Seungyoun (3): Diving in My Pool

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Nahyun wasn't sure what she was getting into when she traveled all the way to the bar she had last seen Seungyoun. She'll admit, this wasn't her best plan, but it was a good stepping stone as any into trying to find the boy again. However, she arrived to the bar far too early; there were barely any customers inside when she arrived. It definitely felt awkward, but she had a mission to accomplish.

She was far too determined to let that awkwardness sway her.

"Oh, you look familiar?" The girl whipped her head towards the voice. Nahyun instantly recognized the man as the one that served her and Jinhyuk the night they came. The tall man was behind the counter of the bar, wiping dry some glass cups. He stared at her with a quizzical look on his face, studying her features. It was then it clicked. "You came a few days ago, no?"

Nahyun cautiously approached the bar. "Yes, I was actually."

"Happened to be the same one that ran out in a rush?"

Yikes. The lass nodded, although she was embarrassed that was what she's remembered for. "I am. I actually came in to ask something."

The server quirked a brow. "Ask away, then."

She leaned in and asked in a hushed voice, "I'm looking for Cho Seungyoun." The man seemed confused, so she explained further. "He was the one that performed the night I came in. I wanted to see him."

"Ah, you mean Woodz! You're a fan, huh?" The man chided. He rubbed his chin, as he thought about it. Nahyun was about to interject that wasn't the case, but he cut her off. "He got quite the following! You must've seen that night, place became packed when he came up to perform!"

"I'm not here as a fan. I'm actually a friend of his but we lost contact."

"You didn't greet him that night?"

Nahyun pressed her lips together. "Kinda ran out before I could, so I was really hoping to find a way to talk to him again. Do you have his contact or when he'd return again to perform?"

"It'd be against policy if I give out one of our performer's contact info, you know," the server chided. "And I never know who's really performing the night of, sorry. But I can give you something else?"

"Which is?"

"My number~"

Nahyun cringed to the max degree. After all this time, the server just decides to be sleazy?

"Yah, Park Yuri!" Another man came up from behind Nahyun. He held a stern glare at the server, which lead him to whither away. From the way the server looked genuinely scared of this guy, he must be someone above him.

"Ah, hyung. I was just kidding around!" This Yuri proclaimed with an unsure grin. He glanced over at Nahyun. "Right?"

"Right. It'd be against policy anyway, wouldn't it?" She uttered with her arms crossed over her chest. Yuri's expression fell. He must know he had just been rejected.

The older man cracked a smile at her retort. "By the way, Miss, I couldn't help but overhear you. Shall we talk about it in my office?" He asked her. Nahyun peered up at the guy and gave a nod. With that, she followed him towards the back of the building. They entered a separate room, it had its own little sitting area just in front where a grand desk was at. It was cozy, a contrast to the wild colors and blinking lights of outside. "Would you like some water or anything?"

"Ah, no... I just want some kind of lead," Nahyun murmured.

The man made sure to close the door behind him before he walked over to her. "Sorry about earlier, with Yuri. He's one cheesy kid but he does get the job done, though," he told her. He held out his hand. "I'm Park Sunho, I'm the owner of this bar."

Nahyun immediately grasped onto his extended hand. "Ah, I see! I'm Kim Nahyun."

Sunho nodded. "I assumed so. Not a lot of people in this area know of Woodz's real name."

"You assumed?" Nahyun blinked. "So, you know Seungyoun?"

"Oh yeah. I'm the one that offered him the gig," Sunho replied. "We're old friends and he helped me out when I was opening this bar. He's a good one and I want to repay him." His lips twitched into a smirk as he gazed at her. "Been curious about the Nahyun he talks so much about."

Her stomach was doing flips. "He talks about me?"

"Huh." Sunho grimaced, "Maybe that was something I shouldn't have mentioned. But, now that it's out in the open, I'll admit to it." He reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I hope you can forgive him for keeping you and so many others in the dark. He had his reasons. His feelings for you never faltered, if that was something you were worried about."

Nahyun grinned at him. If that was the case, she wanted to see Seungyoun more than ever.

"Here." The bar owner strolled over to his desk and ripped a piece of paper from a notebook. He scribbled something down and went over to give it to Nahyun. When she looked to see what be wrote down, it was an address. "Go to this place and you are sure to find Seungyoun."

"Thank you, Sunho-sshi. I really owe it to you," Nahyun told him, holding the piece of paper to her chest.

"Don't mention in. I'm also counting this to repay Seungyoun," the man chimed with a wink. "I hope you all the best, Nahyun."

With a goodbye, Kim Nahyun exited the bar and went off to hopefully and finally find the man she set out to find.

Luckily, the address just sent her on a 15 minute walk from where the bar was. When she finally peered up from her phone after it said she reached her destination, it brought her to a boutique shop, one called Rosie's Boutique. She glanced around in confusion, until she spotted an open doorway to the right of the shop. As she went up to it, she saw stairs inside.

Nahyun gulped down her nerves, and let herself enter.

The address told her that the destination was on the third floor, so up she climbed. Once she reached the floor, she was met with small floor space, which had two doors, one to her right and one to her left, while straight ahead was a window that looked over the street she had just been walking through.

A couple steps forward, and a swerve to the left.

She was in front of the door. Room 3B.

Sunho's voice echoed in her mind. He had told her before she left that she should knock on the door four times, a pause, and knock again four times. Raising her fist, she did just that.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Nahyun stepped back from the door, waiting for something to happen. Her heart was in a hopping frenzy. What would she even say when the door opens? Honestly, wasn't she too trusting? She really allowed herself to trust a man that she just met because he uttered Seungyoun's name and claimed to be his friend.

She frowned at herself.

This was some dumbass behavior.

Was this door ever going to open?

Her hand raised to knock once again, but before she does, the door swung open.

And she was met with a bewildered Cho Seungyoun.

The whole world stopped. Nahyun was breathless, speechless. The man she had wanted to see the most for all these months was now in front of her. He had on a loose-fit ensemble that draped over his body. His black hair was covered with a black, baseball cap, and yet it looked to have grown significantly since the last time. His face looked thinner, his jawline more defined.

Other than that, he looked okay.

Thank goodness.

"Cho Seungyoun," she broke the silence.

Her voice had triggered something within him. He blinked, coming back to reality. His gaze fell upon her, and it glistened with so much emotion. Happiness, guilt, relief? Nahyun wasn't sure. Perhaps all of them and more. That was what she felt too. And she damn hoped that he could feel how much she missed him.

"I... I'm seriously so happy to see you, Kim Nahyun," Seungyoun breathed out. He peeked inside the room, before looking back at her. "Want to come inside?"

Nahyun nodded.

He opened the door wider and allowed her in. Nahyun carefully strolled in, taking note of the new atmosphere. It was just a normal living space. A kitchen at one corner, the bed area in the other, and a door that lead to the bathroom. It was small, but it was quaint. The place simply decorated, the only personal thing being the couple of framed pictures that hung on the wall.

He lead her to the couch that was fixated in front of the television. There was a blanket and pillow messily strewn on the couch, as well as a little of crumpled paper surrounding the small coffee table in front of it. It was then Nahyun realized this wasn't exactly Seungyoun's place; he had been staying over at a friend's.

Despite that, this all felt familiar.

"Was it really you... a week ago?" He suddenly asked. Nahyun was caught off guard by the question. So, he had seen her. She deeply exhaled, and nodded. "Nahyun, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I'm a coward and I've been too afraid to contact you these past couple months. I really did want to see you and to talk to you but... it's been so hard. I just... couldn't."

"It's okay, Seungyoun. All I could ever wish is that you've been able to heal after all this time," Nahyun told him, fiddling her fingers in her lap. She was so nervous right now. "But, why? What happened at that internship that made this happen?"

Seungyoun's face stormed over. "Every time I think about it, I remember the regrets I have and how insecure I was. You knew how excited I was to show the producers there my own music? They really diminished it into nothing, as if it was just trash. Then they would tell me it wasn't my place to be showing-off my music. I was just an intern. They've treated me as some kind of lackey throughout my internship, not once showing me anything about being a music producer. I was losing a part of myself during that time, I don't know why I let it happen. Then, uh." Hurt crossed his face. Nahyun's heart ached for him. "They took the melody of a song I was working on."

"What?" Nahyun gaped. "They stole your song?!"

"It wasn't even official. I was just playing around with some notes on the piano in a practice room. That producer must've been passing by the room when I was in the middle of making it. And then, when I heard it next, it was when the producer was showing off his new songs to the team the end of that week. I tried to approach him about it but he went on to say that I had no evidence that it was my song... and he was right. I had no way of showing that it was mine, and that completely broke me. This asshole, who had insulted my work before, suddenly is being praised with my work. I've never felt so low in my life, to not be able to do anything.

"I then disassociated myself from everything. I felt like crap and I was just in a dark place. Then, I thought that taking time off from school and getting to a different environment could help, and it did. A bit." Seungyoun met her eyes. "But truly, I wanted to see you but I couldn't find the confidence to do it. And I'm sorry I couldn't."

Nahyun sighed, as she reached over and gave a comforting squeeze on his arm. "I'll admit. It did hurt to not hear from you through all this. I worried so damn much. And now it just hurts more now to know how much you've been struggling on your own. I'm kinda glad you reached out to Jinhyuk, at least. That makes me feel a little better. I just wish I could've been there for you too."

He reached and clasped his hands over hers. The warmth of his hands was enough to comfort her. She gave a grin. "You can't ignore me anymore, Seungyoun. I know where you are now. Jinhyuk and I will come running to you if you avoid our messages."

Seungyoun nodded, returning the smile. "I'll be back to campus soon, don't worry. Just when I'm ready."

• • •

Nahyun returned to school with her heart feeling lighter than before. Ever since the day she saw Seungyoun again, he had kept his promise to answer calls and messages from both her and Jinhyuk. She was relieved and more at peace, but she couldn't help but still felt outraged about his situation.

Honestly, she had thoughts about barging into that dumb music company and give them a piece of her mind. But, she doubt that some random person like her would be much help to the dilemma. It was every bit agitating, but there wasn't anything she can do.

She shook her head. She shouldn't let herself be so wrapped up in it. She needed to meet one of her juniors at the Communication building to tutor.

Nahyun picked up her pace down the sidewalk, she just needed to pass by the Music building and she'd be at the Comm building in no time.

Just as she was passing a small group of people, she skidded into a stop when a familiar name uttered out their lips.

Tangerine Entertainment.

That was the same company Seungyoun had interned at. And from what she vaguely heard from the group, it wasn't anything close to the company releasing any new music. There was a scandal.

Nahyun instantly turned her heel and approached the group. The students gazed at her in surprise, but she didn't care. She needed to know what she was hearing just now. "I'm sorry but, what were you saying about Tangerine Entertainment?" She huffed out hastily.

One girl with brown hair and curled bangs piped up, "One of the producers at Tangerine is going under fire because he's been caught for plagiarism."

Was he the same exact man that stole Seungyoun's song?

"H-How do you know?" Nahyun asked.

"I've interned there and I got word from one of the people that works there," the same girl answered. "That producer always rubbed me the wrong way, but I guess I know why. There was another one of my classmates that interned the same time with me and oh my gosh, he had been so horrible to him!—"


The girl blinked in surprise. "Oh? You know him?"

"I do, he's my... friend."

The girl glanced at her friends and ushered that they go ahead without her and that she would tell them more about the producer later. When they left, she turned her attention on Nahyun again. They walked more towards the side of the music building, a bit secluded and away from more possible eavesdroppers.

"Have you been in contact with him, lately?" The girl questioned the brunette.

Nahyun nodded. "Yes, actually. He told me about how this producer stole one of his songs..."

The other's expression hardened. "It's the same one, I'm pretty sure. Let me tell you, this, uh..."

"I'm Nahyun."

"Nahyun? Nice to meet you, Nahyun, I'm Sejeong," she grinned. That smile instantly replaced with that same firm expression. "That producer, I know he felt jealous of Seungyoun. Seungyoun has always been deemed a genius in our department because he's so amazing at producing really cool songs out of nothing. I was there when he was showing the people at Tangerine his stuff. A lot of them were impressed except for that producer. And because he has quite the reputation, of course everyone wants to go along with his opinions. It was such bullshit, I tell you!" She clapped her hands together. "I remember. When that producer was showing off his new music to the superiors in the company, that song... it was not his style, you know? It definitely sounded like a song Seungyoun would make.

"Tangerine is in total chaos right now. Now that it was exposed that he had been stealing songs, they're going to be bringing in people to vouch for it, so I found all this out when one of the supervisors there called me to get my word on the situation. I'm sure they're going to try to call Seungyoun too," Sejeong finished off.

This was... better than what Nahyun could have hoped for.

"Sejeong, this is fantastic news! I really hope you tell them what you told me. That producer deserves all the punishment he can get!"

"Me too. Go ahead and tell Seungyoun about it too. I'm sure he'll be the happiest out of all of us for this," Sejeong told her.

"I will! Thank you, Sejeong, for telling me all this!" Nahyun's heart was swirling. She quickly took out her phone and messaged Seungyoun if he had any time to meet today. She needed to tell him this news face to face.

| Seungyoun ❤️ |

SY: today? I'm going to be at the bar
in an hour before they open to practice.
I can try to go to you right now

NH: i'll come to you later!
I have tutoring first
I'll meet you at the bar ❤️

This was it. Nahyun hadn't been so excited in such a long time. Finally, justice could be served and Seungyoun could move on from that horrible experience.

She could see brighter days coming.

I really wanted to get this chapter done for Seungyoun's birthday but ah, I'm like two days late 🙃 But, better late than never!

This chapter had quite a number of special guests haha. I love making characters but I couldn't help add some Produce people in here~

As I have mentioned in my latest Jinhyuk chapter, the next one should be the epilogue to Seungyoun's story! I never planned for this to be extremely long, just a little something-something to quench my addiction for PDx101 and X1. I might not be the very end though! There could be some possible bonus chapters coming after I finish every one of the boys' story!

Please do give the chapter a vote and a comment or so! I would really appreciate it!

I'll see you guys in the next update~

PS: just curious, who are yall's "official" bias wreckers in X1? Mine is definitely the boy of this chapter, Seungyoun 🥴

PPS (or is it pss): HAPPY 2 YEARS WITH WANNA ONE, EVERYONE! I assume, if you bias X1 now, yall used to bias W1.

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