two- the past and torture

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Two - the past and torture

Over the next several weeks Sakura has come easing my loneliness. It warmed my heart to see Sakura as she even brought me some food. Which I was extremely grateful for despite my roaring stomach. Sakura just laughed about it causing me to be embarrassed. I could feel Kyuubi opening up trusting Sakura learning to somewhat trust humans.


+5 years later+

Over the past years Naruto grew as he still remained chained up in the tent. The villagers never fully cared for Naruto as he had outgrown the clothing that he wore. Sakura still visited Naruto's tent. It helped Naruto easy many years of loneliness, not only for him but also Kyuubi. Naruto was grateful for Sakura's visits as it assured him that he wasn't forgotten. Over the years every once in a while the villagers would torture Naruto to the point of insanity. Kyuubi hated those villagers whom tortured him and his human host.

-I would love to kill them all just to see them get what they deserve.- growled Kyuubi.

*Come on Kyuubi, I know that you don't mean that. I have seen what you have been through before you and I became one.* stated Naruto mentally. Kyuubi snarled in embarrassment.

-I can't believe that you saw that.- Kyuubi stated.

*Come on Kyuubi. You knew that it was only a matter of time before I did.* replied Naruto.


Many years before Naruto was even born. Kyuubi could hear strange noises coming from the forest. He was young and curious about what it was. Kyuubi has never seen humans before. He has been told to stay away from humans as they will often attack demons for no rhyme or reason. Kyuubi didn't listen. Kyuubi ventured closer to the sound keeping out of sight to find two humans having sex in the forest. Kyuubi has heard about human mating but he had never seen it before. Suddenly Kyuubi was grabbed by his nine tails. Somebody had pulled him away from the mating humans holding him up in the air by his tails.

"Look what we have caught boys, a nine tail demon fox. Even though he is a cub, his pelt shall still fetch a good price." Demon pelts were very valuable and hard to come by. As the more demon tails you had the richer the pay you received. Even a demon's vital organs were sold on the black market. Kyuubi put up a fight trying to escape his captors to have very little success. They had managed to cut off huge patches of Kyuubi's fur and several of his tails. Kyuubi howled in pain as his demonic powers kicked in killing his captors. When demons are cubs or kits, they can't access their powers as easily if they were full grown. Only under extreme stress, anger, or death can they use their demonic powers. A gravely injured and dying Kyuubi hobbled back to the two humans. The humans appeared shocked at the condition that Kyuubi was in.

"Minato we have to do something. This kit won't be able to survive. Neither will the baby. My body is all ready attacking it." stated the woman. The woman's body would attack any foreign substance even a baby thinking it was a virus.

"I understand that Kushina. I can only think of one thing to do to save them both but mind you that it will be very risky. It will mean your life when you give birth." replied the male named Minato.

"I can live with that love. For the sake of this kit and our baby, I will do what's necessary." replied the woman named Kushina. Minato bowed his head as he picked up the injured Kyuubi gently. Kyuubi seemed aware that the two humans were helping him.

"Please forgive me young one but for your sake and our child's sake, I must do this." stated Minato. Kyuubi could feel his soul and spirit leave his body as it was placed into the infertile newborn. The two young cubs fused together as they became one being with two souls. On that day Naruto was truly born.

+End Flashback+


I could smell a familiar smell of cherry blossoms coming towards my tent as I could hear Sakura entering from her usual spot that she came in from. I kept my senses on alert because no one seemed aware that Sakura has been paying me visits over the last five years. Sakura had told me once that her and I looked to be close to the same age as she was now 10 years old. Sakura's hair was much longer as she often wore it straight with some of her bangs hanging forward. I had never seen what I truly look like as all I knew was that I had rough pale Caucasian skin.

"Naruto, I had brought it with me, along with some food." she stated inching closer to my cage. Sakura placed the food in a hiding spot close to my cage where I could easily reach for it. She then took out a small silver shining object placing it in my hands. I carefully looked at the object to see myself within the reflecting silver. Sakura told me before that she would bring a mirror with her so I could see myself. I had messed up top of blond hair, dark sapphire blue eyes, and three scratch marks on both sides of my cheeks. I did appear to be 10 years old but it was hard to tell seeing how because demons age differently than humans. My eyes widened considerably after I got a better look at myself.

"Thanks for that Sakura. Your right, I don't look much like a demon. But it doesn't mean that I am not one." I replied handing back her mirror.

"I am sorry Naruto. I wish there was more that I could do for you but I can't." she replied sadly. Suddenly the smell of fresh meat entered into the tent. I could smell that one of the villagers had killed an animal as if they were taunting me. I could tell from the smell that this was no regular animal that they had but rather a demon. I could begin to feel my fangs and nails lengthening.

"Sakura get out….Now! Please hurry!" I moaned trying to prevent the transformation from happening.

"Naruto….what's wrong?" she asked in concern. I simply looked at her trying to keep my demonic nature at bay. I could even feel Kyuubi helping me.

"Please…..Sakura…..leave now!" I panted in pain. I didn't want for her to see me transform into a demon. Sakura didn't question me this time as she quickly got out the way that she came back in from.

3RD P.O.V.

Once Sakura was out and away from Naruto's caged area, she could clearly hear blood curdling howls and screams. Naruto allowed the transformation into his demonic form come out as the seals and chains burned against his skin as his howls and screams only grew louder. Naruto bashed against his cage causing the villagers whom had made the recent kill to laugh.

"Perhaps this might finally drive him over the deep end. I wish that they would allow us to kill that demon. He doesn't deserve to live." stated one of the villagers. Sakura looked on hiding from view as tears poured from her eyes and down her face. She couldn't believe that people would be this cruel to Naruto when he has never done anything wrong. Nobody knew him like she did.

'Oh Naruto….!' she cried to herself as she left the area so not to get caught. She could still hear Naruto's howls and screams echoing through the village.

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