seven- Naruto's secret revealed

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Terminology: Sensei - the suffix is used for respected professionals, such as teachers, doctors. Sama - the suffix is used in formal address for someone who ranks higher in the social hierarchy. Chan - this is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. San - this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., and/or Mrs. Kun - this suffix is used at the end of a boys name to express familiarity or endearment.

Seven - Naruto's secret revealed

"Come out demon. I know that your out there. You can't hide from my demon eye." snapped Kakashi. Dark laughter filled the air sending chills down my spine.

-So you are Kakashi Hatake, the one eyed demon. Human I hope for one thing that you know how to use that eye of yours cause if you don't...well I guess that you will see everyone die first before I deal with you.- stated the voice. I could smell the lust for blood coming directly from behind me.

"Get down!" I shouted out pulling Tazuna down to the ground. Everyone did as I said as Kakashi moved intercepting a large sword with his kunai knife. Sparks flew as the metal clashed.

"Zabuza.....the demon of the mist. I am grateful that even a demon like you knows my name!" stated Kakashi. Slowly the mist began to lift to reveal Kakashi battling a large demon that looked almost human. Zabuza's skin was a steal grey color as he had several bandages covering parts of him. His razor sharp teeth smiled as in his clawed hands he held a sword that was a big as him. His red demonic eyes glowed as if out for blood. The 4 of us scattered out of the way yanking Tazuna along with us. I would have helped Kakashi but I knew that he could handle himself.

-Every demon knows of you Kakashi especially after the great battle. Do you still honestly believe that demons like me will live peacefully along side with you humans?- asked Zabuza. Kakashi never answered the demon's question as he with one hand performed a series of quick hand signs.

"WATER-STYLE, WATER DRAGON!" snapped Kakashi. The water that surrounded us rose up taking on the shape and form of a dragon. The water dragon moved to attack Zabuza as the demon laughed at Kakashi.

-Do you think you can honestly over power me with my own element? Then you have another thing coming Kakashi Hatake.- stated Zabuza. I could feel the shift in energy as Zabuza willed the water to do as he commanded. Demons don't need any hand signs or to shout out any attacks like the humans do but sometimes they do like shouting out the attack just to see the look on the humans face.

-EXPLOADING WATER SHOCK WAVE!- shouted Zabuza as Kakashi's water dragon changed its shape into a huge geyser of water as the water bent its shape hitting Kakashi hard sending him hurtling back through several trees and into a large boulder.


"Kakashi-sensei!" shouted out Sakura, Sai, and Sasuke in unison. Zabuza turned his attention towards the group grinning like a Cheshire cat.

-Now for you brats and the official.- stated Zabuza as he raised his sword.

"Scatter!" shouted out Naruto as the demon brought down the sword. The sword missed the group as Naruto moved quickly performing several taijutsu moves to get the sword away from the demon. Out of the corner of Naruto's eye, he could see Sasuke performing several hand signs.

"FIRE STYLE-FIRE BALL!" yelled out Sasuke as he blew a large ball of fire in the direction of Zabuza. With a wave of Zabuza's hand the water rose up to form a wall between him and Sasuke's attack. The grin on Zabuza's face stretched even further. Naruto could feel and sense what was happening as he moved pushing Sasuke out of the way as the demon's attack to imprison the two missed.

"He's far too strong for us. We should fall back!" shouted out Sai as he threw several shuriken at Zabuza. The shuriken hit their target but it seemed that version of Zabuza was nothing but water.

"Sai-kun behind you!" shouted out Sakura a little too late as Zabuza cut Sai with a water blade drawing blood. Sai moved getting out of the way but Zabuza managed to cut the teen at least 4 more times. Sakura stood back with Tazuna as she tried to perform several hand signs. Zabuza simply pointed his index finger at Sakura as the water rose up in the shape and form of a whip. The water whip tied around both Tazuna and Sakura lifting them both off the ground as he smashed the two into the boulder where Kakashi laid.

"No Sakura-chan!" shouted out Sasuke as he took out a rather large shuriken. "DEMON WIND SHURIKEN!" shouted out Sasuke as he threw the shuriken.

"Wait Sasuke!" Naruto shouted out a little too late as Zabuza dissolved into a puddle only to reform catching Sasuke's shuriken. Zabuza then threw the shuriken back at Sasuke. Sasuke managed to somewhat dodge the shuriken but not the demonic wind as it cut up Sasuke. Naruto couldn't stand it anymore. This demon had not only hurt his team and friends managing to piss both Naruto and Kyuubi off. A dark red aurora began to form around Naruto as he couldn't hold back what was happening to him.

"Naruto....don't!" shouted out Kakashi when he came to seeing what was happening to Naruto.

"Kakashi.....go.....get them.....out of here...can't stop..." Naruto snarled hunching down onto his hands as the aurora began to take the shape of a fox. Kakashi cursed out loud as he gathered up the 4 pulling them far away into the furthest tree going as high as possible. The aurora of a 3 tailed fox had formed around Naruto as his nails fully lengthened as well as his fangs. The whisker marks on his face became much broader and more noticeable. Naurto's blue eyes became blood red and more demonic looking. Black lipstick and eyeliner type of lines surrounded both Naruto's eyes and lips. His ears stretched to a point as his golden blond hair became a bit longer and more wild (think of the 3 tail form that Naruto takes on in the second half of the series).

+up in the tree+

Both Sasuke and Sai watched in horror as Naruto's shape changed in front of their eyes.

"Kakashi-sensei, what is going on?" they asked in unison.

"Sasuke and Sai what you are seeing is the truth about what Naruto truly is. I had hoped that this wouldn't happen this soon but what Naruto is, he is a demon." replied Kakashi. Both Sasuke and Sai looked at their captain in confusion. Kakashi took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Naruto was born with a demon within his body. The demon's spirit and soul are a part of Naruto's own. Remember when you had asked how he could smell the poison on those weapons, it is because of his demonic powers that heightens all his physical abilities. Naruto can use his demonic powers at will as the demon within him often will come forth. Both Sakura and I knew of Naruto's secret since the very beginning. Zabuza much have pissed off both Naruto and Kyuubi to have them take on this form. And before you ask Kyuubi is the name of the demon within Naruto and this isn't their true form." stated Kakashi as he placed his head plate back over his demon eye as he began to treat everyone's wounds.

+back on the ground+

Both Naruto and Kyuubi snarled deeply at Zabuza as the demon of the mist was surprised to see the teen take this form.

-What manner of child are you?- Zabuza asked.

-Not a child.....a demonkin. A demon's spirit and soul bonded within a human.- they replied in unison.

-Whatever you will die!- snapped Zabuza as the water formed into a huge wave. Naruto could feel Kyuubi draw forth his fire as the flames danced around them. The fire grew in intensity as it became a huge wall of flames stopping Zabuza's water. Naruto moved quickly as he slashed at Zabuza with his razor sharp nails. -You dam brat!- snarled Zabuza as he willed the water to take on the shape of a dragon. The water dragon swallowed Naruto whole as Zabuza laughed in triumph. Suddenly the water dragon began to boil and burst. Dark flames erupted from Naruto transforming him into a 4 tailed fox demon. Flames danced around Naruto's tails as dark red fur covered his body. Kyuubi was officially ticked off (think of the 4 tail form that Naruto takes on in the second half the of the series). Kyuubi let out a fearsome roar as he moved attacking Zabuza. The demon of the mist sent wave after wave of water at Kyuubi as the water hardly seemed to phase the fire fox. For the first time in his life, Zabuza felt afraid of the demon that stood before him. Kyuubi's arm stretched out grabbing Zabuza as the water demon collapsed into a puddle of water. Zabuza materialized just beyond Kyuubi's reach pelting the demon with water bombs. Kyuubi howled as he lept away from Zabuza. Kyuubi then began to gather energy together at his mouth as a huge ball of energy began to take shape. Kyuubi inhaled deeply as the energy pooled into his body before he unleashed the blast at Zabuza. There was no way that Zabuza could avoid the blast as it hit the water demon destroying him instantly. Finally it was over as Kyuubi roared in triumph!

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