Chapter 4

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Calibri was a skeleton-vampire, a new combination. She started to panic, wondering what was going to happen to her. She was scared.

"Relax, Calibri, we need to think about this." Sans tried to calm his sister down. She kept panicking and becoming even more faint.

Sans had to try something.

He thought about it for a moment. Blood was red, ketchup was also red... why not give that to Calibri.

He pulled a ketchup bottle out his pocket and started feeding it to Calibri, hoping his thoughts were correct.

She at first thought it was weird, eating ketchup...

"Why are you feeding me ketchup?"

"I figured it would work as a blood substitute. Because it's red." Sans said and Calibri chuckled. But it actually worked, she didn't feel faint anymore. She started gaining her strength.

"Well, as weird as it was, it actually worked." Calibri told her brother. Sans was relieved, he didn't want to lose her.

He really liked having a sister, she was a nice addition to the family.

"Well, we have another thing in common, we both like ketchup." Sans smiled.

"Yeah, I kinda like ketchup, but I may like tomato juice a little better. But I don't hate ketchup." Calibri said as she thought about how she will basically need some form that's like ketchup to keep her alive, since she was part vampire.

"Well, at least we know what will be a good substitute for blood for you." Sans said as both Calibri and Sans walked home from the store.

Calibri can't believe she freaked out in a store. She felt so awful about that, but Sans shrugged it off and no one said about her panic episode.

They got back to the house, greeted by the happy skeleton, a tough fish lady, and a shy yellow dinosaur.

"So, this is your sister you kept talking about?" The fish lady said to Papyrus as she looked over Calibri.

"YES, UNDYNE, THIS IS MY SISTER CALIBRI." Papyrus said with joy.

"Hmm... She seems a little different. She has hair and fangs? She is quite different from you two." Undyne said as she kept looking at Calibri.

"We found her yesterday. She had no memory. She wandered a bit and we decided to keep her. She had no where to go." Sans told Undyne and she nodded.

"Well, I should introduce myself then. My name is Undyne, I am the captain of the Royal Guard." Undyne, the fish lady, said as she introduced herself.

The yellow dinosaur was behind her, very shy of the new skeleton.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself, Alphys." Undyne said to the yellow dinosaur.

" okay... um... hello... my n-n-name is Alphys... I'm the...a-a-a scientist... It's... um... nice to... um... meet you... C-C-Calibri." Alphys said, her voice quivering, seeming unsure of what to say.

"It's nice to meet you too, Alphys." Calibri said, her fangs noticeable.

"W-w-why do you have... um... fangs?" Alphys asked, unsure how to really talk about this unfamiliar subject.

"Oh, I'm thinking I am a vampire-skeleton." She said cluelessly.

"A-a-a Vampire?!"

"I thought they were just a legend! I have never thought there could be a skeleton like that!" Undyne exclaimed and she looked over Calibri.

"King Asgore told me about Vampires. They are neither human nor monster. A combination soul! But how did you get through the barrier?" Undyne asked and Calibri didn't have any answers for her.

"Maybe... um she had a... previous life she can't remember?" Alphys said.

"That could be possible, right?" Undyne asked Alphys.

"It must... be possible! She is here and alive... We-we should take her to King Asgore... He knows more about Vampires than any of us."

"Calibri, how are you still alive? Vampires need blood."

"She can drink ketchup." Sans said as he held up the ketchup bottle in his bony hand.

"Well, that's not blood... But I guess it's a substitute?" Alphys said as she thought about the possibility of Calibri surviving on ketchup and not blood.

"I was weak earlier and after I drank that ketchup I felt better." Calibri said,which gave Alphys a lot to think about.

"D-do you think you can live on ketchup?"

"Well... I hope I can live on maybe tomato juice or something like that. I like ketchup, but drinking it is a little... off putting..."

"Well, w-w-we can um... make tomato juice... And when you feel weaker... we can try that out on you."

Calibri nodded and Alphys keeps thinking about the possibility of Calibri surviving on a blood substitute.

"But we should take you to King Asgore, he is basically the only one who knows about the true existance of vampires. I don't even know much about it." Alphys said and Sans nodded.

"I can take her, I know a shortcut to get there." He said and took my hand.

"We'll be back in a little while." Sans said and everyone nodded.

Sans took Calibri outside, hand in hand, and he walked her into a forest area.

"Hold on tight." Is all he said and suddenly they were on the walkway to the castle.

"You teleported?!"

"Of course. You'll get use to it." He said as he kept walking her to the castle. As they went down the corridor, Calibri's thoughts were everywhere. She wasn't really sure what to think about all of this.

Suddenly, they were in a room full of golden flowers. In the middle of the room, there was a goat monster reading a book in king-like robes.

"King Asgore, we need your help." Sans said and the goat monster looked up from his book and gazed at Sans and Calibri.

"Sans, hello. Would you and your friend like a cup of tea?"

"No thank you, your majesty. We need your knowledge on... vampires."

The king seemed shocked by that word. Then his face grew long.

"I see... You two want to know about vampires... I will tell you." He said as he placed his book on his lap and cleared his throat.

"Vampires are not truly human, but not truly monster. They have a special soul, a sort of combined soul. They are not truly accepted by humans, instead accepted by monsters. Vampires were our spies, our super soldiers. These were the perfect beings to help us win the war. But, there were not many of them.  They stayed above ground when we were trapped. I still feel guilty about it." Asgore finished and Sans nodded.

"If you need anything, I would love to help. I'm sorry that I have to ask you to leave, but I am quite tired. Good night you two." Asgore stood up and went to another room.

Sans then took Calibri's bony hand again, now taking her a different way.

They came upon a grey door in the middle of nowhere.

"We may find more answers here." Sans said as he turned the knob on the grey door.

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