Chapter 38: reunion

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Louis's pov:

"He's right here!" I call out to my sister.

I stand at the top of the stairs, taking in my surroundings; Emma looks in worse shape than I could've ever imagined and Lila is holding the miraculous of the ladybug. Of course her plan would backfire at the first step. Now is not the time to mentally scold her, we have to get out of here with ladybug's earrings.

The lights are blaring, the rain is pouring outside and the bruises all over Emma show who has the upper hand. Evident from the shards of pendants, Lila must possess a 'hammerspace' of necklaces that needs to be taken away from her.

I can worry about that later, I need to save my sister. All the eyes are on me as I prepare to fight; Lila has shifted her attention and commands all the sentimonsters to my direction. Emma falls to the floor with a thud and I feel anger that Lila had no remorse for hurting her this much.

Using my baton, I propel myself upwards to avoid the swarm of volpinas. I prepare a punch as gravity pulls me down but a glimpse over my shoulder reveals the end of my baton perfectly aligned with Lila's clenched fist. Suddenly my plan of attack shifts, I press the paw print at the top of my staff and it extends rapidly, catapulting the contents onto the floor.

"Emma!" Her eyes follow mine to the ladybug earrings as they fall to the floor. Her arm bends to hoist herself up; she reaches out but her right hand slides out from under her. She falls; all movement is halted aside from her shallow breathing.


I land at the base of the manor stairs, watching as Lila bends over to pick up the ladybug earrings. My gaze is averted when a volpina-monster punches me in the face. The force is so strong that it smashes me through the dinning wall. The table jabs my back and the sudden change in momentum whiplashes my neck. If it weren't for the suit protecting me from harm I would have no doubt broken my spine.

Thought slightly disoriented, Volpinas' clearly flood my vision through the crack I was launched through, some crash through the wall to widen the gap. I see another fist out of the corner of my eye and I backflip over the table to dodge it. While the high ground is not very high I feel compelled to taught the volpina that failed to contact me by winking and sticking out my tongue. Fire sparks in all of their eyes and I immediately retreat to the back end of the table.

Another sentimonster attacks from the front but I duck, her arm penetrating not long before getting stuck in the chair at the head of the table.

"I'll be taking that!" I yank the necklace off her neck and destroy it beneath my foot. An amok flies out I follow it upwards with my eyes.

Big mistake

I cant lose focus for a second. A herd of volpinas run into my side and throw me off my balance. My new cat-like reflexes allow me to catch myself with my hands and vault upwards. I land on my feet, poised and alert. I stick out my hand and fold it a couple times, indicating to the sentimonsters to 'come at me' ; as Charlotte would say.


My body feels like it's been fighting for hours but logically it can't be more than a few minutes. The agreste mansion is near to collapsing. The smell of rust and concrete fills my nose and the rubble from the marble walls and floor are so fine that they float like dust through the air.

Emma still lies motionless on the floor. During my battle I had to prevent Lila from beating her senseless. Every time I got close an army of foxes would pound me away from her. 

I dodge another kick and take a quick glance over to Emma; I have no idea wether she's even alive or not and that uncertainty fills me with unbridled rage and anxiety.

An arm abruptly coils around my neck and a kick to my legs knocks me off balance. Before I can even think to get up volpinas pin my down from all angles. I try to move against them but their combine force is too powerful and I can do nothing my lie there. Defeated.

It can't be over

Looking down at the cracked marble floor I am reminded of a few weeks ago. It hasn't been long since I was stood there with Hugo, Charlotte, Emma and my dad. Everything has happened too quickly. I wish I had longer to process everything. Charlotte died in my arms, I watched her fade. I watched Hugo fade. I miss my family so much.

Thanks to Emma, we have rushed into 'fixing' my parents mistakes. We barely had enough time to figure out what their mistake was, let alone think up a plan to solve it. I made her do it alone, I reprimand myself.

I see Emma on her knees, Lila slouched over her with a hand clutching the back of her head; forcing her to face upwards. She's alive but seems barely conscious, if she just had her suit, her strength would be tripled. Lila doesn't care, she sadistically rocks her head like a ragdoll in her grip and turns it to face me.

Emma mouths something but my vision is so blurry I can't read her lips. She points to something. Her movement is so subtle; if I'd blinked I'd have missed it. A finger raises from her hand fixed to her side and its direction clearly marks lila's brooch.

Lila tosses Emma to the side and rises.

"I told you I could beat them." Lila says matter-of-factly. She turns to the door of Gabriel's study: the only room left unscathed.

Hawkmoth enters from the shadows in the doorway. "Yes. Good show, Lila."

"My name is not Lila," She seethes. Posture straighter than ever to try and intimidate the 6'7" man. "It's Pavona, hawkmoth. You of all people should understand the importance of aliases."

He walks past her with a shrug and towers over my sister. He locks eyes with her and stares; a million thought rush through his head in an instant before turning his attention back to Lila. "The jewels." Hawkmoth stretches out his palm but she doesn't budge.

'Pavona' rolls her eyes and dangles the earrings in front of him, "a-a-ah," she tosses and catches them again, "not until I get what I asked for hawkmoth. I trust you can keep up your end of the deal. I am the one who destroyed these pathetic heroes after all" Lila dances around, sneering at me and my sister, amused with herself for being a braggart.

Hawkmoth stops her behaviour with a clang of his staff against the marble. "Remember, lila, I can take all this away from you in an instance. Watch. Your. Tone." She rolls her eyes and tilts her head, begrudgingly awaiting her next command. "Go fetch the miraculous of the boy."

When Lila reaches me, she orders the volpinas to release their grip. I pounce with the full extent of my pent-up hatred but the sentimonsters have me re-fixed in their grasp the moment I flinched. Lila tuts and I'm forced down onto my knees, back stretched upwards.

We make eye-contact and she chuckles at me. She holds out her palm and the clones raise my hand into hers. Her fingers squeeze against my dad's ring as she slowly tugs it off my finger. Me and Emma cant have failed, the future depends on it.

 I look away from her gaze.

Her movement of removing my ring stops. "You are a vile being." I spit as I notice her brooch glimmer in front of my hand containing the miraculous.

"Even so," she pauses. The back of my head is yanked; I am forced to look her in the eyes. "I know it would be rude of me not to look you in the eyes. I'm going to watch you as I take away everything."

"Not everything." I say aloud as a final plan comes into my head.

"What?" She is disgusted by my refusal to grovel for her and stops inching the ring off my finger.

"I'm still transformed."

Lila looks at me, "Not for much longer." Hawkmoth's patience has ceased, he beings to march towards us.

"I'm still chat noir."

She tries to hide the puzzled look on her face. I have deliberately been resisting the volpinas with less strength; they don't know that I'm stronger than it seems right now. I could fight them off. My ring is still firmly attached to Lila's fingertips. I have to do this right.

"I still have my..."

"You wouldn't."


Lila immediately lets go of my ring as I vault out of the sentimonsters grip. My hand firmly presses to the peacock miraculous; it disintegrates in an instant. She de-transforms and the sentimonsters evaporate one by one.

I grab her wrist, her hand opens and I seize Ladybug's miraculous. Hawkmoth runs towards me but I slide underneath him and land by Emma.

"EMMA! Quick put these on and detain hawkmoth!" Emma nods and fixes the miraculous onto her ears.

Lila has already begun her sprint to the mansion doors but I toss my staff; she trips. I look over my shoulder to see Emma has called her lucky charm: a pile of red and black-spotted rope lays near my feet. 

Hawkmoth is tied up with Emma's yo-yo string. "Louis I cant hold him much longer."

I finish fixing lilas hands behind her back and tying her ankles together. "Stay there, bitch."

I rush over to Emma but hawkmoth is already free. My sisters tries to run after him but her legs give way; I catch her before she falls to the floor. "Hawkmoth! He's going to get away! Louis, if we don't do something all with have been for nothing!"

"It's okay," I raise my baton and show her the interface. A message from the real ladybug and chat noir is present. "They're at the fountain, let them fight him."

I embrace my sister as the relief washes over her. Through her endless sobs I utter "Just rest up. Then talk me through the rest of your plan."

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