Days long gone

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3rd person  pov

Over 8 months had past since Adam's death and Blake's supposed betrayal. Over the course of that time Y/n's attitude had changed. What was once a more compassionate boy turned into a serious and strict man of his cause. While those under his command were treated as they always were;Y/n became more brutal in combat.  In order to keep his brother's name in the hearts of others he took up Adam's own name. As Y/n walked through a snow filled pass he was surrounded by a group of assassins and bandits. Y/n sighed before taking off the hood of his coat before speaking.

Y/n: I mean no harm I  only want to pass through here. I don't wish to harm those if I don't have to; especially other Faunas. Do you still plan on not letting me pass?

A woman among the group smirked showing off sharp teeth as she pulled out a pair of cutlasses.

Tock: Sorry there luv but we ain't that eazy to talk out . But see'n as this might be your last moments alive I outta do ya the give ya the name of who's about to gut ya handsome. The names Tock it was nice meeting ya while it lasted.

Y/n stood as the group went to attack him when Eve bursted from behind him with a kick; sending the  group  flying back.

Eve: That was the wrong move, I will never let anyone lay a hand on Adam as long I can stop it.

Tock: Heh you've got back up eh? Well with my Semblance that hardly  matters.

Y/n: Eve take care of the other's and leave this one to me understood?

Eve:*nods* Yes sir!

Eve dashed towards the other men leaving Y/n to deal with the Crocodile Faunas on his own. With a sadistic grin Tock took a stance before she spoke to Y/n.

Tock: Let's see if I can't paint ya red shall we little bull?~

Y/n ran towards Tock before the girl  tried to stab him. Y/n blocked with the sheathe of Wilt and Blush before pushing her back. Tock tried to attack Y/n once again only to be met the hilt of Y/n's blade to smash into her face. Y/n ran ahead then grabbed his blade before going to stab the grounded Tock in the face. Tock smirked as  the blade bounced off her face before she  kicked Y/n off. Y/n slide back abit bit as Tock ran at him with a swing of her blades. Y/n blocked each strike  before he found an opening. Using a clone semblance Y/n kicked her back before sending a clone over him to shoot her. Tock felt nothing as the bullet failed to hit her before Y/n realized her semblance.

Y/n: So it's a invincibility  semblance huh? I guess there is more to you than I gave you credit for.

Tock:  Well looks like you  are more than a handsome face ain't ya love? That's right on the money. I get to be untouchable for 60 seconds which in my line of work is awfully useful. 

Y/n: It hardly matters to me.

Tock: Oh and why i'z  that huh? 

Y/n: Invincible or not I just have to overwhelm you to win.

Y/n increased his speed before dashing at Tock with a barrage of attacks. Tock only continued to smirk as she blocked each attack  before she was punched  back a clone.  Y/n charged at her once again then quickly block her sword thrust. Blow by blow they seemed all but matched  before jumped back.

Tock: Your a nice fighter I'll give ya that much.  Your probably one of the most skilled blokes I've seen in a while.

Tock saw one of her men fly pass her before she turned to see saw Eve  had wiped out nearly all of her men.

Tock: She ain't so bad either come to think of it.

Y/n taking this chance ran at her to try and  stab her only to met in failure.  As Y/n's thrust went towards Tock's face she managed to side step it before; biting the blade with her razor like teeth. Tock quickly stabbed Y/n taking him by surprise as his blood covered her blades. As Y/n fell to his knees Tock  tossed aside his blade before she aimed her blades at his neck.

Tock: I'll admit you've got my respect for continuing to fight until the end. For that I'll give ya  a quick death.

Tock was about to finish Y/n off she saw his blade aimed at her neck. As Tock looked out of the corner of her eye she was met with the sight of Y/n.

Y/n: I could say the same for you however I think found another purpose for you.

Tock turned back to the Y/n she stabbed before it faded away then she realize it was but a clone. Seeing her men were killed Y/n aimed the sheathe of Wilt and Blush at her head.

Y/n: If you want to live then I suggest you obey me and surrender. 

Tock: *sighs* Alright so be it what other choice do I have? Where we heading to now then ?

Y/n:  Our mission was complete but now your coming back  to Menagerie with us.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Blake pov

Ever since I left the White Fang and soon joined up with Beacon I couldn't help but think about Y/n and the others. I know what i've done must have hurt Y/n and Adam alot but this was the only way. The White Fang we're beginning to become more radical  I couldn't remain a part of that. While I sat on my bed I sighed remembering my time  with Y/n and  Adam, back when everything was alot less difficult.


I was with Adam who laid on his bed as he read one of my books. I watched him read it with a smile while pouting as sat on his back.

Adam:So this is that Ninjas of love series you and Y/n like?  I'll admit it isn't half bad, If I can give humans anything it's atleast that.

Blake: You know Adam you could have read Y/n's copy instead of taking mine.

 Adam: Now where is the fun in that darling? Besides I think your cute  face filled with embarrassment makes it all worthwhile. 

Blake: Your a jerk sometimes you know that?

Adam: But I'm the one you chose my love.

As Adam smiled at me I giggled before throwing one of his pillows at him. Adam may have been strict with the others but when it came to Y/n and I he was always passionate.  Whenever Y/n felt unsure or lost Adam always put his younger brother's heart at rest. He always fought for equality and showed compassion which was probably the reason I fell for him.  Even so I had feelings for Y/n aswell but I guess he never felt the same way.

Adam: He is amazing..

Blake: What was that Adam?

Adam: Y/n; I never told him it but I think he is amazing.  Y/n has always showed his loyalty to me and the others. He puts everyone above himself for the sake of the Faunas  aswell as our cause. Even when I have any remnant of doubts he washes them away from my mind.

Blake: I never realized how much Y/n effected you.

Adam: He's my brother.. the only family aside from Eve I ever really knew. Y/n has kept me from falling into the depths of madness and kept me sane. He's one of my biggest reasons to fight against our kind's discrimination. I'm proud to have him as my little brother.

I smiled at Adam before I rolled over and stared at him.

Blake: I'm sure Y/n feels the same way Adam. I know you two have given alot for each other. I'm glad to have met you both.

Adam smiled at me before we heard a knock at his door. After Adam allowed them to enter Y/n walked into the room with Ilia while dressed up in nicer clothing.

Ilia: Sorry it we interrupted you two.

Blake: Your fine it we weren't up to anything all that important. What did you to need from us?

Y/n: Ilia and the rest of us are heading out to catch a firework show. I figured if was only right to invite you two to tag along?

Adam:I guess it has been awhile since we enjoyed ourselves at a festival together. Just give us a minute to get ready alright Y/n?

Y/n;*grins* We'll be waiting outside don't  keep us waiting though got lovebirds?~

Adam went to slap Y/n in the head only for Y/n to duck under it while laughing. As Y/n ran out I giggled before we both got ready. After we were ready Y/n stared at Adam's outfit with a whistle  as Adam smiled.

Y/n: Damn Adam do ya always gotta dress to impress?

Adam: This is a special occasion Y/n so why wouldn't I? 

Y/n: Whatever dude let's just go already the other's are waiting up ahead!

Y/n smirked as the rest of us laughed before following him with a smile on our faces.

(Flashback over)

Blake;(mind) When Adam told Y/n that I left he was probably heartbroken.  Even so I've chosen to put that life behind me. Adam and Y/n have each other to fall back on i'm sure Y/n can help fix Adam's pain.

I  heard someone come into the room before seeing my teammates walking in. I decide to push my thoughts about Adam and Y/n aside until I had to deal with them later on.

Y/n Pov

A few hours later Eve and I arrived with Tock  in our sights before we walked onto the island.

Tock: Well now color me impressed  this dump really cleaned up nicely since I last saw it.

Y/n; You might not want to get to comfortable just yet. 

Tock:  Yeah I got it already quite the buzzkill ain't ya?

I saw Eve growled before she grabbed Tock by her mouth and glared.

Eve: Do.not. Y/n. like. that.


I placed my hand on Eve's shoulder causing her to turn to me before I shook my head. 

Y/n: Don't Eve let Sienna decide ok?

Eve looked down then took a deep breath before nodding.

Eve: Ok  if that's what you want I'll do it.

After Eve let go we made our way to our headquarters and into Sienna's throne room. Eve and I bowed down before Sienna spoke to us.

Sienna: Welcome back Y/n...Eve Taurus. I take it you've completed you mission? 

Y/n: Yes mam the job you ordered was done with ease. We had no complicates to speak of during it.

Sienna:  Well done Y/n I expected nothing less from our greatest warrior. You're becoming our greatest hope in the White Fang's fight. Now do you care to explain why this woman you've brought in here?

Y/n: Milady Tock here has proven to be a skilled fighter. During our return she engaged us and was able to stand on nearly equal footing with myself.

Sienna: I see and what exactly would you want from me regarding her?

Y/n: Lady Sienna I ask that you allow her to become a member of the White Fang. Under my command I can guarantee she can become a useful member of our cause. 

Sienna sat quietly for a minute before she stared back at me.

Sienna: If you truly believe you can carve her into an ally then so be it. But if she ever goes rogue i'm leaving her fate in your own hands is that clear?

Y/n:Crystal mam thank you  for you time. If that is all Eve and I shall  take our leave.

3rd person  pov

As Tock was dragged out by Eve and Y/n she stare in shock at Y/n's actions. She had never known anyone to do that for her sake.

Tock:(mind) Why did the guy spar me like this? Is he insane or what?

When they arrived all arrived back at Y/n's quarters Yuma and Trifa sat outside before staring back at Y/n.

Yuma: About time you two came back we were starting to think Sienna was starting to chew you out.

Eve: Sorry to disappoint  but the mission went just fine. We just had to take a small detour.  

Trifa: Who's the  girl beside you two?

Y/n:*Smirks* Everyone this is Tock our newest group member. Feel free to  haze the new meet while we whip her into shape.

To be continued

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