Chapter 16: Mournig, pt 1.

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Adrien's POV: 

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has ever changed my fathers mind, not even me; so when I saw Emma being personally escorted by Nathalie to our guest room I was speechless. "Wait.... did you... change my fathers mind?!" I could tell I looked visible shocked; I felt my eyes go wider than anything I'd done before.

She nodded at me with a cute smile and I was astonished. "How!?"

"I have my ways, agreste." She giggled as she went to her room and I went to mine. I saw her walk up the stairs with Nathalie; looking over my shoulder. Once inside my room plagg zoomed up to my face. 

"Adrien..." he said concerned as I pulled up Alya's upload on the ladyblog of Emma. 

"Hm," I hummed as I scrolled through the comments on the video. 

A new superhero in Paris, amazing find Alya!

Not seen a new superhero in ages!

Who do we think she is!

Great upload but who is timber talking to?

Who's Louis? 


Louis.... boyfriend? 

Is Louis the key to her identity?




"LOUIS!" I yelped at plagg. If I read one more comment about Louis I was gonna be sick, he's an overprotective jerk! Why is he the spotlight on Emma's video. I looked up to see play staring up at me concerned. "Sorry... what is it plagg?" 

"You're really hung up on this Emma girl but are you sure we can even trust her?" Plagg seemed genuinely concerned; which means he's extremely sceptical as he's usually pretty chilled out.

I on the other hand was taken aback. Almost angered by his comment. "Plagg. Emma's legit; you should know that." 

"Really! Legit!" I shot him a confused look. "Legit as in revealing her identity to you? Legit as in mentioning key information about the people she knows on the ladyblog? Legit as in—."

"Enough PLAGG!" I too became sceptical of Emma but I shook them off as paranoia. "Emma, just been through a lot...and now....with her brother. Can we blame her for acting a little strange." 

"Adrien, I didn't mean to make you angry but I don't want you to rush into things and think she's the 'best person in the world' without checking if she's who she says she is." Plagued left to go get a piece of cheese from the cupboard whilst I sat thinking. 

What if Emma is bad? No, she won't be....she just....traumatised from all that's happening. But what if-? No! Emma is a nice person and she just needs some comfort. 

That gave me an idea. 

Emma's POV: 

After Nathalie showed me to my room -even though I knew where I was going- I whipped out my phone and started to text Louis.

Emma: got us a place, you'll find it familiar. 

Louis ✊: please tell me you did NOT blackmail our grandfather

Emma: 😳


Emma: What's the big deal, I got us a place to stay and it's RENT FREE! 

Louis✊: Your actions have already affected our lives. Especially Hugo's

Emma: Louis... what do you mean 'especially Hugo's'

Louis✊: Sis, Hugo's gone. He vanished and it's your fault.

That hit me like a ton of bricks. Hugo's gone. My brother, vanished: why? I don't understand. Everything blurred together and I fell to the floor by the door. I curled up and cried, the waves of guilt hitting my like a tsunami and it showed. My eyes were pouring  and my face was soaked with tears. I looked around at the room, nothing had changed since the last time I was here- staying at my grandfather's for the night. The room became clouded as my vision weakened. 

Despite the tears blocking my vision I made my way over to the bed. I thought about laying down and crying there but my legs gave way and I fell to my knees by the base of the bed. "Argh!" I punched the floor and it hurt. I cried again, tears covering my hand as I punched the floor again. 

"You stupid! Stupid!  Person!" I looked up to se the metal framework of the bed, the bed pole ear to wear I was standing and it called me. I got up and walked the two steps to it and fell again. I was so distraught that my brother might be dead was eating me away. As I fell, I hit my head on the head of the bed poster, the rounded black ball beckoning me to do it again. 

So I did. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I hit my head on the object, I deserved it. My brother is dead because of YOU ! The voice in my head spoke! "I know! It's all my fault!" I hit my head again, hopefully leaving a bruise. You're a horrible sister! "I know! I'm a horrible sister and a horrible person and all of this is my fault. I Know!" 

"Emma STOP!" I was pulled back by two strong arms, knocking me onto the floor. I fell back onto someone's chest and he sat up. "Emma...." he breathed. 

I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see Adrien crouching beside me. "Adrien—." I gasped. The tears began to pour again. "I'm so sorry...I don't know what i was doing, it's all my fault and I can't stop it and just don't know what to do!" 

He wrapped me in a hug, a tight hug that stopped the tears from flowing. Hesitantly I placed my hands on his back returning the hug. Then i stopped. "No!" I pushed him off me. 

"Emma what is going on, you can talk to me!" He sounded desperate, I don't know how much he saw but he at least saw me hit my head a few times. I didn't respond and he tried to get closer again. "Please, talk to someone, talk to me. I'm here for you." 

"No! Just no! Leave me alone." I got up and painted to the door. 

He stood up defeated and walked to the door. He looked at me with a plead in his eyes and looked more serious than I've ever been in my life. "Sorry." I said before slamming the dork behind him. After I slouched back down the wall, curling up and crying again. 

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