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The rain poured down outside Starbucks, as January stared gloomily into the bottom of his coffee cup. The "Roommate Interview" made him uncomfortable, even though the girl called May was clearly trying to help his discomfort. She had been trying to make conversation with him for the past twenty minutes, but he'd been barely responding.

After another five minutes, she gave up trying.

"Thank you for your time, January!" Her voice was chirpy, but her expression was far from it. She had met ten other people, and they were all perfect. None too loud, none too obnoxious, and no one was psychopathic, a murderer, or crazy!

She called them all later on, and smiled when they were all onboard with everyone living together.


Everyone meeting one another was fast. Nobody was rude, and they all got along well enough. They met at the house that May had bought. She was pretty rich, but she didn't want people to know that her money couldn't buy the things she wanted: friends, and love.

January was still moping around, much to everyone's annoyance. May found it strange how everyone was so different, and how she'd managed to get this random group of people in one place.

She was currently chatting to a girl called June, and the conversation was friendly, and polite. It was everything May wanted.

June's twin brother, July, was already flirting with February, who seemed eager to chat-up everyone in the room.

The boy called August seemed pretty reserved, but he was the one catching everyone's eye, with his mixture of good looks and his mysterious and entrancing attitude. He wasn't interested in any of the girls who were attempting to make a good impression. No. His eyes were transfixed on the movement of a boy.

"Hi! I'm... uh... I'm September! It's nice to meet you!"

"Mmm... yeah..."

The boy he'd been staring at for the past ten minutes had appeared in front of him, and was talking to him.

"I'm August, by the way" he replied. He stuck out a hand, and September shook it politely.

September had only realised that he'd caught August's eye when a sweet girl called April had pointed it out. April had now moved away from where she was previously standing, and was now chatting away to an attractive girl called December. She was wearing a short skirt with a cropped tank top, and her purple hair was flopping over her forehead, and she kept on brushing her fringe out of her sight-line, but to no avail.

Near to them, November and October were sitting on the edge of the radiator. They were both loudly laughing at something the girl October had said. The boy, November, was wearing a striped jumper that was too big for him, paired with trousers that appeared to be something crossed between sweatpants and jeans... October was wearing a trench coat and a scarf, which covered her neck. Her brown hair (dip dyed blue) was up in a ponytail, and swept along the back of her scarf.

A few meters away stood March. They were alone, and they were the only one that May didn't quite understand. They had a chin length fringe, dyed black with an electric blue streak in the centre. The rest of their hair was shaved, also dyed black. They wore dark colours, and they looked like they wanted to practically melt into the scenery.

May pushed her way through the crowd, and coughed loudly.

"Ahem... May I have your attention please? I would like to thank you all for coming today, and I wanted to tell you that this is the living room of our house. There are ten bedrooms upstairs, and one bathroom. Some of you will have to share, but I'm sure that won't be a problem! Thanks for listening, and I guess I'll be heading out! You all have a set of keys, right? Yeah... Well... G'bye!"

May finished up her little introduction and left the house. She was off to a job interview, and she was running a little behind. Oh well...


"June? Can we... talk?" said July.

"Ahh! I was lookin' for you! I wanted to tell you that I don't wanna share a room anymore... I'm sorry..." replied June. She'd accidentally broken her brother's heart, but she wasn't too fussed.

"Oh... okay then. Love ya, sis"

"Love ya too, bro."

The twins went their separate ways, and went into their rooms. They were (unfortunately) on opposite sides of the house, which upset July even further.

Next to July's room was February's room. She'd immediately taken to what she now called home, and was unpacking quickly.

There was a knock at her door, and it was pushed open to reveal June. She hadn't actually arranged where she wanted to sleep yet; after talking to her brother she went to the bathroom.

"What do you want, June?"

"F... February? Can I share a roo-"

February shut the door on her before June could even finish her sentence.


"Can we order pizza?" May shouted to no one in particular.

June stood before May, and began speaking, but it came out more like a mumble. 

"May? C... can I share a room with you?" June asked.

"Yeah! Sure! Come on, I'll show you where it is!"

"Th... thank you, May..."

May was everything June wanted to be. She was pretty, funny, clever, and everyone immediately liked her. June, however, was shy, anti-social, and plain. In reality she was gorgeous, with her black hair, tied in two plaits, and her bluey-grey eyes. She thought of herself as plain, however, and nothing could change her thoughts.

The rest of the night went smoothly, and only a few people sharing rooms: May and June, January and July.


Into the darkness of their room, March whispered "Goodnight..."

They didn't get an answer back, which only accentuated their loneliness.

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