Chapter 10

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"Who knew the human body could do that?" Janelle asked, watching the famous Korean actor do headstand push-ups on a bed of nails.

Pop Pop, Janelle, and Calista were in the TV room watching a movie called Ninja Assassin. Calista quickly learned that the elderly man loved anything to do with ninjas.

He pointed at the Korean actor on the television screen. "You see that? I used to have abs like those. You couldn't call them six-packs. We called them eighteen packs."

"Eighteen packs?" Calista repeated.

Janelle rolled her eyes and tossed some popcorn in her mouth. "There's no way you had eighteen packs."

The older man turned his head towards the nurse and scowled. "What was that? You wanted me to fire you? I should tell my grandson that he's paying you to watch good movies."

Janelle blushed. "No, sir. I just meant that I've never seen eighteen packs. Maybe eight pack abs but never eighteen."

"Just because you don't see something doesn't mean you can't believe it doesn't exist," Pop Pop said. He snatched the bowl of popcorn from her hands. "Do you believe in love?"

Janelle stole a glance at Calista who smiled. She grabbed the bowl of popcorn back. "Of course I believe in love."

"Well, you can't see love so why do you believe in it?" Pop Pop asked, taking back the bowl of popcorn.

Janelle turned to her friend. "Are you really going to let me go one on one with him? Why aren't you saying anything, Calista? Does your throat still hurt?"

Calista shook her head and smiled at Pop Pop. "You can't see love but you can feel it. You can show it through your actions." She thought of her husband, Adam Hargrove. "Actions definitely prove love exists. Or that it doesn't."

Pop Pop smiled, showing off his gums. "You always were a smart one, Duckie."

Janelle reached over and squeezed her friend's shoulder. "Calista—"

"I'm fine." Calista smiled before Janelle could finish asking her question. "Really. I'm fine."

"Are you worried about going to work at the company? It's been two weeks since you've been out of the hospital. Physically, you're fine but you think you're ready?"

Pop Pop harrumphed. "Of course she's ready. She's a Dover."

Except she wasn't. Calista gave a soft laugh. "You're really sweet, Pop Pop. It's a secretarial position for Sebastian. I can't imagine he'd give me a hard time if I screw up so I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I don't know." Janelle sighed. "He doesn't seem very lenient. He's like an ice statue most of the time."

"Don't worry about Sebastian." Pop Pop patted Calista's hand. "If he gives you a hard time, call me. I'll set that boy straight. He forgets that I can still give him a good whopping if he needs one."

Janelle giggled. "Pop Pop with the pow pows."

Pop Pop raised a brow. "I don't think I like you. You're too outspoken. You talk too much. Your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard." Pop began making a screeching sound to imitate what he thought of her voice.

Calista covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. For the past two weeks Pop Pop and Janelle had been arguing with one another. Pop Pop because he didn't like nurses and Janelle because she said he was a feisty codger that needed to argue to stay healthy. Calista suspected that Pop Pop really did like Janelle because he insisted she watch Ninja Assassin with them.

Janelle raised her voice, "What? You love the sound of my voice? Should I sing for you?"

"Stop, you might break my hearing aids!"

"You're rich. You can just buy some more, remember? Do you want me to read to you since you love the sound of my voice? Or should I tell a story?" Janelle gave an antagonistic smile.

"No, instead answer me this question. What sound does a kitty make?"

Janelle's brows furled together. "A kitty? A kitty says meow."

Pop Pop smiled and nodded. "What sounds does a puppy make?"

Janelle's head tilted to the side, not quite sure where Pop Pop was going with this. "A puppy goes wolf."

"Very good." Pop Pop grinned. "Now what sound does a mosquito make?"

Janelle's mouth opened and then closed. She looked at Calista who shrugged her shoulders.

"That's right. It makes no sound," Pop Pop said. "Be like a mosquito for the rest of the day."

Janelle practically growled at Pop Pop as he left the room.

"He's something else," Janelle said.

"That's true." Calista nodded. "He really got you good today."

Janelle muttered something about mosquitoes before turning back to Calista. "So what are you going to do about work tomorrow?"

"What can I do? I'll have to fake it until I make it."

"You're playing with fire," Janelle reminded her.

Calista shook her head. "Playing? I'm not playing with fire. I'm living in it."

Dover industries wasn't at all what Calista expected. Walking into the building with Roger was intimidating. Eyes seemed to follow her everywhere along with hushed words.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Calista asked once they were in the elevator. "Am I dressed inappropriately?" She stared down at the cream colored pant suit she selected for her first day.

"No, you're dressed perfectly. They're probably staring because you have quite a reputation following you," Roger said.

"Because of what happened at St. Anthony's?"

"That and six months ago you threw a scene in the lobby refusing to ever step back into the building much less work here."

"What?" Her shock was clear in her voice. "I-I did that?"

Roger nodded. "Yes. If it weren't for what happened at St. Anthony's, Mr. Dover probably wouldn't be forcing you to work here. The board is feeling a bit apprehensive with you as a shareholder considering your lack of interest in the company coupled with the St Anthony's incident."

"St. Anthony's incident? Is that all it's called. That's pretty depressing considering so many innocent lives were lost."

Roger wasn't sure how to respond so he stayed quiet until they reached their floor. "Your job is to be his secretary. Schedule his appointments. Make sure he keeps them. If you have any questions, come to me."

"No problem."

Roger showed Calista her desk and gave a quick nod before turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Calista asked.

"I have a few errands to run. You have my cell number if anything unusual comes up. Mr. Dover is in his office."  Roger pointed to the double doors to the left of her desk. "Someone from the legal team will be here within the hour to present some contracts to Mr. Dover. Be sure that he makes his appointment on time. Your brother dislikes tardiness."

"Yes, I understand," Calista mumbled.

Once Roger was gone, she sat in her leather chair and sighed, fumbling with the golden necklace around her neck that bore her name.

A knock on the glass doors outside her office caught her attention and her breath hitched in her throat as one of the doors opened and Adam Hargrove walked in, files tucked under his arm. She quickly turned her head away and tucking her necklace inside her blouse.

"Good morning. I'm Adam Hargrove from the legal team. I'm here to see Mr. Dover."


Calista licked her lips and slowly turned her head towards him. Their eyes met and his smile faltered.

"You have an appointment with my brother?" Calista repeated. She was so proud of herself for not melting into a puddle of nerves.

"Brother? Oh. You must be Ca-Calista." His voice softened and she frowned.

"My name is Calista Dover," she said. "Have we met?" Her hands were clenched at her side.

He gave a slight shake of his head. "N-no. You just reminded me of someone, that's all."

"Is that so? Who?" She wondered if he'd admit to missing her, his wife.

"It's not important."

Not important? Calista felt herself seething. How dare he say she wasn't important? She was his wife. A vindictive heat ran through her, making her blood bubble.

"You said you had an appointment?"

Adam nodded.

"I'm sorry but it's been cancelled." Calista smiled. "Please return to your office." She was being immature and petty but she didn't care. She loved Adam and he had stepped on that love. More importantly, he may be the reason she was almost killed.

"What? That's impossible. It's important that he sees the contract this morning."

"Sorry, but it won't be happening."

"He has to see this within the hour," Adam said. "Ask him yourself."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"I'm saying you're mistaken," Adam's voice was getting louder.

The double doors opened and Sebastian looked from Calista to Adam. "What's going on here?"

Calista placed a hand on her forehead.  "I'm sorry. This man was yelling at me. I told him to give me a second to notify you that he was here but he just wanted to walk straight in."

"What?" Adam's head snapped towards Calista who looked like she was about to cry.

Sebastian cleared his throat. "You're from the legal team?"

"Yes, I was asked to deliver the contract to you," Adam said, his eyes still on Calista.

"You probably don't know this but she's my sister. She's been ill so I would appreciate it if you didn't yell at her in the future or give her a hard time," Sebastian said slowly. "Secretaries are just important as lawyers in this company."

Adam stared at Calista, his face expressionless.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian," Calista whispered. "I'm a horrible secretary. Maybe I shouldn't—"

"Nonsense." Sebastian waved a hand in the air. "It's your first day. What was your name again?" Sebastian asked Adam.

"Adam. Adam Hargrove."

"Very well, come into my office. I want to go over the contract." Sebastian turned to walk into his office, leaving a stunned Adam behind.

Calista looked back at Adam and smiled. "He's waiting for you."


"Me? I'm sorry, Mr. Hargrove, did you have something to say to me?" Calista kept her smile in place.

He shook his head. "I'll be going in then."

Remembering his earlier words of his wife not being important, Calista watched Adam enter Sebastian's office and sneered. "That's right, Adam. I'm about to make your life a living hell."

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