Chapter 32

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Adam closed his eyes, listening to the roar of the late night talk show in the background as he pondered what he should do next. Yvonne had left him six voice messages and his mother had practically run him out of the hospital after his father had woken from his coma.

"A wife needs some alone time with her husband. Go home and rest. You can visit him tomorrow."

He wanted to spend more time with his father but the doctor told him it would not be good for him to be overly excited. Adam begrudgingly went home only to be reminded that his wife was still alive and in hiding. He still didn't quite understand what she meant when she said someone was after her. Who would want Calista dead? And why? She was a substitute teacher and his wife. Those were her two main roles in life and he couldn't picture her upsetting anyone to the point that they'd want her dead.

He wanted to drag her back home but she was insistent on playing the part of a Dover. He didn't have a clue what to do next. His doorbell rang and he dreaded it being Yvonne. She was persistent and the type to show up unannounced.

He was surprised to see that it wasn't Yvonne waiting for him, but Calista dressed in a designer cloak and sunglasses which she had pushed downward so he could recognize her distinct blue eyes.

He looked past her as he pulled her through the doorway. "What are you doing here so late? I thought you said we shouldn't act like we know one another."

"I had to see you," Calista said softly.

Adam tilted his head to one side, pointing a finger at her. "Your voice..."

Her hand flew to her throat. "M-my voice?"

"Did you take something? It's not husky like it's been since--"

Calista shook her head. "No, it comes and goes after a few days. My throat hasn't been the same."

Adam's mouth twisted as he thought about the smoke she had inhaled the day prior.

"I'm sorry to show up unannounced but I figured we should talk," Calista said, removing her cloak and sitting on the sofa.

Adam flipped of the television and sat next to her. "I know you said someone was trying to hurt you but as hard as I think about it, I can't imagine who would want to kill you."

"Can't you?" Calista turned her head to the family pictures that hung on the wall. She stood up and walked to their wedding photo. "That woman is gone, isn't she?"

Calista held up the photo and pointed to herself. "My face isn't the same, is it?"

"No, you look like a different person. Slightly different. There are things you can't your eyes."

She tapped the gold necklace that clung to her neck.

"You still have that?" Adam asked, pointing to the necklace that had her name. "I haven't seen it on you. I gave it to you so long ago."

She turned her back to him, replacing the photo. "I came here because I wanted to ask you something."

Adam waited for her to continue.

"If you love someone, can you forgive them for anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard it on some lame movie. Something like that. Love means you never have to say sorry. That you'll always forgive the person you love...for anything."

"Not everything is forgivable," Adam said slowly, his eyes narrowing. "Why are you asking that?"

"You said it earlier. Someone is trying to kill me. For all I know it's you."

"I would never--"

"I thought it was you." Her lips lifted in a grin. "Can you forgive me for suspecting you?"

Adam walked over to her. "Why? Why would you think I'd try to kill you?"

"Aren't you just like every other man on this planet? Men will do anything for women and money. Get a rich woman to tempt a man and he'll leave the woman he married, won't he?"

"Of course not. I told you before that Yvonne is just a friend. You knew that. You met her. We even had lunch together with her. Don't you remember?"

Calista sighed. "It's a vague memory now. You didn't answer my question."

"It depends," Adam said. "I can't promise forgiveness. It depends."

"Are you sure you want to stand by that answer?" Calista asked.

Adam was quiet for a moment as he closed his eyes in thought. "Yes. Not everything can be forgiven."

"Remember you said that," she whispered.

"Calista, what are we going to do? You can't pretend to be Calista Dover forever. We need to figure this out. Who would want to kill you?"

"I know but I don't know how to tell you." Calista sat down, waiting for Adam to sit next to her. "The person trying to kill me is someone you wouldn't believe."

"Is it someone I know?"

Calista nodded. "I still can't believe it myself...but it makes sense."

He grabbed her hand. "Tell me who it is. I'll help you. We can figure this out and keep you safe so you can come back home."

"Do you really mean that?"

Adam nodded, pulling her close. "Of course I do." He kissed her hands. "I love you."

"I love you too, Adam."

"So tell me. Who is it?"

Calista squeezed his hands. "Calista Dover."

A mask of confusion covered his face. "Calista Dover?"

"Doesn't it all make sense? I've been in that home for awhile now. I've been going through Calista's things. I want you to tell me the truth, Adam. D-did you and Calista Dover have an affair? I guess it would've been easy keeping our names straight."

Adam felt something cold run down his spine. "Let me get this straight- you think Calista Dover wanted you dead and tried to kill you because she and I were having an affair?"

She nodded.

"Then where is she? If you're pretending to be her, where the hell is she, huh? Do you think I have her hidden away?" His voice was thick with sarcasm. "She's rich so she could be anywhere but since we're so in love, she couldn't possibly have left me, right?"


"No, it's bad enough that you wanted to blame me for being a murderer but now I'm a cheating murderer? You really know how to make a person feel like--"

"I'm sorry," Calista whispered. "I-I shouldn't have said that. I just want things to be back like they were."

Adam exhaled deeply, hoping his anger would dissipate. Calista was quietly crying and something heavy filled his chest. This was his wife and as difficult as this was for him, it must be much more so for her. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry...please stop crying."

"I love you, Adam. You've hung out with Yvonne with and without me at those fancy restaurants. What if Calista Dover wanted you for herself and took it upon herself to get rid of your wife? I've heard rumors about her. That she seduces any man she meets. She even tried seducing her brother. Did she get to you too?"

"No woman could replace you."

"You say that now but everyone is replaceable. Everyone."

"Not you. I love you."

"Prove it."

"You want me to prove that I love you?" Adam didn't understand what had gotten into his wife. This wasn't like her. "Calista--"

Her lips devoured his and he pulled away. "Wait a minute. This isn't--"

"You keep saying that you weren't having an affair with Yvonne or Calista Dover but you won't even kiss me? Not even after finding out that I'm alive? And you expect me to believe you? Or is it this face of mine you don't like? If I could change it back, I would. Maybe I will if I can figure out a way."

"Stop, it's not that."

"Then what is it?" Her eyes were brimming with tears. "What's wrong with me?"


Everything. He wouldn't say it aloud though. The truth was too painful. Too real. Instead, he gathered her in his arms and forced himself to kiss her. He felt her hands trailing up his back and deepened his kiss. She pulled back, her eyes narrowed. "Adam?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I be sure about it?"

"If we make love that means you trust me. I don't want you otherwise," he whispered.

She pulled him back into a kiss, answering his question.

Several hours later, while Adam lay sleeping naked beside her, Calista quietly gathered her clothing. She quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs. Once she was safely in her car, she turned on her phone and called someone.

"It's me. Yes, I'm done. Don't nag me. I told you this was only fair. Hopefully, this will all be over soon. Yes, I'm going back to the hotel. No, I won't forget to put on my wig. Uh huh. Yes, of course. I love you too."

She clicked on the disconnect button and stretched her arms wide, a fat smile on her face. She looked out the window to Adam's house. He was sexier than she had imagined. She giggled. "Yes, an eye for an eye and all that crap. Calista Hargrove thinks it's fun to pretend being me. Isn't it fair that I pretend to be her?"

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