Face off of the strong: The Rebellious Fang vs the Crimson Bandit Queen.

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3rd person pov

Y/n swung his blade at the woman causing her to block unleashing sparks. The woman  stared at Y/n's smirks before she sent him back.

Y/n:  Tell me what's your name woman?

Raven: My name is Raven Branwen and I know all too well who you are. Y/n Taurus...the Brother of Adam.

Y/n: I am Adam now...He's never gone so long as I still live.

Y/n smirked before he rushed towards Raven  before unleashing a wave of kinetic energy. Raven jumped to the side before Y/n swung his Wilt and Blush's blade. While that happened Blake stared outside the window as her team took notice.

Yang: Hey Blake what's wrong you miss Y/n already?~

Blake:N-No I'm just thinking about how much he's grown.

Ruby:What do you mean?

Blake: Y/n is alot more  different  from when we first met. Y/n wasn't always like the way  he is now.


The young site of Y/n and Adam are seen inside a Schnee building.  Placed in chains the bastard  boys were used as slave workers. Y/n fell over causing one of the guards to get angry. 

Adam: Y/n are you ok little  brother?

Y/n: I-I..need water.

Schnee guard: Get the hell up you damn animal!

The guard went to kick Y/n only for Adam to block his foot.

Schnee Guard: What the fuck?

Adam: Leave my twin brother be he's dehydrated! He can't help it it's your own fault for not giving us much food!

Schnee guard: Let's get one thing straight you  horn headed freaks. The only compensation you deserve is the honor of helping the Schnee family. You should be grateful that your even getting  a room to sleep in!

Y/n: Why should we suffer when we do more than you lazy humans ever do?! You just sit around and hurt us for no reason!

Schnee guard:WHAT WAS THAT?!

The guard went to hit Y/n until Adam hit the guard in his leg.

Adam: If you want to punish someone then punish me!

 Schnee Guard:*smirks*Alright you little bastard you'll get your way! Why don't we show you who's property you are!

Y/n watched in fear as Adam was grabbed by a group of guards before he was dragged off. Y/n could hear Adam's screams echo through the building leaving the boy in tears. A few hours later Y/n and Adam were dragged back to their cell of  a room. Y/n stared at Adam's bandaged injuries in tears.

Adam: Now's not the time for tears Y/n, they'll make you weak to them.. You have to stay strong..or else the humans will see you as weak.

Y/n:B-But it's all my fault your injured like this! I...I should've had that not you!

Adam: Y/n it's a older brother's job to look after their younger sibling. We have no one else here but ourselves. If we don't look out for each other no one will.

Y/n:I hate this...I hate all of this. Why do humans hate us so much?! We aren't very different from them so why?! Why do we have to be hated for being born like this?!

Adam:Humans hate what  they don't understand Y/n, It's in their nature as creatures. They will revile those they can become.They will  mock those who don't follow the others way of life.They will reject everything new because most of them are close minded. We're born superior and so they'll attack us and make us feel lower than them. 

Y/n:Why can't they see reason and let go of the past already?

Y/n laid on Adam who took off his jacket and covered Y/n in it.

Adam:I don't know brother. Humans just can't let go of past  actions. They are so blinded by the past they are raised on that some can't see past our race. Now please Y/n just sleep alright ? you'll need all the energy you can get.

Y/n: Ok Adam. Good night I love you brother.

Adam: I know I love you too..

As they fell asleep in their cell they woke up hours later to an explosion. Adam and Y/n looked outside seeing two Faunas  standing infront of an group.

Ghira: We shall not allow you to continue letting our brothers and sisters suffer. I Ghira am here to liberate you all my comrades!


The guards went to open fire but were struck down by a metal chain.

Sienna: Don't get so cocky humans!

Sienna  ran at the guards while blocking their gunfire. Ghira ran towards the guards before slashed one into the cell of Y/n and Adam. Y/n and Adam watched in awe as the faunas adults  fought. Adam noticed the key to their cell before he spoke to Y/n.

Adam: Y/n you have to get that key!


Adam: Y/n listen to me life is always going to knock you down.  That's true for everyone but there comes a day where you have to push back. You have to knock it to the ground then tell it it's about time you get what you deserve. This is that day Y/n are you going to decide to hide or fight?

Y/n sat quietly for a minute before looking up and nodding.  Sienna  knocked a guard into the air with her chain. After that she jumped into the air then kicked them to the ground. Another guard tried to shoot her before she wiped the gun out of his hand. Ghira rushed at the him before grabbed him and slamming him to the ground. While that happened Y/n reached for the key before managing to grab it. After he handed it to Adam the older twin opened the door before bashing it into the guards head.

Adam: Come on Y/n we need to open the doors for the others!

Y/n: Okay!

As they children began to open the cells Ghira and Sienna  took notice of this.

Sienna: What are those children doing, are they insane?

Ghira: No they are far from it Sienna. Alright everyone give those children time!

Sienna and the other White Fang members rushed  out and attacked the rest of the guards.  Having bought the children time the White Fang managed to win. Y/n and Adam stood infront of Ghira who smiled at them.

Ghira: What you boys did was very  brave.  I respect your courage tell me what are your names/

Adam: I am Adam Taurus.

Y/n: And i'm Y/n Taurus his younger twin brother.

Ghira: Y/n and Adam I see my name is Ghira Belladonna i'm the leader of the White Fang. Tell me what would you boys say to coming to Menagerie ? None will make you suffer and  I guarantee your safety.

Y/n/Adam:*smiles* Yeah!

Timeskip brought to you by these

After Moving to Menagerie the boys  found joys they never felt before. There they found a home and soon a family. As they ran meet a young Blake and her mother.

Kali: You boys must be the ones Ghira told me about. It's nice to finally meet you two my name is Kali it's a pleasure. 

Blake: Mama who are they?

Kali:Oh Blake these are the boys your father talked about.

Y/n: Hi my name is Y/n and this is my big brother Adam!

After the children talked some more they ran off and played leaving Ghira with his wife.

Kali: Those boys seem so kind. I'm sure they will grow up to be great people.

Ghira: Kali i've seen what those boys can do. I think they can be the hope our kind were calling for.

As they grew older the three would find themselves  training and soon become members of the White Fang. During their first mission they would find Eve and she joined her own family.   Y/n entered the room of Adam seeing him wiping away his sword.

Y/n: Brother Sienna just assembled our team  let's go meet them. Might as well try and make a good first impression right?

Adam turned to Y/n then spoke as he began to put his mask on.

Adam: Yeah...let's go see our comrades Y/n.

(Flashback over)

Blake:(Mind) I wonder if you've forgiven me for leaving that day Y/n..or do you still hate me?

Weiss:Look whatever the problem  maybe I'm sure he can handle it Blake. So would you stop worrying so much?

Blake; *Sighs* Maybe  your right.

While Blake  tried to put aside her feelings Y/n was stayed the locks of battle. Y/n jumped into the air while spinning his blade;crashing it into Raven's. 


Y/n: I  could say the same to you Branwen? Tell me does your the rest of your family know about what you are; Bandit  Queen?

Y/n kicked off her then grabbed the hilt of Wilt and Blush before opening fire.Raven slashed away the bullets as she ran towards Y/n.

Raven:What do you know of me boy?!

When Y/n landed he blocked her strike with a smirk.

Y/n: Are you kidding the name Branwen is famous.  It's a shame though the rest of team STRQ doesn't know about your fall.  You had dealing with Salem am I correct? 

Raven scoffed before Y/n  enhanced his leg and kicked her back into a wall. Y/n not wasting any chances rushed at her with a speed semblance before he grabbed her  up and threw her aside. When he did he went to shoot he only for her to turn into   a Raven. When she flew onto a roof she turned back then spoke to Y/n.

Y/n;(Mind)What the hell was that? That isn't her semblance I know it isn't.

Raven: Your better than I gave you credit for boy. I'm need elsewhere so for now this fight is a draw. The next time we meet though I won't hold back got it?

Y/n: Heh i'll be  looking forward to it Raven.

As Raven opened a portal she vanished leaving Y/n to put his blade away, Y/n chuckled as he went to walk down the ally.

???: She's quite the handful isn't she?

Y/n turned to see Cinder who smirked.

Y/n: What are you doing here Falls?

Cinder: I wanted to make sure my favor Faunas was doing ok?

Y/n: Don't lie to me as far as your  concerned i'm just a pawn just like your mine aswell.

Cinder chuckled before she walked over towards Y/n. When she did the girl wrapped her arms around Y/n who remained stoic.

Cinder: Now that is a cruel thing to say Y/n-I mean Adam. I honestly never thought of you as a pawn. As a matter of fact I see you as a precious ally in our fight against Ozpin. 

Y/n: Then why do you insist on this?

Cinder: I just wanted to make sure where your loyalties are. The other's don't completely trust you.

Y/n: I'll complete my side of things you have nothing to worry about. You just make sure the others do the same.

Cinder let go of Y/n who began to walk away back to Beacon. When he came back he was about to go to Bed when he heard a knock on his door. Curious by this he went and opened to the sight of Blake.

Y/n: Hey Blake can I help you?

Blake:*Blushes*  My team is with Jaune's for a sleep over. They are kinda too loud to get good sleep. I-It's it ok if I sleep here with you for tonight? 

Y/n: You mean like when we were little kids?

Blake nodded at Y/n who agreed  to it  before she hugged him. Y/n and Blake covered up under his blanket before he spoke. 

Y/n:Good night  Blake sleep well.

Blake: You too Y/n thanks so much for always being there for me.

The next morning Y/n and Blake woke up before she left to her dorm. After Y/n got ready he took a deep breath.

Y/n:(mind) Alright Y/n clear your mind she isn't your friend.Blake is your enemy never forget Adam.

After calming himself from last night he left the room seeing Team RWBY walking over to him.

Y/n:(mind) They aren't friends....They are my enemies. Adam...I won't let you or your legacy be forgotten.

To be continued

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