11: Who Is He?

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Kidou's voice was a little clearer as the woman, you, emerged from the pond and came running over to grab Kidou and pull him towards the lake. The camera was set down on a rock which happened to have a decent angle.

Both people on screen began stripping to their undergarments and Ilie looked away, red-faced. She didn't really want to see Kidou like that. Mario's eyes were, however, glued to the screen.

Kidou lifted you up and carried you into the pond, falling into the water like a boulder. When you both arose out of the water, your foreheads were pressed together and laughter rang out of the speakers.

It was here that Mario turned it off.

"It seems that instead of salacious porn, we stumbled across a hidden side of our friend..." Mario mumbled.

"Who is that?" Ilie asked.

"I've never met her, so there must be a reason for that. It's probably best not to pry." Shaking their head, Mario stood up and took the tape out to hand back to Ilie. "Put this back where it was... he might still watch it. Well, then, I'll be counting on you again to help downstairs this evening. Just leave whatever you want to throw away outside the room."

With that, Ilie walked back to her new room, replaced the tape and leaned out the window to think.

So, Kidou loves reading and had a woman he was close with... That's funny! He doesn't seem that way at all! I thought exterminators were supposed to be muscles-for-brains, violent, scary people... People who will do anything to make sure the insects are dead... What kind of person is Kidou?

It wasn't long until it was time for Ilie to go down to help with the dinner rush. The first person she encountered was Jin, who was in the middle of talking about Kidou's current assignment with Mario.

"...Yeah, I mean, I guess it makes sense. He's a 'far east' exterminator."

"Far East?" Ilie asked, butting into the conversation.

"Oh yeah, you're from the middle of nowhere so you know nothing about it." Jin turned to her.

"Ngh! I know a little!" She remarked defiantly. "The Far East is the eastern edge of human civilization... the desert that covers almost the entirety of Asia... A living hell where there are more insect cages than cities..."

"Mhm, and what else?" Jin teased.

"Huh!? Um... Uh... There was a... war a long time ago, or something..."

"Jin! Stop teasing our girl! I'll charge you extra!" Mario remarked.

"Ew, no thanks, I have no interest in virgin girls."

"WHA!?" Ilie stomped away as a customer called for water. Virgin girl from middle of nowhere?! That's what people think of me?!

"Why did you tell her that?" Mario asked as they loomed over the counter.

"It's nothing. I don't know much more than what the rumors say, anyway. Being from the far east is just a status symbol, isn't it? He was an exterminator in a place where there are more bugs than humans. An entirely different breed from exterminators that are more or less hairy bandits here in district five. But if he doesn't want people to know about that, then I guess... his other rumor is true as well..."

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