Chapter 30: wait... there's more

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Alya's POV:

"EMMA!" I was speechless and now the cogs in my head started to turn. "Of course! That's why timber wanted to speak to Louis so much! Ah, it al makes sense now. Just let me take one photo of your miraculous I swear I wont show anyone, just for research!"

"Alya, there's more I have to tell you." I sat back down, eagerly holding my phone. "You promised not to share anything." Emma held out her hand and gestured for me to give her my phone. I didn't but I placed it down beside me to show I wasn't going to do anything. As emma returned to the desk chair opposite my bed I started to have so many questions. How did EMMA get a miraculous, she's only been in Paris for about a week! Does she know who I am, did ladybug tell her? Did she know before? What more could she want to tell me?! Then I remembered marinette, I swore i'd tell her everything about emma! But this... this is her identity, does she know how risky this is. What more would I have to keep secret from Mari, and adrien she said, what does he have to do with her and her miraculous. I mean, she is staying in his house so it wouldn't surprise me if she was asking me to cover for her. Ugh! I have so many questions.

Calming myself, I took a breath. "What else could you possibly tell me." Expecting her to say something along the lines of 'help cover for me' or 'how do I stop adrien from figuring out I'm timber' I was taking aback when she responded.

"Alya, I'm from the future.... my name isn't Emma Agrestuko... its Emma Agreste." Emma....but the the name marinette wants call her future daughte——

"OH MY GOD! NO! What how? Wait, is this a joke?" I started getting sceptical, why would adrien and marinette's future daughter need to come back in time. Plus, she's with her siblings and charlotte isn't even a child marinette WANTS to have. She's not very good at deviating from a plan and I doubt she'd change her mind from 3 to 4 children. Where did the name charlotte even come from?

"I swear its not a joke aunty but I dont know who to turn to!"

'Auntie, wait I'm your auntie, but your 16, like me. How old am I in your time?" Ok, so this might be true but I'm an aunt! I get nieces and nephews! too cool!

"I feel like it would make sense for me to answer any questions so you definitely know I'm not pulling on your leg. My dad is 40 and my mum is 39, so I guess you're thirty-nine and a bit."

"Woah, I'm like OLLLDDDD. Do I have any kids? Who am I married to!? Wait, what Job do I have have! This is so cool!!!"

Emma looked deep in thought. "Yes, Nino, and I think its something like atomnys no Attorneys! It's like a detective thing, you get to help my mum in tracking down the lost miraculous and stuff. That's where my miraculous came from- I helped you and my mum find the wolf miraculous in Eurasia. You're so cool, like really, really cool. When your older I mean, not that you're not cool now! Sorry, I should probably just stop talking. I cant tell you how good it feels to tell someone that isn't Louis! He's not that much of a conversationalist." She let out a genuine giggle and I realised she was telling the truth.

"Wow, Emma, I had no idea. Can i ask another question though." She nodded her head wearily, somehow already knowing this question would be seemingly difficult to answer. I hesitated for a moment and let my curiosity get the better of me. "Why cant we tell adrien and marinette, if anyone should know surely it should be them. I mean there your parents for heaven's sake!"

Emma paused and looked around the room for a second; trying to find anything to look at but me. Nervously placing her hand on the back of her neck she answered "To tell you the truth, I don't know why I shouldn't tell them. I've run the scenario through my head so many times and I can't picture it going horrible..." she paused and looked my dead in the eyes. I was kind of intimidated but at the same time I knew she wanted comforting. Mari has given me that look more times than I can count, no doubt about it that Emma is genuinely her daughter. I stayed silent and Emma continued, her voice on the verge of tears. "Do you ever just know something going to go wrong, like no matter what you do you know deep down you can't win."

"To tell you the truth," I got up and walked over to my future niece. Holding out my arms wide I answered "No, I don't" her eyes widened and tiny droplets of water emerged from one corner. As she practically threw herself into me I was reminded again that this was a weird combination of Marinette and Adrien's personality. A strange yet seemingly comforting bundle of thoughts and feelings willingly embracing me not because I'm friends with her parents but because she knows me. Maybe even more than I know myself.

Then I heard it. Sobs. I returned Emma's hug and we sank to the floor together. Then she cried. She wept for maybe the first times in a week. Finally finding someone she knew she could trust in this version of her world. I've never really been the motherly type but this felt nice. I've only ever been hugged this tight by my sisters, to which I would pat their heads and whisper to them. So I did just that "shh, its ok. Whatever's wrong you can tell me girl, I'm not going to let go."

"I'm sorry," a soft voice came form the head relaxed on my chest.

"For what, exactly?"

"This is probably really weird for you, I mean." She sat up and wiped her remaining tears on her sleeve. "We're like, the same age."

I didn't hesitate to answer "Not to you.......and I'm ok with that" If I understood Emma's situation correctly that would be a logical way to respond. She instantly went back to holding me close. It was very Marinette-y and that was cute. If she's anything like marinette I know she'd definitely appreciate this. "If there's anything you wanna tell me go ahead. I'm all for crazy stories and maybe we can find answers to some questions you have."

"I'd like that." Emma got to her feet and offered me a hand to help me up. "Ok, so where do I start!? I have SO much i need to get off my chest." She paused and looked at me gratefully "thank you Alya."

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