Chapter 35

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Detective Mark Jessup stared at the red cat clock that hung against the wall above the social worker's desk. She was a pale red head with a Rainbow Brite tattoo on the top of her foot. He tapped the pen he was holding against his knee as he waited for her to scroll down the old manila folder in front of her.

"Sorry," she said for the third time. "Cases over ten years ago haven't been uploaded into our system."

Mark grinned. "I totally understand. We're like that at the precinct too. Outdated like a dinosaur."

She gave him a fat smile and Mark wondered if she ever went out into the sun her skin was almost translucent. She made a cooing sound before pointing to some handwritten words in the file. "It looks like someone has already looked into this case."

That got Mark's attention. "Someone already checked on it? Who?"

She gave an apologetic smile. "That, I can't tell you."

"But I'm a detective and this is vital information for my case," he lied.

"Then you should've come in with a warrant," the red head reminded him. "I told you I'd check to see if the file existed not to tell you who these two sisters were adopted by."

"You won't even give me a clue? Not even a hint?" Mark tried his best to make a pouting expression but the social worker wasn't moved.

She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I can't say. Whoever it was did have the authority to get her files."

"Ah." Mark nodded. "So it was Calista. She told me she had gotten them but I thought she was joking. Nevermind, I'll just get a copy from her."

"You know Ms. Hargrove?" the red head asked. "Well she used to be Ms. Reynolds but Hargrove is her married name so--"

"Ms. Hargrove?" Mark repeated. He remembered Calista Hargrove being missing. Calista Dover had written her husband's name in her diary. What did she look like again? He couldn't recall her exact face but she had bright blue eyes...just like Calista Dover. "I'll be damned."

"What was that?"

Mark cursed under his breath. "Nothing. You said Mrs. Hargrove came in to get her adoption files?"

The redhead nodded. "I didn't tell you this, but she already knew who her sister was. I distinctly remember it because I thought she was going to ask for her sister's files but she said she didn't want them. She wanted her own files."

"So you didn't give her Calista Dover's files? Instead you gave her Calista Reynolds'...I mean...Hargrove's files?"

"Right. I gave her the files on her own adoption. You'll keep this a secret won't you? I could get in big trouble for this."

"I hate to break it to you, but the woman you gave those files to wasn't Calista Hargrove. It was probably Calista Dover. Didn't you check her identification?"

The woman blushed. "We get really busy here sometimes and she knew her social security and date of birth so--"

"I can't even imagine what HIPPA laws you broke."

The woman looked around before lowering her voice, "I'll tell you what you want to know if you keep this between us."

"Deal." Mark hid his smile as she slid Calista Hargrove's file towards him. "It's so strange how they were born twins and separated at birth only to be given the same name."

"Not that unusual," the social worker said. "Adoptive parents sometimes like to tie in their bio parents when it comes to the name. They'll give the child a name with the same initial or maybe a middle name after one of the parents. It doesn't happen all the time but it does happen. With a name like Calista, it's no wonder the adoptive parents thought it was pretty and decided to use it."

"My mother's name wasn't Calista," Mark muttered.

"What was that?"

"I...uh...I said I'd give my kid a cool new name."

She shrugged. "The notes here say that Calista was their paternal grandmother's middle name."

Mark looked up in thought. Come to think of it. Her name was Calista. Mark had only ever known her as Grandma Jessup but he knew her name was Rita. Why had both adoptive families named their daughter Calista?

"It looks like the Reynolds adopted their daughter first. There's a note on Calista Dover's file that her parents insisted on adopting both girls," the social worker's brow puckered in thought. "Now that's strange. It's as if they knew the girls were up for adoption. They were only able to adopt Calista Dover."

"Both of her adoptive parents are gone," Mark said softly. "The same with Calista Hargrove's parents."

"Really? That is creepy. Do you think it's a coincidence? Or maybe those two girls are cursed," the social worker said, shaking her head. "First their biological parents pass away and then their adoptive parents. Definitely something strange going on with those girls."

Mark was connecting the dots in his head. Calista Dover and Calista Hargrove were sisters. Calista Dover somehow knew she was a twin and purposely looked for her sister's case file. It wasn't hard to trick the staff here into giving the information. That explained why Adam Hargrove's name was written in her journal. Did Calista Dover have something to do with Calista Hargrove's disappearance?

Mark requested a copy of both files and the social worker begrudgingly agreed. Why had the Dovers wanted both girls? While he waited, Mark couldn't help but think the red head was right. Maybe both Calistas were cursed.

"If someone did visit her in the hospital, that means it was staff or someone close. I want you to check the security footage from the hospital." Sebastian was tying on his keyboard as he gave orders to Roger.

Roger nodded and turned to leave when Sebastian stopped him again. "Roger?"

"Yes, sir?"

"The night of the car accident that she had with Hargrove. Did you tell him to lie about the man with the gun?"

Roger gave a single nod. "Yes, sir. I didn't think Ms. Dover's reputation could withstand another scandal."

"That man is now dead."

"I'm aware," Roger answered, his expression not changing.

"In future, you're not to make decisions on your own. Is that understood? I know I've given you authority to do so in the past but I have to be overly cautious with Calista's situation."

Roger shrugged. "That's completely understandable. I'll run things by you first."

Again, Roger gave a single nod before leaving Sebastian alone in his office. The businessman leaned back in his leather chair and sighed. Calista Hargrove was a problem. An annoying problem if he was being honest. No, not annoying so much as distracting.

He cursed under his breath. Even now he was thinking about her instead of doing his work. She looked exactly like his sister but at the same time she didn't. Calista Dover, his sister, always wore heavy makeup but Calista Hargrove seemed to use a light foundation and some gloss, giving her a more natural look. Her hair was shorter. And she laughed...genuinely laughed in such a way that it was infectious. As much as he loved his sister, Sebastian could only recall her laughing when someone fell or when she had too much to drink.

The two women were the same but very different. He wondered how Calista was doing after getting that note about her husband. She had confided that she thought her husband had been behind her attempted murder.

"What a mess," Sebastian grumbled.

A light knock on his door told him it was Calista.

"Come in," he said, pretending to look busy.

"Sebastian? I'm done with these files. Is there anything else you want me to work on?" Calista Hargrove asked.

"Are you trying to keep busy?" he asked.

She blushed and he knew he was right.

"Ahhh...I see," he said. "You want to forget about that note. Haven't you talked to your husband yet?"

"He called in sick today."

"How convenient. Well, as your fake big brother, I'll help you out here." He waved her forward. "Let's say he is having an affair? What would you do?"

"I-I honestly don't know. We've been together forever. He was my first love. Is...he is my first love."

Sebastian ignored her self-correction. "So you've never had another boyfriend?"

She shook her head.

"Then how would you know if you still love him and aren't just staying with him like a habit?"

Calista frowned. "Love can be a habit."

"No, love should never be an obligation. It's not fair to him or you." Sebastian stood up when Calista was standing right next to him. He could almost hear her heart beating a million miles an hour, she looked so nervous. "I can help you...if you want."

"Somehow, I don't trust your help," Calista admitted, feeling like Little Red Riding Hood in front of the hungry wolf.

"I'll let you kiss me. One innocent kiss. It'll help you realize your feelings for your husband. Don't tell me that even after all these months have gone by, that your feelings haven't changed."

"Is it so impossible to believe a wife loves her husband enough to love him despite everything?"

Sebastian chuckled. "No, but I hope that kind of love does exist. I find it highly improbably a woman could love a man who she also believes is out to kill her. If you really love your husband, prove it."

"I don't have to prove anything to you," Calista muttered, feeling cornered.

"No, not to me. To yourself."

Maybe Sebastian was right. Adam had been so close to Yvonne. How could they not have had something going on?

She thought back to the early days of their marriage. Sure, there were times when he did something a bit suspicious but she figured she was just being a suspicious wife. Having Sebastian voice the fears she kept ignoring unnerved her.

It's just one kiss.

You're married!

But your marriage has been over for months, hasn't it? Didn't it end the moment you thought Adam tried killing you?

Calista suddenly felt swamped in her own guilt. She shook her head. "I can't do this."

Sebastian placed his hand against her jaw. "Of course you can."

She could smell his peppermint breath and she bristled. Did he plan this?

"One. Little. Kiss," her urged her.

"You could give the devil a run for his money, you know that?" Calista said. What the hell? It was just one kiss. Actors and actresses did it all the time. Besides, after she kissed him, she'd know she still loved Adam. Adam was the only one for her. "Fine," Calista quickly leaned in and kissed Sebastian who was stunned, clearly not expecting her to actually kiss him.

"Ha!" Calista pointed at him. "You were just trying to give me a hard time, weren't you?"

Sebastian looked dumbstruck before raising a brow, "You call that a kiss?" He pulled her closer and his lips claimed hers. Sirens of warning ran rampant in Calista's head but she ignored them. She felt herself being lifted and before she knew it she was laying on his desk, a pen and a stapler remover digging into her back.

She didn't care. There was something erotically intoxicating about Sebastian. It was a shame they both were too preoccupied to notice the uninvited guest who had slipped in, watching them.

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