Just Knowing Him

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A few months passed by and the day is almost over. It's lunch. We came back from Christmas break and the day was back to the way it was: basic and plain. Nothing to tell about, but something was off about Benjy. He was impatient and he seemed so excited for something. I think I already know what it is. He's in love with someone.

It was easy to tell. He seemed brighter at points and laughed out loud when nobody said anything. It was normally quiet, but I wasn't going to say anything to him. That would just embarrass him.

We sat on the bleachers watching the girls' soccer team practice. He was eyeing one of the girls kicking the ball. Sarah. She was a junior. Brunette hair, pale skin, and big boobs. Well, they're bigger than mine.

I would definitely say she is not usually targeted by other men. She's had one boyfriend that she broke up with because he was cheating on her with Lauren R. Shander. He later went out and said that she tasted disgusting. That drove off many guys that liked her because they thought with her big boobs and round hips, she would great at sex. Other than that, she has gotten straight A's besides the one B she got in algebra, freshman year. It's weird she got the eye of Benjy. He doesn't really look for eye candy. He must have got to know her over the Christmas, but why didn't he tell me about her?

"Ok, you know what's weird M?" His mouth was full of food and the tips of those lips curved up to a smile. "What?" I didn't have any food. I wasn't hungry. "Those girls are so dedicated to soccer, it's like they never rest."

There was a small pause as he took another bite of his sandwich that I now crave. "They probably sleep in their bras." He blurted. I wasn't fazed. I just laughed and snorted. "Weirdos." He looked at me in surprise. "You're one talk. I know you sleep in your bra." Now that caught my attention. I looked at him in embarrassment. "And how in all hell do you know that?"

All he did was chuckle and say "I've watched you get dressed a couple times while waiting for you. You really need to start closing your blinds." He said it like it was no big deal. In revenge, I took a bit out of his sandwich. His hand were still holding the sandwich when I did.

I ran down the bleacher's seats as Benjy was chasing me. I screamed like a little girl when he got close. "Get back here M! That was my sandwich!" He had already eaten the rest of it anyway. What is so important about one bite?

Soon he caught up to me and picked me up as he tripped and fell onto the ground. The air flew through my hair as I felt his arms around my body. It was his back to first hit the ground. He raised his hand to my cheeks and forced a fishy face on my face. "Spit it out!" He yelled at me in a playful tone. I knew this was all for fun.

"I already swallowed it!" I yelled back. I wanted to take back my words so quickly. He took his arms off me and sprawled them out as wide as he could. "That's what she said! Now get off of me." He started laughing and pushed me off.

I got off of the dewy grass and watched him lay there, laughing. I laughed with him. I also wanted to kill him. Those stupid fucking jokes get me every time. As he gets up I glare at his smug face. He notices me and starts laughing harder. "I'm going to fucking kill you."

Then... I started chasing him. Oh, how the tides have turned!


It was late into the night and all I was going was watching timber meme videos. Their funny but at the same time make me want to die. I hear the doorbell, something different from the videos. I turn my phone off and head to the door of my tiny place. I open the door and there stood Benjy. Oh, Benjy. Why Benjy?

With an emotionless face, I stare at him. He has a smile that reached from ear to ear. It was his stupid "I-want-to-get-into-trouble" look. "What do you want?" I sigh. I have been through this many times. "I want a sandwich." His eyes gleamed in determination, but his death was staring right at him. "Then go make one," I said.

"I want you to make me a sandwich." I looked at him like he was crazy! Maybe because he is. I already knew that anyway. "And I want you to suck my dick." And with that, I slammed the door to just here a shriek and "Ow! Fuck!" From the other side. I look down at the bottom of the door that hadn't closed from my attempt. His foot was in between the door and the frame. He didn't even have shoes on!

He started to speak as he shoved his way into my house. "Okay, look. You ate part of my sandwich, so it's only fair for you to make me a new one. They say: "if you break it you buy it."" He seated himself down at my small round table as I closed the door I refused to open. I sighed as I made my way to my fridge, looking for something to satisfy him.

"Yeah, well, I'm not your personal servant." I grabbed two cold beers and a bottle opener and headed over to the tiny wooden table. "Best friend, servant: same thing." I handed the slouching man a beer and sat down myself. "Now how in all hell did you get beer? You're not even eighteen yet!" He waved the drink in his hand and looked at my smiling face.

"Don't question, just drink." I popped open my beer and handed Benjy the opener. Ina second the bottle is open and raise mine in the air. "To the start of the senior year!" He raises his bottle and the two clink together. I bring the bottle to my lips and take a sip.

The cold liquid filled my mouth and down my throat. I smile as I hear Benny's voice ring through my head. "You still need to tell me how you got this." I laughed and the night had begun.

It was another night of waiting. Another night of heartbreak.

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