Chapter Three

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See end notes!

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It happened on a Saturday. A Saturday which started out as rather normal. In fact, it could even be said that this Saturday was relaxed and easy going. My mother was out with the family. I was invited to go, of course, but I knew I needed some down time before I went back to school on Monday. The week prior had been incredibly busy and the homework I'd been assigned in several class kicked my butt into the next century. So as much as I loved my cousins, going out wasn't exactly an option for me.

Instead, I found myself with glasses perched on the end of my nose, textbooks open and notebooks scribbled in. I didn't mind; spending a bit of time by myself never became an issue.

A low buzz drew me away from my studies, my line of vision and concentration turning instead to the phone sitting on my desk. The screen lit up with a notification, an email address I'd never seen flashing across the glass.

With a frown, I picked it up and eyeballed the address. Ignoring the notification, not even bothering to read the email body, I instead shut down the screen and returned to my previous project.

Only a few minutes later, however, my phone buzzed again, making my eye twitch in irritation. Looking from the corner of my eye, I could see the same email flashing across the screen again.


With a groan, I pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose and picked the phone up, this time punching in the pass code and unlocking it. Scanning the contents of the email, my heart dropped and annoyance flashed through my veins; this stupid kid.

This stupid kid being the moron forced into my life by my mother; this kid being Bennett, the one and only constant thorn in my side.

It was a little strange how the guy just sort of latched onto me. After receiving his initial letter nearly two months ago, (which why would he have even replied to that letter in the first place?! 'Do not engage' was written all over that piece of paper), I begrudgingly wrote back under the constant pressure from my mother and from there on out, the trading of letters became commonplace. Apparently my crass, blunt and rude way of addressing things came across as super endearing. Which is just my luck, really.

Ever since then, he just sort of wrote to me and I sort of replied. Never anything big and never anything personal; most days, I wouldn't even say the letters were worth the postage. But it became a habit. And habits were something I found myself very fond of.

But this particular interaction did lead to a lot of questions on my end. Starting with how in the world he even got my email address. I certainly never gave it to him. But after thinking on it, it would make sense that he got it from my mom. After all, our parents were friends, hence the reason he found his way into my life in the first place.

Groaning at the turn of events, I hit the reply button and typed out a quick response, eager to return to my studies. Maybe it wasn't the most glamorous of Friday events, but it worked for me.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Like, go chase a moose or something and leave me alone. Also, this email is private, you stalker.

Short, sweet, tot he point. Maybe this would get him off my case for the time being. Obviously, he would still annoy me just because he could. But maybe, just maybe . . . doubtful, though, considering the clever artistry I'd given him the first time he responded to my letter.

Bennett, I'd discovered, could be the most stubborn person on the planet. It made me want to punch him in the face sometimes. The simple fact that he insisted on pushing himself into my space, pushing himself into my life, made me want to even more.

It irked me to no end. I didn't need or want extra people in my life. I had the core group that made me happy and the rest I spent with my art or with school. But Bennett just seemed to invade every aspect of my life.

Almost instantly, I received a response. With a groan, I set down my pencil. Clearly, I wouldn't be getting anything else done with this project. Stretching out on my stomach, I held my phone in front of me as I read his words on my screen.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Well, for your information, I already captured all the moose. There are none left. So that leaves me free to have this nice little chat with you, NOW . . . if you had asked if I caught all the muskox's in the area, that would be a no. There's still one little rascal who keeps slipping away. I'll get him eventually. And what about? Seems like you were able to give a pretty quick response, if you ask me. All caught up with your chores as well?

The fact that this idiot played into the moose things and then merely labeled it as part of his daily chore list made me both grin and roll my eyes. I could see the prodding though. He always seemed to give little pieces of his life and expect some sort of reciprocation. He never really got it.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Okay, first things first - what the heck is a muskox and why are they just running around freely?? Second, my chores go fairly quick considering trapping live animals is not among them. And the third, most serious point - seriously, don't you have anything better to do than email someone who literally lives thousands of miles away and you've never met in person?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

You'd like to think that wouldn't you?! But alas, it's snowing here and I can't exactly go out and hang at the most hoppin' watering hole. Also, behold: Muskox!

Attached to the email was a link to the Wikipedia page about this odd little animal. It looked like the odd lovechild of a buffalo and a goat - a Gruffalo? No, wait - that's a children's book. Focus! Shaking my head to get my thoughts back in order and focused, I read up on the weird little animal and nodded in interest.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Cool animal

Draft saved

I paused, fingers hovering over the screen as uncertainty ran through me. I wasn't sure where to take this conversation next. There weren't any leads, no questions to answer, and I felt a little lost on this interaction as a whole.

However, Bennett either had a sixth sense for these things or just got tired of waiting for a response to his last message because just a few moments later, another email popped into my inbox.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Okay, so real talk, what's your deal exactly?

Anger and irritation rolled through me upon reading those words. Why that little . . .

As you already mentioned, we haven't eve met, but you seem to be constantly irritated and annoyed with me, based entirely upon my letters and now emails and that's it. You don't even know what I look like, so I know it's not my face that's bothersome. So, I repeat, what's your deal?

Once again, I found myself at a loss as to what I should do. Most people really didn't make it this far. Most people were put off by my attitude. Most people didn't get my email address and most people certainly didn't take the time to write letter, nor were they given the chance to do so. All of it was entirely too personal and too close for comfort. Safe to say, I wasn't a fan.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

I just don't have time for this crap, that's all.

And I left it at that. Turning my phone face down on my duvet, I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I could hear the buzz of my phone just a few minutes later. I elected to ignore the noise and instead, stood up and left my room altogether.

I took my time, heading downstairs and getting a snack pulled together. After scanning the contents of our fridge, I decided on something semi healthy: baby carrots, ranch dressing and a soda. Not completely healthy but not the worst thing I'd eaten during the week. My weekdays primarily consisted of junk food, with whatever dish my mother made thrown in the mix. Some nights I didn't really eat dinner; just nibbled here and there and focused primarily on homework and my own endeavors. After all, there are only so many hours in a single day. I needed to make the best use out what I had and granted, it generally ended up with me not eating properly.

After collecting a few more items for my midday snack, I trudged back to my room, unable to shake the dread of returning to the previous conversation. Bennett made it pretty clear that he wanted to keep pushing the boundaries of this relationship. If what we had could even be counted as that.

I nudged the door of my room open with my hip, letting it fall shut behind me with a kick of the foot. I could hear the low buzz of my phone going crazy and sighed. Well, no putting it off even more. Dumping the stash of food on the desk, I picked up the phone and peeked at the screen. Several new emails were waiting for me.

"Clingy much?" I muttered, unlocking the phone and tapping into the email to see what exactly he sent.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Seriously what does that even mean??? Antisocial weirdo. Shouldn't I be the antisocial one?? I live in the middle of nowhere and you live in the middle of the city! So what's the real deal here? Too chicken?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Bawk bawk bawk.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Too much?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Okay i can totally get why you hate people if they all act like me. Seriously you all good? i don't mean to push buttons but dude i"m lonely out here in the middle of nowhere I NEED COMPANIONSHIP DON'T LEAVE ME ALL ALONE AJHGFDKJSHFGDF

With a roll of my eyes, I touched the screen to my forehead and started mumbling about how I shouldn't reach through the phone and strangle this dude. "I do not look good in orange, I do not look good in orange." Repeating the words like a mantra, I pushed the less than desirable intentions from my mind and focused on replying to Bennett. But I wasn't entirely certain how I could do that without giving too much information away about myself.

So, after a bit of thought, I settled for a simple explanation and replied.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Chill, dude. Tho i get it. Look, I get lonely too sometimes. But I'd rather be lonely by choice. Better to choose the lonely life than having it dumped on you. Let's leave it at that. Ya feel me?

The next response took a while to formulate, apparently. I don't know if I just managed to throw him for a loop or if, like me, he had things to attend to. So after five minutes turned to fifteen turned an hour, I shrugged and finished off my homework before settling in for the night. Sleep is important and all that jazz.

I turned the light on my nightstand on, turning off the ceiling light instead and crawled beneath the covers of my bed. The cool sheets folded around me and instantly soothed whatever lingering irritation from the interactions with Bennett and the day in general caused. I turned the light off, it's use for helping me find the way back to my bed without stubbing a toe fulfilled.

When I was almost asleep, my phone buzzed again and I chose to ignore it. It was only Bennett. He could wait until the next day.

And with those thoughts in my head, I drifted off.

Oh, the irony of him being the last thing Wendy thinks of during the day.

SO GUYS IT'S BEEN A WHILE. Again...I'm a horrible updater. I will acknowledge. BUT -  hopefully you enjoy this chapter. In case it isn't obvious, there is a definite time jump within the story. I'm not entirely sure where this story is headed, which is part of the reason I'm struggling to write it. I usually go into a story with some sort of game plan. I did not with this one. So I'm torn between several endings and those endings will fuel how the middle of the story progresses and AGH!

Anyways, I want to interact with you guys more!

So, let's put a question at the end of each chapter just to get some conversation going, eh?

QOTC: Which song has been on repeat for you over the past week?
AOTC: Mine is Heart Signal by Wataru Hatano. I found it when I was browsing Apple Music one day and I just love it!

Until next time guys!

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