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That first chapter was a rollercoaster, right? You're in, huh? 

Well, I've got news for you! Caged is officially published and available for purchase on Amazon! (It has been for some time, but I apparently forgot to update this. Oof.)

There's a wee little button down there. vvvv If you click it, you can buy the rest or borrow it for free on Kindle Unlimited! 

But, Amy, I'm done reading Caged. I'm FINISHED. Then, please, please, please, go leave me a review on your favorite site-- Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, ANYWHERE. 

I love you, guys. Big things are coming. I think I heard some little birds talking about... idk... a sequel?

To quote one of my favorite musicals, "Just you wait, just you wait."

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