Chapter 7: Wait, you live on the streets!?

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Chat's POV: 

As we battled volpina, with the help of timber, I realised how funny Emma is. She knew exactly how to make both me and ladybug laugh and she even said she'd teach me a few ways to get my lady cracking up at some jokes. Timber was also amazing on the battlefield. She listened attentively and knew almost exactly what we were going to ask of her before we'd even asked. She was incredible to say the least. No incredible was an understatement, she was amazing! 

I watched as ladybug released the Akuma before she yo-yoed away. I was left with Emma, who had detransformed beside me in an alleyway. I was still transformed. She was awfully tired and I asked. "Hey, you need a ride home?" 

I held out my hand but she ushered it away, she walked past me and almost collapsed on the wall in front of me. "No," she yawned. "I'm fine, I just need to rest a bit. I'll get their soon." 

She propped herself up against the red brick wall and looked like she was in a substantial amount of pain. "No! You're in pain. Let me take you home." I helped her stand and she fell onto me. I held her tightly in my arms and begged that she was ok. 

She used me to stand up and said "I can get home myself. It's not even dark. Just go.. you have o..other things to"

It was hurting her to speak so I picked her up bridal style and said with confidence "tell me where you live so we can get you some help." I lifted us both up onto some rooftops.

As I was running across the roofs she responded in a very unusual way. She began crying in my arms and held me closer. I didn't know what to do so I just let her cry. After Emma had finished crying she said softly "I..I don't have a home." I was shocked and wasn't sure if I heard correctly. Emma began banging on my chest with her fists, " I don't have a home ok!?" 

I stopped running and sat us down on a flat roofed apartment building so she could have some room to breath. "What do you mean." I said trying to be as comforting as possible. I sat close to her, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her in tighter. 

She didn't mind and rested her head on my shoulder, "There was a fire.... me and my siblings... got out and my parents.... I don't... I don't know." To my dismay she let go of me and curled up into herself. She sat with her head in her hands and knees up to her chest. I felt so bad that I caused her to re-live probably a traumatising experience. 

"Emma," I shone her a sympathetic smile and pulled her in for another hug. "I'm so sorry." 

We just sat there for a while before she spoke. "It's okay." She was still in a lot of pain, I could tell by the way she was clenching her stomach. "It's, n..not your fault." Whilst I knew that it wasn't my fault, I still felt guilty. How long has she been homeless and yet she still cared for her siblings so much. When I first met them I had told her to get somewhere safe, I guess the reason she didn't liste was because no-where was safe for her. Her home that she had lived in Burnt to the ground. 

I knew it was a stretch but I wanted, no I needed to give Emma and her family a home. "Emma," She looked up to me with those emerald eyes, still glistening with tears. I was about to say 'come live with me' but the words got caught on the back of my throat. She couldn't live with me. Or could she? I couldn't just say live with me because she'd figure out that I, adrien, was chat noir. "I know a guy, who would be happy to let tou stay with him for a while."

 She chuckled and said with a little more strength in her voice "how do you know he's ok with me staying in his house with me and my 3 siblings?" She was so cute when she giggled. I felt a light blush creep it's way onto my face and I just looked at her with an 'It's cool' smirk. She nodded to show she understood and responded with a "Well I can't wait to meet this guy. He sounds really nice, you wouldn't happen to know his name, would you?" 

I gulped and said "it's um... I don't know if you've heard of him... Adrien Agreste." 

"Aren't you worried about his super strict dad forbidding him to let others stay in the house." Oh crap. I totally forgot about my dad. I might be able to pull a few strings but that couldn't get sorted out until at least another day or two. 

"I'm sure everything will work out little pup." I liked the nickname and for once it had relevance to her superhero. A pup being a baby wolf and all. I ruffled her hair with my hair and she giggled again. She froze and took my hand off her head. She held my hand in her hand for a short time and then placed it beside me. 

"Thank you chat," she said standing up, ready to leave. "I'll talk to Adrien tomorrow and see if everything is sorted out." She sounded more dismal. I wanted to get up and make sure she was ok before she left but by the time I'd stood up and turned around she was gone. 

Emma's POV: 

After the fight with volpina. I headed down an alleyway with chat and detransformed, since chat already knew my identity it wasn't a big deal that I was without my costume. What was a big deal is that I was in immense pain and I was awfully tired, which was strange since it was only around noon.  "Hey, you need a ride home?"

He held out his hand for me like the gentleman that he was "no," I yawned. Why am I so tired! "I'm fine, I just need to rest a bit. I'll get their soon." I collapsed on a wall that was next to me, clenching my stomach. I didn't think chat could see me but some part of me hope he was. It was like my stomach and chest where being eaten from the inside out and my ears held a constant ringing. 

The next thing I knew was that I was in chat's arms and he was deeply worried for me. I used him to stand up, I wanted to walk away. I needed to find Louis and talk to him about what torture I was going through, maybe he could figure why my head was screaming in agony. Chat doesn't know what I've been through therefore he can't help. " I can get home myself. It's not even dark. Just go.. you have o..other things to" My throat was dry and it hurt to talk. Whist one part of my brain told me to go for Louis, the other part saw the father that would call an ambulance if I tripped up a curb. 

"tell me where you live so we can get you some help." Is all I heard before I was lifted off the ground and carried in my dad's arms. As I felt the wind rush past my face, the headache started to clear up. As it did I had fully registered what my dad had asked me and the memories of earlier flooded back to me. I started to cry. I sent a river flowing down my face. The next thing I said I was telling to myself just as much as I was telling chat "I..I don't have a home." I was infuriated, I was all alone with no home on my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY. All because of Lila and her stupid face. I was angry that I couldn't see my parents anymore, I didn't even know if they were alive. "I DONT HAVE A HOME, OKAY!" I felt the warmth of chats body fade away as he sat me down on a flat roof of an apartment. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, comforting me a little. 

 I didn't mind explaining it to him, I rested my head on his shoulder as stated  "there was a fire.... me and my siblings... got out and my parents.... I don't... I don't know." every time I went on to say something more I felt even more depressed and in rage that I just curl up in a ball beside him. After a while my headache returned. It wasn't as excruciating as the  first time but it still hurt. I couldn't hear anything but I felt him wrap his arms around me. "It's okay." I said, "it's not your fault." 

"Emma," I could hear again. I looked up at him and saw him beaming down on me. He paused for a while before he spoke "I know a guy, who would be happy to let tou stay with him for a while." 

I knew he was talking about himself as adrien but that arose some problems in my mind.Before I  pushed him for answered I asked "how do you know he's ok with me staying in his house with me and my 3 siblings?" He just looked at me with one of his 'it's cool' smirks. I understood what he meant but it so I said "Well I can't wait to meet this guy. He sounds really nice, you wouldn't happen to know his name, would you?"

I knew it was adrien but chat didn't know that he responded with a nervous "it's um... I don't know if you've heard of him... Adrien Agreste."

I giggled as I knew that was him, "Aren't you worried about his super strict dad forbidding him to let others stay in the house." I raised an eyebrow and he looked stumped. Like a key detail he'd forgotten. 

"I'm sure everything will work out little pup." I liked the nickname, it was cute. I'd gotten use to him calling us nicknames at home so it didn't strike me as unusual. 

He ruffled with my hair which only made me have more flashbacks to him at home. I went back to being my dismal self. I removed his hand from my head and stared at it in my hand. It was so small. I placed it beside him and got ready to stand up "Thank you chat," I said before I was about to leave "I'll talk to Adrien tomorrow and see if everything is sorted out." 

I transformed and leapt off to where I last saw Louis, Charlotte and Hugo. I wanted to tell them everything that had happened and see if we could figure out what was going on with my headaches and cramps 

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