ouch," Jinhyuk uttered. "I said I'm sorry a million times! I will give you free coffee."

"Don't you dare, Lee Jinhyuk. I'm not forgiving you yet," she growled at him, just as she smacked down her card to pay. Jinhyuk gave her a glare of his own. With a couple taps on the register, he processed her order. However, the screen lit up to say ₩0. "Yah!"

"Fine, don't forgive me but I want you to listen to me at least," he replied. "Seungyoun didn't want to cut you out like that."

"Oh? And why is it that he did?" Nahyun scoffed. "Why is it that he's alright to keeping contact with you and not with me?"

"Because you're more special to him."

The brunette girl blinked in confusion. "What?"

"C'mon, Nahyun, you know damn well what I mean by it. Seungyoun likes you so much. Too much, and he was just afraid that you would see him differently if you saw him in his broken state." Jinhyuk let out a sigh, before he continued. "He never wanted to show a weaker side of himself to you. He wanted to make this grand return and sweep you off your feet or some shit. I swear to god, trying to keep tabs on both of you is so exhausting!"

Nahyun stood there dumbfounded after his babbling.

"Okay, so maybe I was wrong for trying to force you guys to meet but you're both so miserable because of each other. So, can you please go and make that idiot happy?" Jinhyuk grumbled. For a good few seconds, the girl let his words sink in.

Who was she kidding?

She was dying to see Seungyoun again.

"Do you forgive me, yet?"

Nahyun peered up at him, and grimaced. "Give me the free coffee and I'll think about it." Jinhyuk frowned as he turned to get her order. Nahyun glanced around the cafe and noticed something, "Where's Hangyul?"

"Jokes on you, he doesn't have a shift until later at night," Jinhyuk responded as he slid over her fresh, hot drink.

"Then, I guess there's no point of me being here."

"What?" Jinhyuk sputtered out. "What about me? You haven't come to the cafe for a week and you're just going to leave me?"

"Yeah, I told you I was here to see Hangyul, so I guess I'll have to see him next time," Nahyun scoffed. She picked up her coffee and gave a whiff. Ah, she can't deny it. This was the one and only coffee that could satisfy her. "Thanks, I guess. For the info."

"Yeah, sure, but are you seriously about to leave me? It's so slow today."

"Bye loser." Nahyun gave a small wave before turning her heel and making her way to the exit.

"I'm taking this as you forgave me!"

Nahyun left the Heart's Cafe, but now with a mission in mind.

She will go find Cho Seungyoun again, and she won't run away this time.

Last but not least, Cho Seungyoun's chapter! I'll admit, I had a little bit of writer's block when I wrote this chapter out but I think it worked out.

Also remember, this isn't meant to be a very long series! There should be two more chapters left for each boy~ (with a bonus chapter or so too).

So, now that's out of the way, my rant for Seungyoun at the PDx101 finale!

I have two friends who are WHIPPED whipped for Seungyoun and of course, they had to drag me with them. So, throughout this season, I've been so fond of him. He's such an all-rounder and his personality is ahh💞 so ever since Love Shot, he's always been in my top picks I think, been my fourth favorite (which changed when Sihun got eliminated 😔).

I'm so dang happy he gotten so much love and attention with each episode! He showed his worth and talents so well, it's what he deserves!! I'm kinda mad I only now discovered him bc omg his stuff as WOODZ... I am in love.

I knew he was going to make it into the final lineup! He just had to! I've been going Seungyoun hours lately too, so I'm so excited to see more of him through X1 (and his interactions with Hangyul).

Now, my thoughts with the whole lineup. I think this is the most well-rounded group? It has its fair share of great vocalists, great dancers, and great rappers! I'm expecting a lot of great things of X1, and I'm so damn giddy. PDx101 was hellish, and it may have been one of the lowest ranking out of all seasons but, there's just something special about them. I saw a post that said that the bonds made in PDx101 is the best one out of all seasons, and I couldn't agree more. All those boys supported and took care of each other and we, as the viewers, were able to see that in and out of the show. It makes my heart warm thinking on it, and I truly wish the best for all the trainees.

That's it for this rant and the chapter! I hope you give it votes and comments 💗 I think I will put a lot of focus on this story since I'm still on my PDx101 high, so look forward to the rest of the stories of the boys.


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