Chapter 44

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Bree Wade was standing in front of Yvonne Barrette's door, her arms crossed, and her expression grim. Her eyes narrowed on the spoiled redhead. "Tell me again that you don't know where Adam Hargrove is at and that you never talked to Mitchell Jessup."

"I told you I only helped bail him out. I have no idea where he went." Yvonne gave a condescending smile that made Bree want to punch her in the nose.

"So you just paid the bail and didn't bother to find out where he was going? Somehow, I find that hard to believe, especially since you two seemed to be dating."

Yvonne's back straightened as she leaned against her door. "You clearly think I'm lying."

"Was I being too obvious?"

"Listen, I'm not going to waste my time talking to you. I know my rights—"

"If you don't want me to suspect you, then don't act suspicious."

"Suspicious? Me?" Yvonne gave a grunt of indignation. "And what exactly have I done that's been suspicious? I helped a man that I care for get out of jail."

"A man who was sleeping with another woman," Bree reminded her. "Tell me the truth. Did you and Adam Hargrove plan something to get his wife out of the way?"

"Nonsense. I had nothing to do with her disappearing or with her ending up at St. Anthony's."

"I never mentioned St. Anthony's." Bree grinned.

Yvonne rolled her eyes. "You didn't have to. I know everything. Adam told me what happened between his wife and Calista Dover. I know the whole story. What I don't understand is why no one seems to be investigating Calista Dover."

"What do you mean? The Hargroves mentioned your name not Calista Dover. Mitchell Jessup also mentioned your name."

Yvonne cursed. "Someone always has to get thrown under the bus. I'll have you know that I never once spoke with this Mitchell Jessup you keep mentioning. All I did was mention to the Hargroves that Adam and I would make an excellent couple if it weren't for the fact that he was married. Never in my life would I imagine that they'd try and kill her."

"They claim they didn't. That it was you behind everything."

"That's a lie!" Yvonne squealed. "The only reason I even brought it up was because a friend of mine suggested it."

"Suggested what?"

Yvonne blushed. "That getting to Adam might be easier if I had his parents on my side. Never once did I meet with this Mitchell Jessup. I'm telling you the truth! Why would I lower myself to do something like that?"

"Fine." Bree nodded. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now tell me, where is Adam Hargrove?"

Yvonne sighed. "I don't know. He said he was going home after he ran an errand."

"An errand? What kind of errand?"

"How would I know?" Yvonne shrugged. "He said something about having some unfinished business."

Bree cursed before calling Mark.

Detective Mark Jessup ignored the call from his partner. He was on a mission to find out the truth about what really happened to his father. He flashed his badge and walked past the maid who allowed him into the Dover's mansion.

"I think Mr. Dover was in the study. Shall I get him for you?" the maid, who looked to be about seventy, asked.

Mark shook his head. "No thanks. I'll see myself there if you just tell me the way."

He followed her directions and opted not to knock on the massive oak doors. Wouldn't it be better to surprise Sebastian and Anthony Dover? He slowly opened the door a crack to see two identical women crumpled on the floor, dressed alike right down to the ropes tied around their wrists and legs. Mark couldn't tell the difference between either woman.

"Why...why are you doing this?" one of them asked. Mark couldn't see who she was talking to. He placed his hand over his gun, debating whether or not to storm in.

"What sound does a dead man make?" Anthony Dover's voice filled the room.

"I asked why you're doing this!" Calista shouted.

A man's maniacal laughter filled the air. "You two look so alike, I can hardly tell you apart. It's amazing. Now, I'm not sure who I want to kill first."

"Let us go," a different male voice said. Mark recognized it as Adam Hargrove. "You won't get away with this."

"You don't think so? I got rid of your mother without getting caught. She thought it was okay to keep blackmailing me for money."

Adam lunged forward but was stopped by Anthony Dover. The sound of his cane hitting the marble floor caught everyone's attention. Anthony stepped into Mark's view.

"I asked you a question, boy," Pop Pop said. "What sound does a dead man make?"

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Roger asked as he walked towards the older man, circling Anthony "Pop Pop" Dover and Adam Hargrove. "Ever since I've known you, there's always something I've wanted to tell you."

Pop Pop was standing in the middle of the study, a smile on his weathered face. "You've suddenly become very brave, Roger. It's quite fascinating. It's a shame you decided to tie up my Duckies. I won't forgive that. You'll soon learn that every dog must be punished."

Roger made a scoffing sound. "Do you think I'm scared of you? I have a gun in my hand!" He pointed the gun towards the two Calistas lined up against the wall. "I think it's about time you start listening."

Pop Pop looked at the two women and held his tongue. He didn't erase the grin of amusement on his face. As if talking to a child that had just thrown a temper tantrum. "Alright, Roger. What did you want to say to me?"

Roger's top lip curled upward in disgust. "That game you're always playing is stupid. You're old enough to know what makes what sound."

Pop Pop swallowed his chuckle. "You have the chance to say anything to me and that's what you choose? Pathetic."

"Shut up! You weren't even supposed to be here. You're ruining everything!" He pointed his gun at Adam. "And you! You thought you could waltz in here and take your wife back?"

"You're a murderer and you won't get away with this," Adam said through gritted teeth. "There's four of us and one of you."

"Ahh...but I have the gun," Roger reminded him. "And this one gun is enough to overtake the four of you."

Pop Pop clucked his tongue in dismay. "You were always like this...even as a young man."

"Shut up!" Roger screamed.

"You liked Calista but didn't have the balls to approach her so you bullied her." Pop Pop laughed. "Then Sebastian put you in your place and look at you now...a lapdog to the Dovers."

Roger's face contorted into a mask of fury. "A lapdog? Is that what you called me? Then what does that make your precious granddaughter? She got pregnant by this lapdog so what does that make her?"

Calista's eyes widened as Roger dropped his verbal bombshell. Pregnant?

Pop Pop's smile faltered. "You're lying."

"No, I'm not lying. Didn't you know your Duckie was that type of woman? She's a manipulative liar that's selfish-just like you! Don't look so surprised, old man. I know all about your dirty laundry," Roger hissed. "About how you slept with your best friend's wife and then his daughter-in-law. How you were so obsessed with Rita Jessup that you adopted her granddaughter. If I'm some kind of lapdog then what does that make you?"

"That's enough!" Pop Pop slammed his cane into the marble flooring.

"Have you ever heard that saying? You reap what you sow? You think your obsession with another man's wife is what cursed your precious granddaughter to fall in love with her adopted brother? To love him so much that she created this entire ruse to take her sister's place? That she used everyone around her...including me?"

"What are you talking about?" Pop Pop stole a look at both Calistas.

"I'm saying that one of your Duckies is a murderer. She killed our baby and she tried killing her sister!"

"Calista would never have let you touch her," Pop Pop growled.

"That's all you're going to deny?" Roger smirked.

"That's not true!" Calista Hargrove cried. "Pop Pop, that isn't true, is it? You didn't sleep with your best friend's wife and his daughter-in-law, did you?"

"Don't tell me you fell for this old man's innocent act." Roger pointed his gun at Pop Pop. "Don't let the cane fool you. This man is ruthless."

"I loved Rita but I never slept with her. I never slept with her daughter-in-law either."

"Liar! You did and then you adopted Calista. Is she your real granddaughter?"

"Stop it, Roger!" one of the Calistas shouted.

"Oh and she speaks," Roger sneered. "What? It's okay to be in love with your adopted brother but not your real brother? Then this huge plan you made would've been in vain?" Roger turned to the other Calista. "Do you want to know what really led up to the night of St. Anthony's?"

"Stop this right now, Roger," Calista Dover demanded.

"No. Let's get everything out in the open. Calista Hargrove deserves to know why she's about to die. She needs to know how you found out about her after looking at Anthony's photos. How you stalked her down and seduced me at the same time. How you tricked me into thinking that you wanted her dead because you didn't want a secret twin sister."

"You were going to murder her for that?" Adam asked, disgusted.

"I'd do anything for the woman I love," Roger explained. "It didn't take much for the Hargroves to give me the name of Trey Dawson. It might've all worked except she survived and Sebastian thought she was his sister. I tried scaring her off by visiting her hospital room but that never worked. It was after I found out that she slept with her sister's husband that I realized what she was up to. How she had used me."

Calista Hargrove pleaded, "Roger, you don't have to do this—"

Roger stared at Calista Dover. "How you had me willing to do anything and everything for you without realizing your end goal was Sebastian Dover. Did you honestly think it would work? Did you think you could get rid of your sister, pretend to be her, and then have Sebastian fall in love with you? You're more twisted than the old man."

The two Calistas looked at one another in disgust.

Roger continued, "Shall I explain what really led up to the night of St. Anthony's? It was an elaborate plan. I will say that. A plan that's been a pain in the ass if I'm being honest. First I had to pretend to be a friend and tell Yvonne about how she had a chance with Adam. That all she had to do was get his parents on her side. That her money would be the end of all your problems. And they fell for it...especially your mother." Roger shook his head at Adam. "When I approached her and your father about getting rid of your wife, they genuinely seemed interested. They even believed me when I introduced myself as Mitchell Jessup."

Without hesitating, Mark pushed open the door, his gun drawn and aimed at Roger. "You framed my grandfather?"

"Grandfather?" Anthony Dover whispered.

Roger cursed. "If it isn't another uninvited guest."

"Why did you use my grandfather's name?" Mark asked. "Why did you try framing him?"

"Grandfather? must be his grandson. How small this world is. Why, you ask?" Roger smiled, his gun still pointed at the Calistas. "That was a bit brilliant of me if I'm being honest. You see...all of this started with a forbidden love triangle in the past. You have that gun facing me, but really you should point it at Anthony. Because of him, your family was ruined. Because of him, Calista ended up being adopted and falling in love with Sebastian. Because of that love, she used me and aborted our baby!"

"You're insane," Mark whispered.

Roger's lip curled upward. "Yeah? Well love does that to you."

Anthony Dover cleared his throat. "I never slept with Rita...but I let Mitchell think that I did. I mentioned how she had a mole on her breast. I happened to see it once by accident. He believed me and then he cheated on her in retaliation. I admit that a part of me felt justified. She chose the wrong man. Then she had her son and he got married. His wife came to see me. She wanted me to ask for forgiveness from Mitchell. She knew he was angry all these years. Well it didn't take long for her husband to assume I was sleeping with his wife too. Imagine my surprise when he stormed into the office claiming I impregnated his wife. It's always amazing how the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree."

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Calista asked.

"Why should I have? Believing the worst in the people they loved...they deserve the anguish they suffered. They brought it on themselves. Besides, not too long after that Mitchell's son got into an accident with his wife. When the twins were put up for adoption, I tried to get them. Rita would've wanted that."

"The hell she would have!" Mark shouted.

Anthony shook his head. "Rita cared for me as a friend. She would've been fine with me taking care of the girls. After Mitchell chose to believe me and cheated on her, their marriage was never the same."

"How could it have been after you interfered?" Mark grabbed the older man's collar. "You ruined my family!"

"No, they ruined it themselves. Temptation, lies,'s everywhere. It's our job to overcome no matter what. To trust and to love. Your grandfather didn't do that. Neither did your father."

"I hate to break up the party, but I still have unfinished business." Roger pointed the gun at the Calistas. "Detective, I hope you shoot straight for the heart. Just know that I'll be taking one of them with me."

Mark momentarily forgot about Anthony. "You don't have to do this, Roger."

"But I do. Even if you shoot me, I'll still be able to kill one of them. The question is which one?"

"Don't!" Adam shouted, jumping in front of Roger.

"Ahh...we have a knight in shining armor. Considering how you treated your wife, I'd say you're more a knight in tin foil but I'm feeling generous. I'll let you decide. Which Calista gets to live. If you can figure out which one is your wife."

"This isn't funny, Roger," Calista said. "Of course he's going to know I'm his wife."

The other Calista turned to her in surprise. "You're not his wife. I am."

Roger cackled. "I knew Calista Dover wouldn't disappoint me. Decide. Which one do you want to save?"

"I'll shoot you," Mark reminded him.

"Then I may shoot the innocent Calista," Roger spat back.

Adam turned to both women. They were dressed alike and looking at him with pleading eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I slept with your sister and I'm sorry I've taken you for granted all these years. You were right. I've been a lousy husband. I-I haven't always been faithful." His eyes began to water, "I wasn't lying to you. Those women meant nothing. You're the only one I cared about. I don't know how else to say this but despite everything, I've always loved you, Calista. I always will love you."

The Calista on the right remained expressionless. The other Calista looked away, her face crumpling in sadness. The corner of Adam's mouth turned up, "That's my wife."

"Thank you for pointing her out," Roger said before pulling the trigger. Anthony shouted and the two women squealed in fear. Mark pulled the trigger and Adam jumped forward to protect his wife.

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