Chapter 3: Road to Shili

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Welcome back!! Now to take a break from the smut and get into some plot. Okay, the enemies will show up here, most of which will be different villains from either different games or from movies, since I kinda want to make this a multi-crossover. I love a good crossover, don't know why. Pic above is what Cal will be currently wearing, the hair and beard however are not, the hair will be Survivor, the beard will just be stubble on his face, basically he'll have the same hair and beard he has in the very beginning of Jedi: Survivor. Anyways, let's get this going!

(Aboard the Mantis-Cal's POV)

I crack open my eyes as I groan and stretch, then turn to see the two beautiful women flanking on both sides of me, a Nightsister that I'm proudly married to flush against my bare chest, her breasts pushed up against me, and a Twi'lek bounty hunter flush against my back, her legs tangled with mine. By the Force, I love these women, very much. But I can tell that once we get to Shili, things will change. Greez then knocks on the door that leads to the engine room, where I'm sleeping with both women, stirring Merrin from sleep. She stretches then leans over to kiss me, before biting Talon's neck, making her moan as she wakes up as well.

"As much as I want to stay in bed with you ladies," I tell them. "I have duties to fulfill." I get up, relieve my bladder in the refresher, dress, then walk back out and into the living area of the Mantis. I then turn back to see that Merrin's up, and she has dressed herself, so has Talon. Good. Greez doesn't need to know what transpired on his ship. I stretch again before walking out, Talon and Merrin on my heels.

"So, where to now?" Talon asks me, popping her shoulders. I look to her.

"Shili," I answer. Merrin nods.

"Okay," she says. "Better than most places. Preferably Coruscant." I turn to her. I really hope my wife isn't serious. She hasn't been to Coruscant, unlike myself. I run a hand through my hair before I tighten my gloves slightly on my hands. She wasn't there with me the day that I decided to work for Saw Gerrera and I had gone as a prisoner that day, with Bode, Gabs, Bravo and the twins disguised as Coruscant Special Forces officers. Only reason we were there was because of Senator Daho Sejan. He was a Senator from Utapau, an Outer Rim planet but had met his demise at the hands of an Inquisitor. The Ninth Sister, who apparently had survived the attack I did five years ago on the planet Kashyykk, and I thought I was ruthless. Merrin pulls me out of my stupor as I blink, turning to her.

"We will stay at your side, Cal," she tells me. "You're not alone in this." I nod my head.

"I know, Merrin," I answer, taking her hand in mine. "I'm just....worried. I keep wondering about those children on the holocron. Did we do the right thing by destroying it, to ensure the Empire doesn't get their hands on them?" Merrin hums.

"I think you did," she says. "It may not have been the best choice, but you made it, and that's what counts." I smile at her, kissing her cheek gently, but she pulls me in for an actual kiss, and I grin. Talon folds her arms across her chest and she looks at me.

"Damn," she says. "I'm missing out, I'll have to step up my game." I shake my head at her.

"You don't have to," I tell her. Talon smirks. "Really?" I nod to her as she says this and she shakes her head at me. Then we land the Mantis on Shili, then step off the platform. Hopefully, it's not controlled by the Empire.

(Shili, Governor's Quarters-Normal POV)

The Governor of Shili sits up in his bed, having heard that an ambassador was coming to meet him, so he gets up quickly, the Togruta male wasting no time in hitting the refresher, freshening up, getting rid of the stench of sweat and sex before breaking the door to one of his councilmen's rooms, catching him in the middle of fraternizing with one of his subordinates.

"Let's go!" He hisses at him. "We'll be late to meet the ambassador if we don't! Hurry up, stop with the theatrics of fraternizing with your colleague, stuff your karking cock back in your pants, and let's get moving!" The councilman is quick to stop whatever he's doing, pull out of the woman he was screwing, then quickly dresses.

"Seriously? That's why you broke my door, Governor?" He asks. The Governor nods.

"Yes. So, let's go!" The councilman groans in disapproval then gets up, throwing on a pair of pants as the female gets up on her own, trailing off the bed.

"Governor Tristian, we both know you would do something similar," the councilman says, pulling his shirt over his head as he slips it on, then walks after the governor.

"What say you, Councilman Rory? You look like you should be in the same boat." Tristian turns to Rory as the other Togruta purses his lips.

"If you can count the many times I've served the Empire, then color me blind, and impressed by your skills, Governor." Rory walks ahead, tugging on his lekku some as the two walk until they're back in the council room, Tristian looking at a Togruta woman sitting in a chair, smiling. She's dressed somewhat regally, the skirt she's wearing is a bright red in contrast to her orange skin, but she's smiling, her full lips contorting into the smile as she holds out her hand.

"This is a surprise, Governor," she says. "I thought you wouldn't make it." Her lekku is long, but not as long as both Tristian and Rory's lekku. Tristian walks up to her and kisses the back of her hand.

"I hope I'm not interrupting, Senator Tala," Tristian says as Tala shakes her head. "I planned on this meeting a while ago to inform the council."

"Likewise, you are definitely the kind of man we need to lead our people," Tala says. "But I'm eternally grateful otherwise of the decision to stay neutral, even with the growing presence of the Empire." Tristian frowns at the senator, displeased with her decision. She's always been like this, staying neutral. She rose to power as a Senator long after the Clone Wars and after the death of the previous Governor of Kiros, Roshti. Even then she's reluctant to keep everything going, and she doesn't agree with the Empire either. But she will do whatever is necessary to keep her people safe, that's what matters to her more than ever.

"What about the Jedi? They're all but gone from the galaxy, and we can't take any more chances of them being alive." Tristian says with a frown. Tala nods, agreeing with her colleague and lover.

"Indeed," she says. "May I present a couple Senators from the reaches of the galaxy." She gestures to a couple other men and women from each system that had come to Shili. Not all of them are human nor are they Togruta, of course. They are all different species alright. Ranging from Twi'lek to Togruta, to Rodians, Mirilians, and Quarians. There's also a Turian or two in there as well. A Quarian male steps forward, his face hidden by a mask, like all Quarians have, for reasons. Quarians after all have weak immune systems, so they have suits built that can last a long time and help them out. The Quarians do however look humanoid in appearance, so do Turians, if they didn't look like overgrown lizards on two legs, similar to the Niktos on occasion. Except unlike the Niktos, the Turians don't have horns. That is the only difference. The Quarian male finally speaks and says,

"Senators, there's a reason why this council was called by Senator Tala of Kiros and Shili. This.....issue we have is why we are here." He folds his hands before turning to Tala.

"But it begs the real question, Senator, why is it that we are gathered here? What is the issue? The problem?" Tala purses her lips, rubbing her hands over her lek, before answering,

"The issue is the Jedi, preferably this one," she shows a hologram of none other than Jedi Knight Cal Kestis himself, the Jedi's holographic image filling the council room and bathing it in blue light for every senator and ambassador from across the galaxy to see. "This Jedi has been a pain in our kriffing asses for a while. We need to do something about it." A human man with hair in dreadlocks walks in the room, making everyone turn to him.

"Let me handle him," he says, his voice raspy. "I have a debt to collect." This man is wearing a pair of black trousers, a white shirt, and black armor on him, and he's taller than most of the Togruta men in this room. When he speaks, it's raspy, his tone, and it sends fear down most of the senators' spines.

"And who are you to speak in this room?" Tala asks. "Who let him in?" She glares at the other senators before turning back to the man. "Who are you?" The man turns to her, and says,

"I'm Dryden. Dryden Bludvist. This Jedi....let me take him. He will burn alongside that Nightsister witch girl of his." He then replaces the image with one of Merrin, of the Nightsister attacking stormtroopers and taking them out one by one with her staff, and her Magick. Tala narrows her eyes.

"And why should we trust you, Dryden?" She asks him. Dryden's dark eyes narrow before he says,

"Only I can defeat the Jedi, and once I do, I will take that Nightsister, and raze her to the ground with her own Magick!" Tala and every senator there widen their eyes, noticing that this threat from this tall, stocky yet powerful man was real, and nothing is gonna stop him otherwise.

"Lord Vader chose this mission for me," he says. "Therefore I will complete it. Now, who's with me?" He glances around at the senators and ambassadors in the room. Tala frowns. She doesn't want to take his word for it, she really doesn't. But what can she do? She has her people to protect, and as a senator, that's her job. Dryden then activates his blood-red lightsaber, which has a ring in the middle of it, meaning one thing, he is an Inquisitor. Tala doesn't dare move, not at all. But her lover, on the other hand is a different story. Tristian hasn't said a word since Dryden had stepped in and started threatening everyone in the senate. Son of a Gundark! She was gonna kill him herself if he did anything that could jeopardize this especially with Dryden still in the room. Dryden then lifts his hand and Force chokes a Senator, a Quarian as he struggles to gasp for air despite him being in an envirosuit.

"I'm Dryden Bludvist!" He roars. "And I will be the one who spills the blood of the Jedi Cal Kestis!" He then turns to the senators.

"I just need one thing, for each of you." He glances at the rest of the Senators. A Nikto female senator asks him,

"What is it, Bludvist?" Dryden smirks before saying,

"Bow. Bow before me, and the Emperor." Tala laughs, and so does Tristian and his councilman, Rory. A Quarian female sobs over the body of the male, they could've been married or they were siblings, either way, Dryden could care less, as long as he got his hands on the Jedi and the Nightsister. Dryden can feel his blood boil as he turns and grabs the female senator.

"You," he hisses at her, narrowing his eyes at her. "What is your name?" She stutters before saying,

"Keelah'Sali vas Normandy." Dryden nods before saying,

"Come with me, Senator." Tala stands up in her chair.

"I won't tolerate such actions in my council room, Inquisitor," she says to him. Dryden slowly turns to her, as Keelah shakes her head rapidly, wanting her to stay out of it. But Tala stands strong, even as a Turian turns to her.

"Enough," he says. "Dryden is too strong, Senator Tala. And we don't have the strength nor the weaponry to take on an Inquisitor." Tala nods.

"Very well," she says, as she weighs her options. If she accepts this proposal to bow to Dryden, her whole planet could fall under Imperial control. She doesn't want that. But she can only hope that her people are safe for that purpose. But she doesn't like the Empire, never did. Still hates them which is why she refuses to let the Empire take control of her people. "But know this, Dryden, I would rather die for my people than be in a situation and a position where I can't be a voice for them." Dryden nods before grabbing Keelah.

"I will take this Senator with me otherwise," he says, his dark eyes wandering over the Senators in the room. "For leverage. Senator Tala, I hope you don't get any ideas of turning against me." He flaps his cape, then disappears with Keelah struggling from his vice-like grip on her arm. The door slams shut then, it's only silent for a moment, then a cacophony of voices ring out in the council room.

"What will he do?"

"What do you mean by that? He will kill Keelah, and once he's finished with her, he'll take it out on us next!"

"We have families, he will burn this whole place down!"

"I say we jump ship and get out of here!"

"Kriff no! I say we hunt down this Jedi, and deliver him to Dryden!"

"Senator Tala, what can we do?"

Senator Tala lifts her hand up to stop any more arguments then turns to Tristian, who hadn't moved from his spot in his chair, until now. He walks to Tala, taking her hand.

"Are you alright, my love?" He asks her. Tala nods.

"I'm alright. But this senate has been nothing but chaos since Dryden stormed in here and threatened us. Here's my plan: we find Cal Kestis and we....ask for his help." Tristian blinks rapidly.

"Are you crazy? We can't do that!" Tala whirls on him.

"We have to in order to ensure the safety of our people!" She snaps back at her lover. "Besides, we have no other choice. Look at our options, Tristian. We have no other except A, give up our home to the Empire, or B, give up our services, our freedom, and our lives! I would rather die than do any of that!" Tristian sighs.

"Fine," he says. "Let's send word to the Jedi Knight that we need help." Tala nods, giving her lover a kiss.

"Thank you." She says. Tristian nods.

(Shili outpost-Cal's POV)

As I walk around, a hood over my head to conceal my identity from the Empire, I glance at some of the shops at the outpost. Honestly, if I didn't have a bounty on my head, I'd spend some of my credits. But I can't because of the bounty, so I have to be careful now. BD is in a backpack strapped to my back, I can just say that I'm carrying supplies. I notice that most of the villagers are Togrutas, and I nod my head in response to a couple of them as I walk past. Until one grabs my arm and yanks me down an alleyway. I grab my blaster and aim it as I yank off my hood.

"You've got exactly two seconds to answer me on why you dragged me in an alleyway before I shoot." I hiss. The person, who hasn't revealed themselves yet, responds,

"Wait, I'm here to help you, Cal Kestis." My eyes widen and I put my blaster away. The person then reveals herself to be a Togruta female in her mid thirties with beautiful orange skin, long blue and white lekku that covers her clothes, which reveals to be Togrutan demon armor and a long skirt. The skirt is a maroon color, and it covers her skin of her long legs well.

"Talk." I demand to her. The Togruta woman nods.

"I'm Senator Tala of the Kiros System, but I reside here on Shili because of my husband, who is a Governor of Kiros and is on the council." I nod, my green eyes narrowed. I still don't fully trust her.

"Why did you contact me?" I say. Tala shakes her head.

"I didn't..." she begins, but I cut her off.

"You did, don't lie to me. I know you did. I saw your holomessage." Tala blinks her eyes as a flashback comes in mind.

(Flashback- A couple hours earlier)

I sit in the engine room with Merrin and Talon at my side. They're literally stuck to me right now, and I'm sandwiched between them both. Honestly, I like it really. Then there's a knock at the engine door, and I silently groan to myself. Oh well, I can indulge in affairs with my two ladies later. Duty calls. I kiss them both on their foreheads, Merrin moving closer to Talon out of instinct and I have to chuckle as they basically take up the spot I once occupied.

Once I'm showered and I step out of the refresher clean and dressed, I see Greez. I nod my head to the Lateron, but he tilts his head, gesturing me out of the room. I walk into the room where the holotable is.

"What's up, Greez?" I ask him. Greez turns to me.

"You got a message, kid," he answers. "It's from the planet Shili." I blink. Shili? I've heard of that planet. It's home to a lot of Togrutas. Not to mention the ones that live on the planet Kiros. I nod and walk up to the holotable.

"Alright," I say. "What's up?" Greez then pulls up the holovid of a Togrutan woman. I blink but before I can say anything, she speaks.

"Jedi Knight Cal Kestis," she says. "I don't know if you will get this or not, but we need help. The Imperial army continues to grow here, and none of our warriors can fight since they either were captured or have been..... killed. I am Senator Tala of Shili, and I need your help. Please, I'm begging you." I turn back to Greez.

"Set a course for Shili," I say to him. "It's about time we get to talking to the Senator." Greez nods.

"To Shili we go." The Lateron says, heading to the cockpit. Merrin and Talon join me in the cockpit of the Mantis.

"Why go to Shili?" Merrin asks. I look at her.

"Because the Senator of Shili needs our help." I answer her. Talon blinks her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Why trust her?" She asks. "What if she's part of the Empire?" I look at Talon.

"If she was part of the Empire, she wouldn't have reached out to us," I tell her. "Therefore, I trust her, Talon. Lighten up." Talon crosses her arms again, unamused.

"We're just trying to look out for you, Cal," Merrin says. "Like good lovers do." She takes my hand and I nod to her.

"I know you are," I say to her. "But really, I'm fine. Trust me." Merrin nods.

"I love you," she says. She turns to Talon, then turns back to me. "We both do." I nod and kiss Merrin.

"And I love the both of you too," I say to her. "So trust me." Merrin nods.

(Flashback End-Present day)

I glance at Senator Tala. She is a beautiful woman, I'll give her that much. I put my lightsaber away, clipping it back to my belt.

"I can tell that you're not lying," I say to her. "So, you want protection from the Empire?" Tala nods.

"Yes," she says. "Definitely." I nod gently. Something about this woman does intrigue me though, despite the fact that she's married to a governor. But she could work more for intel than anything. I blink my eyes at her.

"So," I tell her. "Can you help us then? We can still keep you safe from the Empire, if needed be?" Tala nods.

"Yes," she says. "That'll be good, very. Thank you, Jedi Knight." I nod before I gesture with my head for us to keep going. We then traverse through the lower levels of the city, realizing last minute in the upper levels, security is tight, very tight, there's no way we'll be getting out of here without help. I turn back to Tala.

"Any ideas?" I ask her. Tala nods. She then takes my hand, and leads me across the street, pulling up the hood of my cloak to conceal my face from any Imperial probe droids that are in sight. Honestly, I'm grateful for the help of the senator. If she wasn't here to guide me through these busy streets, I know for a fact I would've been lost. We traverse through a lot of busy streets, markets noticing me, and doing everything they can to hide me from the Imperials as well. I look up at Tala.

"The villagers....they're helping us?" I ask her. Tala turns to me and nods her head.

"Yes, they know that you're a Jedi, and like me and my husband, they disagree with the Imperial control that's over Shili. Ever since they sent an Inquisitor, anyways, who has one of my council members in custody." A shiver goes up my spine then, and I almost freeze in my tracks, but not before Tala pulls me down an alleyway and I watch as two stormtroopers walk past in their plastoid armor and blasters in their hands. A security droid follows right behind them, one of those big ones with the arms that, once they pick you up and send you flying in your back on the ground, can easily break a regular person's spine, for those that aren't Jedi. I look down at Tala, both of us breathing heavily, but that's not the reason why.

We're literally smooshed together by this point, my chest pushed up against hers, my arms still at my sides, hers are on my chest to keep herself from falling out of the hiding place and getting caught by the stormtroopers. My heart is racing as her breasts are pushed up against me, and I bite my lip as I realize that my pants are tight, and her knee is between my legs. When Tala tries to move, her knee brushes my crotch, and I bite my lip more. Tala looks down, then back up into my eyes.

"We'll take care of that after we're on the Mantis," she tells me. I blink my eyes rapidly at her.

"But what about Tristian?" I ask her. "Your husband?" Tala shakes her head.

"He knows I crave adventure," she tells me. "And you, Jedi Knight Kestis, are just my type of adventure." Before I can protest, her lips are on mine in an instant, and my brain snaps, and my fingers run through her lekku, her montrals, I moan in the kiss, and Tala's knee pushes into my crotch again. I pull away from her, gasping.

"We gotta go," I tell her. "Before the Empire catches us." Tala nods, and leads me down a back way towards the Mantis. We then bump into Tristian on the way back.

"Go with him, Tala," he says to his wife. "Besides, I have been unfaithful to you." Tala lets go of my hand and steps towards her husband. I watch her, my gaze never leaving the two Togrutans. Tala then gives her husband one last kiss.

"Good luck, Tristian," she says. "I hope things get better." Tristian nods, then turns to me.

"Jedi Knight Cal Kestis," he says, his gaze meeting mine. "Take care of my wife." I nod to him.

"I will, Governor." I bow to him, then we leave towards the Mantis.

(Unknown location-Shili, Normal POV)

Dryden watches as Cal leaves with the Governor's wife, his teeth gritting. He should've tried to convince her to join him, but knowing her, she would rather die than give up her home to the Empire. He then takes out a holodisc, and a hologram of a man with black hair and a blaster strapped to his side, wearing a red shirt, tan trousers and black boots stands there, bathed in blue light.

::Report,:: he says. ::What's the situation on Shili?:: Dryden grits his teeth.

"We got trouble, Bode Akuna," he says. "The Senator of Shili, Tala has teamed up with the Jedi Cal Kestis." Bode places a hand on his chin.

::That's troublesome. What about the Quarian that is your prisoner? Keelah, was it? Has she said anything?:: Dryden shakes his head, turning to where his men are violating the Quarian woman as she screams in pain.

"She is....resisting well," he says. "But we'll make her break." Bode nods.

::Contact me when you get your hands on the Jedi and you've broken her.:: Dryden nods.

"It'll be done, Bode," he says. "I will not fail you." Bode nods one more time as the hologram disappears, and Dryden turns to where two assassins lie in wait.

One of the assassins is a female human with olive skin, long black hair, and cocoa brown eyes. The other is also a human, and has raven black hair and hazel eyes, the same skin as the other female, but you can easily tell they're related, sisters.

"Go," Dryden says. "Hunt this Jedi down, and bring me his head. Kitana, Mileena." Mileena hisses as she pulls down her pink mouth covering, exposing her many teeth.

"It will be done, my Lord." She says. She and Kitana look at each other before they disappear, using the shadows to their advantage.

Dun dun dun! Did you guys get who I added into the story, villain wise? Huh? Huh? I'll see you guys next Friday for this update!!! Happy reading!!!! Also, if you have any suggestions on who Cal should be paired with, put them in the comments! I want to tag the person I got inspiration from, but I'll have to ask him before I can.

Update: I got permission to tag the guy I got inspiration from, so here he is, if you want to check out his stories as well, they're really good!! Snapmite1998 !!

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