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He walked into their house which is now messed up with broken pieces of glass and some creativities made by her.

The house which was used to filled up with her laughters and giggles is now all gone and will never comeback.

He looked around the house which is filled with darkness with his cold yet emotionless face. His gaze stopped at the diary which was open with his picture on it and dust, someone's footstep printed at his face(picture).

He bent down slowly and took the diary in his hands gently and looked at the caption below his picture-
"To Save someone's life"

He chuckled sadly and closed the diary, he went out of the house with his wife's diary still in his grasp.

2 years back:

He smirked looking at the man who's begging for him to spare his life by kneeling down at his foot.

But the smirk from his face didn't go and something evil is going on in his head.

"P-please l-let me go!L-leave me!"

"Tsk tsk... Not so fast my dear. This is only the starting." *Evil laughs*

Then what?

Again the torture started and the room was filled with the man's screams and pleads.

And here he was sitting on the chair like a boss and enjoying the scene infront of him.

Few days later

The person who was tied up with a cold metal chains is now mentally dead.

His body was filled with deep cuts and bruises of metal rods,knives and many more..

He entered the room and decided to free him from this hell after giving all kind of tortures.

"Do you want to be free?"


"Ok then come with me, I'll take you to a place where your favourite person is crying and waiting for you"

He went down from the car and looked at the crying women in her mid 40's.

He harshly dragged him out and grabbed his hair in his fist.

The person's eyes teared up and he wanted to run to her and hug her.

"No no my dear not so fast,you wanted freedom right then wait for sometime you'll get it" *smirks*

The guards behind washed him off with petrol oil.

"W-what are y-you d-doing?"

He just smirked even more and the women standing there pleading for his son's life to be free.

He took few steps towards him lit the fire in the lighter and threw it around him.

Slowly the fire covered him up and there was only screams. The scene was horrible there.

She looked at her son dying there but she couldn't do anything. His small brother who was terrified is now hiding himself inside a small broken table.

He again took few steps towards the little child and bent down at his level,he was about to pull him our when suddenly he got some memories of his childhood.

He just stared at 8 year's old kid who was trembling in fear,he then stand up and was about to go when-

"Listen here!! I'm giving you a curse that you'll also lose someone close to you and you'll understand how much it hurts to lose someone special"

He just listened her each and every words and give her a sharp glare before going from there.


He remembered those words of her and chuckled darkly.

He have lost everything, everyone now what more he had?

Right now he just want to find the criminal and torture him to death.

He drive off to his ex enemy's house Kim jungsoo.

When he reached there, he didn't even wait for the guards to open the gate for him.

One by one his gang members was coming to stop him but he beat the shit out of them.

After all the noise and chaos Jungsoo came out of his room and saw his ex enemy now so called friend is fighting with his gang members.

After he beaten up all well. He move forward to Jungsoo with a gun and pointed at his forehead.

Jungsoo: Yes Kill me! Kill me I said! Why are you not doing anything? Kill ME!!

He just lowered the gun and burst into tears.

Jungsoo frown looking at him and then patted his back.

Jungsoo: Hey what happened? Why are you crying?

He just stayed silent didn't even utter a single word. How could he, he don't even have the power or courage left in his body to reply to any questions.

Tae: I-- Sh-She is NO MORE!!!!

Jungsoo was taken aback,he couldn't understand whom does he talking about.

Jungsoo: Who? Who is She?

Tae: My Sweetheart,my love,my everything!! My wife!

Jungsoo: What!?But how?

Tae: I don't know but I'll find that criminal and will not let him go that easily.

Jungsoo: wait wait don't you have CCTV camera in your house everywhere?

Tae: oh shitt! Now I remember it, let me check if first who dared to come at my house and kill my wife.

Taehyung again drove to his house and went to his secret room and search all the CCTV footage.

And yes he saw him.

He got the clear view of him.

Now he will not let him go that easily.

He then called yoongi

"I want you to search a person and I want each and every details of him. I'm sending his picture to you"


He hung up the call and smirk evily looking at the screen in front of him.

The criminal was....................


To be continued....



Any guesses who could be that person?

Well then comment it down and wait for the next update to know who he actually is.

Excited for the next part?

Then Stay tuned always..

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Words: 1021

" Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. So, don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down"


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