xvi. memoir

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sixteen - memoir

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something is terribly wrong with asher.

he moves more slowly than usual, always looks in pain (though he tries his best to hide it), and doesn't sleep. just now, to our astonishment, he actually misses his target while practicing. asher halloway has missed! i didn't even think that was possible.

"okay, sit down," carly orders after we all get over our shock. she attempts to gently guide him to a rock, but he recoils, almost stabbing himself with his dagger in the process.

that is the second time he has almost harmed someone accidentally. what has been going on with him?

"i'm fine," asher insists. "i really am."

"no, you're really not," matthias argues with a sigh. "asher, what is going on? something is obviously wrong, and we all know it."

"i'm fine," asher asserts defensively. "no need to worry about me." right as he finishes his sentence, he suddenly doubles over in pain, cries out, and clutches his stomach. he clenches his jaw tightly to stop his cries, but they still can be heard. his eyes are squeezed shut and it hurts just to look at him in so much pain.

without saying anything, i rush to his aid. matthias does the same while carly, for once, stands completely still in shock. together matthias and i carefully move him to lay down on the ground instead of trying to get him to sit. matthias reaches for asher's shirt to check on the stings, but asher stops him by grabbing his wrist.

"no," he protests, teeth clenched. "don't. i'm fine."

"asher, no you are not," i say seriously, not even bothering to hide my worry. i realize i have made a huge mistake. i have come to care for asher already, and him hurting hurts the whole team as well.

"thalia, i'm okay." this is one of the few times he has used my actual name, and because of that, i fall silent, not knowing what to do. asher is so stubborn that it'll take someone even worse than him to get him to let us play doctor.

"come on, let me check," matthias coaxes, wrist still captured in his iron grip, but it doesn't work. i am ready to slam myself into a tree in frustration.

"don't touch me," asher snaps bitterly when matthias grabs his shirt with his other hand. he pushes the blue-eyed boy away with more strength he's shown since waking. "leave me be."

"asher–" i try, but he holds his hand up again and i stop. after sharing a look with matthias, i sigh. "okay, asher. we'll leave you alone."

asher looks a lot calmer now, but his jaw is still clenched and his muscles are tense, so it's obvious he's still in immense pain. "thank you."

i nod and get up, brushing myself off. i notice matthias staring at the tube of ointment by the pack. it appears to be untouched.

"asher, have you been putting that stuff on?" he questions slowly. asher, taking deep, controlled breaths, pushes himself up so he's sitting with his hands out on the ground behind him for support.

"no...not really," he admits, looking at the ground in shame.

"why not?" carly asks, voice small. this is the first time she has said a word, and i wonder why she's being so quiet.

"i forget, okay?" asher claims defensively. thanks to my excellent lie-detecting skills, i notice the slight twitch on his top lip. he isn't telling us the truth. why? i have so many questions it makes me want to explode.

"whatever." carly leans down, grabs her bow and arrows, and straps them to her back. "i'm going hunting. maybe pick off a few more tributes."

this is not an unusual occurrence, so none of us object. often carly will disappear for a bit and return with freshly picked berries or a squirrel she killed. when she doesn't bring food, she'll come back with information about the other tributes.

when she leaves, asher's hands slip from under him and he falls flat onto his back. he groans, but i'm not sure if it's out of pain or frustration, or both. he looks so done with life.

"what's the real reason you haven't been using the ointment?" i dare to ask. asher blinks, registering my question, then sits up.

"what?" he tries to act confused like he doesn't know what i'm talking about (and he actually does a very good job) but i can see right through him.

"answer me," i demand sternly like i'm talking to a child. "i know you lied."

asher's hazel eyes flicker from me to matthias. he sighs, sits himself up more, and responds.

"okay. you two know how... thin i am, obviously, since you applied the medication while i was out. i suppose you want some answers."

matthias nods tentatively. "sort of. well...yeah."

i stop asher before he continues, realizing that it's personal and that i shouldn't have pried. "you don't have to tell us. we just–"

"no," he interrupts. "no. it's about time you both realize that i'm not 'mister perfect' like everyone thinks i am."

he looks between us again, and starts the story.

"when i was twelve, there was a house fire. my brothers, sisters, and i had just gotten home from school when the explosion occurred. i was in the kitchen reading my schoolbooks with the second oldest. i told her to get anyone she could find, and get them out. i ran up the steps two at a time. the fire was blazing, blocking the left hallway, and i knew i couldn't go down there. my siblings' rooms were to the right. i got into each of their rooms and helped them out by using the windows. i grabbed the youngest - who was barely one at the time - and got down low. the fire had spread to the stairs. the smell was terrible; i couldn't see." his eyes start to water like he really is fighting through the smoke this instant. "the stairs were breaking off one by one. i had a baby in my arms. i took a chance and jumped down the entire flight. little salton got a few bruises and was choking on the acrid air. i got out by chance since the smoke was so thick, where my family was waiting outside. everyone was out there, minus my mom. my dad made sure we were all okay before going back in for her. he" - he chokes a little - "he never came back.

"nobody wanted us. who would? six more children to take care of- that's a burden for anyone. salton was raised by another family. i had to take care of the other four myself. the first few years were easy. everyone wanted to help us. we got food, blankets, and new books from our school. we lived in a small hut on the outskirts of town. then things got steadily worse about a year ago. there was never enough food. i always went fishing every day and fried the fish up as best as i could. sometimes i didn't even eat so they could have more. i still do that.

"sirena, the second oldest, should be taking care of them right now. she's fifteen. the fire happened five years ago, when she was ten. i hope they're doing alright without me."

it takes me a few seconds to take it in. asher really has been starving, and that also explains his odd reaction to the fire pre-sting. i realize i have completely misjudged him. asher, whom i used to think to be so cocky and arrogant, is really a sweetheart looking to protect his siblings.

"asher, i don't even know what to say." matthias looks at him with a saddened, pained expression. there seems to be a certain understanding between all of us now, and in a way i know we are all closer than before.

"you don't have to say anything." asher blinks rapidly, and i realize with a start that i am about to see him cry. my heart sinks into my stomach and i feel tears prick at the corners of my own eyes.

suddenly noises like footsteps pound on the ground, coming closer and closer. carly breaks through the trees, looking the most terrified i've ever seen her. her blue eyes are wild, wide with fear.

"run!" she shouts. "they're behind me. bliss and another career. go!"

sheer terror encases my body like ice. my legs are lead as my heart starts beating quicker and quicker with each passing millisecond. hands pull me up so i'm standing and i see matthias yelling at me to move, but i can't hear anything anymore. everything is moving in slow motion. matthias also gets asher onto his feet and grabs the backpack, zipping it closed and slinging it over both his shoulders. he shoves me forward, and that's when the spell breaks. i jerk back into reality. things are moving almost too quickly for me to register.

"go!" matthias screams, a frantic look on his face. "thalia, run."

"promise you'll be right behind me?" i ask so rapidly that my words blend together and i sound drunk, like haymitch.

matthias stops for one second and looks right into my eyes. "promise. now go."

i nod and start sprinting for my life. asher is not too far ahead of me, and i notice with despair that he is definitely moving slower than he used to. formerly, he was the quickest out of all of us. now i'm not so sure.

everything is a blur and i can barely keep an eye on asher and carly in front of me.

"run, run, as fast as you can, little tributes!" i can hear bliss taunting us, the sound echoing through my ears and making my head spin. i stumble but catch myself and continue on sprinting, adrenaline coursing through my veins. the terror makes my feet feel like cement blocks, but i know i'm running faster than i ever have before.

"you can't hide forever!" this voice i have never heard before, but i think it's the boy from three, titus. my heart pumps even faster when i realize what he says is true. we can't run for all eternity. eventually they will catch us.

asher is slowing down even more. he is almost next to me, and i mentally urge him on.

"come on, come on," matthias mutters from slightly behind me, breathless. "go, go, go, go, go! come on, asher, come on!"

asher falls behind me. matthias actually curses. everything seems to be going smoothly (despite the fact that asher has fallen behind) when i hear a cry, a thud, and another curse. i start to slow down.

"asher, get up," matthias urges desperately, his breathing ragged. "c'mon buddy, get up!"

"i can't." asher has become pale, his voice cracking as his chest rises and falls in time with his heavy breaths. "leave me."

"never." matthias grabs his arm and gets him up about halfway before i see it. titus is behind them, a wicked grin on his elvish face. he has the throwing knife in his hands. he reaches his arm back. he aims. he releases it.

and it hits its target.

then i see the wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression on his face before asher halloway falls to the ground, never to get up again.

gif is thalia listening to asher's story


annnnddddd, cue the crying (if you arent then just wait till next chapter. keep tissues nearby)

ive been dreading this moment since i introduced asher tbh

i was going to update yesterday since it was the feast day of st. matthias bUt i had a softball game so i couldnt :(

dedicated to shootmehemmings bc same and they said they love his story so i love them

until next time!!

(i sound enthusiastic but really im dead inside from what i just wrote hahahahaha kill me)



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