Chapter 34: Just a Ladybug

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Emma's POV:


Louis stood, infront of me, back facing the window. His arms were crossed and her bore an expression I'd never seen before. He looked hollow and his face alone arose something in me that I also, had never felt before.

With a mixture of frustration and pity bubbling up to the surface I let go. "NO? What do you mean NO! This is our ^one^ chance to get Hugo and charlotte back. Not just that, we can go back home! Don't you want that?" He stood silent, arms releasing from their folded stance.

"Emma," he started, the tone in his voice signifying his opinion had not changed. I watched his face and I could see him thinking of a way to excuse his apathy. "Emma I-""No." I cut him off, nothing he could say would excuse this. All he has wanted is to go home. Every action has been calculated in an attempt to avoid never going home again. And, and now he DOESN'T want to? "Louis. Everything you've done has been so we can go home. We want to go home, and now, now you don't want to." Louis has always been so rational and calculated, maybe I'm not seeing something.

Still furious I inquired about the certainty of my plan succeeding, "is it my plan? Am I the problem again? Am I missing something again? Just tell me if I am, don't string me along." Our eyes locked and I saw the tiredness in his eyes for the first time. His arms slacked for the first time and I felt my own anger subside at the sight of him. "Louis,-"

"Just..." he turned swiftly. Facing anything but me to avoid my confrontation. "Just go," I reached out to try and comfort him, after all he is my brother. Before my hand could move more than a few inches ahead of me I heard the sound of an indolent voice. "Without me. Just go without me, Emma."

"WHY!" He didn't need to turn around to hear the disappointment and frustration in my voice. "Why won't you come? Why won't you join? Why won't you fight, Louis? This could be our only chance to get home and see everyone again, don't you want that!". Staring at my brother's back I saw little motion from him, like he had been bracing for this for a while.

"Why did you stop caring?" My tone was nothing short of genuine curiosity and disappointed. "Emma, you know I care. I care about Charlotte, and Hugo, and mum and dad, If anything I care too much." He chuckled, creating an atmosphere mimicking his own complex emotion. His fist clenched "I care so much that I don't know if I can handle seeing them again. I held them Emma, I saw them both die do you not realise that!" His body shifted so that our eyes could lock. I saw them all welled-up, streams ready to pour down any minute but that didn't matter. He shouldn't give up, not when we're this close to succeeding.

"So thats it?" I say scoffing, "you don't want to go home because it'll upset you to see them again?" He averted his eyes, knowing full well I was right. "At least you'll get to see them again. You'll get to see mum and dad again too, you at least want that, right?" Again, his gaze drifted further from my own.

Silence filled the room for what felt like an eternity, neither one of us wanting to continue the conversation. A breath escaped my mouth as I headed for the door, "The plan can work with just a Ladybug."

I left the silver ring that Adrien had already handed to me on the dresser, some part of me hoped he would change his mind. I knew he wouldn't, he's too stubborn; he thinks he knows whats better every-time. "Our parents raised us to never give up, I guess you thought you were better than that too."

I left the room that had been lent to be, leaving the door ajar as to be as silent as possible.bye louis, maybe I'll see you when I get home. Maybe I won't...

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