Chapter 4: First Encounter. Pt 1.

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After we had finished our group hug we decided to make a plan. "Right," I said more confidently than ever "We need a home, some form of education for us all and me and Louis will get a job to pay for rent and you know, food, water, basic living supplies." 

"Sounds like a good enough plan for me!" Charlotte chimmed in. 

Hugo, still in luois's arms wasn't sure what was going on yet, spoke "I don't get it, where's mummy and daddy." 

Louis was what to change the subject, "Hugo, why don't you and me look at some apartments and places we can rent for a while." Hugo just heard the long and confusing words like 'apartment' and 'rent' so he assumed he was doing something important and cheered. Me and Louis smiled at each other before re-focusing. 

"Char, that means you and I can go look for some part time jobs!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could, it still wasn't very exiting though. 

"No offence, but walking around the streets of olden day Paris, looking for a place to sleep sounds much more entertaining than looking for a place to work." She hopped over to where Louis was standing. "I'm going with Louis!" 

"Okay." I shouted to them as they walked into the distance together. After they had left my view, I began to walk around Paris myself, scouting for any shops that would accept work. I approached a shop I knew only too well, my grandparents bakery. Gran and grandad make the best macaroons. When I visit them sometimes at the weekend, they bake me and my siblings lots of cakes. 

A tear left my eye as I realised that I wasn't in that time anymore, my life has completely turned around. "HEY! I thought I told you to get inside!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I turned to see chat noir leaning over me, ready to pick me off my feet and carry me somewhere 'safer'. 

I knew all of his secrets. I thought to myself. I could expose him or I could just mess with him a bit. "You said that? Really must have got you confused with someone else." I looked at him in a questioning way as adrien had told us to get somewhere safe yet chat noir was telling me that he told us to get somewhere safer. 

"I.. I mean, didn't you hear about the akuma attack. Surely someone must have told you to stay away from here whilst there's an their on the loose?" He said in a panicky way. It was surprising how he was able to cover up his 'error' that quickly. I mean he's got to have had several years of experience in making up excuses to keep his identity safe. 

"Yeah, someone did. Must have got you confused." I looked at him raising an eyebrow. This made him tense up. "Hahah," I burst with laughter "only messing with you Chat!" He seemed re-assured by my joke. 

"Hey, why don't you stay in here." He gestured to the bakery. "It's safe, warm and the people inside make really good croissants" Chat and me both chuckled at that last part and he seemed very surprised that I laughed with him. "Why did you laugh?" He asked me curiously 

"Well, you were funny." I answered him. "Why, was I not supposed to laugh?"    

"No! No, nobody ever usually finds me funny, not even ladybug." His smile faded into a frown.

I cupped his cheek. "Hey, don't be sad!" I tried thinking of a way to make him cheer up. I thought  about when he was happiest at home: Mum calling him cute pet names, us beating him at video games and tickling him. The first idea didn't seem like the best option, since he didn't even know me. I couldn't exactly play video games with him at the moment. I got my hand and reached them to his neck, I moved the fingertips slightly, tickling him. He started to laugh immediately. 

"W..what are you d..doing!" He said through chuckles. 

"Well you seemed down so.." I moved both my hands and tickled his hips form behind. "Tickling you." He almost fell to the floor. 

"S..stop, st..stop!" He yelled tears forming in his eyes. 

"Ok." I said a tear forming in my eye too. Not a happy tear though, the sound of my dad's laughter coming from someone so young makes me want to cry so much 

"Hey, why are you crying?" He said playing his thumb under my eye, sipping away my tear. 

"No reason." I said. I started to walk away. Chat grabbed my arm and pulled me back, resting his hands on my shoulders. 

"Hey, you can tell me if something's wrong." He tried to tickle me Under my armpits. 

"Nice try but I'm not ticklish, I get that from my mum." I smiled but then I began to mope again. 

"Well, if you're not ticklish, how am I supposed to cheer you up!?" He looked into the distance for a while then answered his own question. "Hey, how about I buy you some food or take you for an ice-cream? That'll cheer you up." He looked at me sweetly and, to be honest, it did make me feel better. 

"Ok, then. But don't you have an akuma to fight?" 

He faceplamed and looked at me thankfully "Thanks for reminding me." He bowed and said "can't wait till that ice-cream, umm.. what's your name again?" 

"Emma. Emma Agre.... Agretsuko. It's Chinese. I'm part Chinese. Yeah totally" 

"Can't wait till we meet again, Emma." He leaned down and kissed my hand before doing a double barrel roll over some nearby houses into the distance. 

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