Chapter 40

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"W-why are you doing this?" Calista groaned. "I'm your wife."

Adam shook his head. "No, you're not. Did you actually think I wouldn't know the difference between you and her? The way you two kiss? The way your body feels against mine? Don't worry, you won't least not tonight. I'm no murderer."

As the blood continued to leave her body, Calista Dover was having a hard time believing that.
"Then why?"

"If I out you, my wife won't have a choice but to return to my side. And before you get any ideas about ratting me out, think again. I talked to my father. I know what's really going on and this sick and sordid mess would really put a damper in Dover Industries, wouldn't it?"

Calista grimaced.

"Don't act like you're dying. I didn't maim to kill. You'll be alright. I even called 911 for you already."


He was staring at her back so he missed the man quietly entering the room. Calista didn't. The man stopped and lifted a finger to his lips. He quietly lifted a vase displayed on a column near the doorway. She nodded and grabbed a lipstick on her vanity. She pulled off the cap and began writing Adam's name.

"What do you think you're doing?" He snatched the red tube from her hands and tossed it to the ground. He leaned over her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "I thought you were smarter than that."

He wasn't looking into the mirror. He didn't see the uninvited guest lift the vase above his head. Adam took a step back. She was losing too much blood. He should probably leave now if he didn't want to get caught.

It was too late. The uninvited guest slammed the porcelain vase into Adam's skull knocking him unconscious. Just then, the door burst open to reveal armed security.

"Please. I found her this way. You have to help her. I think he stabbed her," the man said, pointing to Adam.

Calista kept her mouth sealed as the paramedics made quick work of her wound. As she was being rolled out of the hospital on a gurney, she couldn't help but notice the reporters that had been outside the hotel. Had Adam tipped them off? Did he really know all of her secrets or was he bluffing?

At the hospital, one of the doctor's stopped the man to ask, "Who are you to the patient?"

His eyes met Calista's before answering the doctor, "Her brother. I'm her brother, Sebastian Dover."

Calista Hargrove was sitting on a bench outside the police station, trying to decide what to do next. Detective Mark Jessup had just dropped a bomb on her. He was her brother? Wasn't it enough knowing that her sister was Calista Dover?

She placed her hands over her face, feeling the soft night's breeze gently caress her cheeks. In less than a year her world as she knew it was gone. The person she once was no longer existed. The lingering doubts she had about Adam's fidelity had been confirmed. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise considering his father had cheated on his mother several times. Rebecca Hargrove had never seemed to mind as long as he bought her some nice jewelry. Calista never liked to bring it up to Adam because then it would turn into an argument.

Her phone rang but she ignored it. It was probably Roger wondering where she was at.

"Calista? What are you still doing here?"

Calista looked up to see Mark staring down at her, his phone up to his ear. He shoved the phone into his back pocket. "I was just trying to call you."

Calista stood up. "I've been here. Just thinking. Did something happen?"

Mark looked around before grabbing her wrist and pulling her forward. "Follow me."

"Wh-what's going on? Did something happen?" Calista asked again, letting herself be dragged away.

"Remember what we talked about earlier?" he asked, quickly shoving her in his car.

"Yes, but you said-"

"Forget what I said. We can't wait to tempt the tiger anymore. We have to act now."

"Why the sudden rush?"

"Someone just tried killing Calista Dover."

Calista sat back, her eyes on the road as Mark drove.

"D-did they think she was me?"

Mark gave a short bark of laughter. "Is that what you're worried about?"

"Wouldn't you be?"

"Fair enough. Well, I wanted us to have more time to get to know one another but you and I are going to put an end to this mystery because I think there's got to be a reason someone wants both you and Calista, the other Calista, dead."

"Do you know who tried killing her?" Calista asked softly, hoping he wouldn't say Adam's name.

He cleared his throat, "I do but that's not important now."

"How isn't it important? Whoever's trying to kill her is probably trying to kill me!"

"You might be right but I don't think so. For all we know, she's in on it too."

"Why not? Why don't you think I'm right?" Calista could feel her heart beating faster.

"My gut," Mark answered.

"Your gut? Are you joking right now?" Calista didn't know if he was joking.

Mark frowned and pointed a finger at her. "Listen, if we're going to be brother and sister, you're going to have to realize that I'm always right."

Calista stared at him, speechless.

"Anyway," Mark continued, "it's sooner than I expected...but our plan goes into effect tonight."

"T-tonight? But what about Sebastian? And Pop Pop?"

"Don't worry about them," Mark said. "They'll be too worried about the real Calista. Well, their Calista."

Calista felt slightly uncomfortable. She frowned when she realized it was because he was right. She was just a replacement to them. Sure, Sebastian said she was family. But he had also kissed her so he couldn't possibly have thought of her as family. She closed her eyes and accepted the truth. She was on her own.

"Don't worry. I'll even let you borrow my toothpaste. It's cotton candy flavored." Mark wriggled his eyebrows.

"Why would you lend me your toothpaste?"

"Because you're going to be staying with me until we figure this out. You and me sis. We're going to be staying together until we unmask your killer." he turned to her and grinned.

Calista found her smile mirroring his. Maybe she wasn't so alone after all.

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